nero Deniz Özabat
Why is monnalisabeautiful • Monna Lisa is a greatpainting. But whatmakesthiswoman on thepaintingsobeautiful? Lines of thefaceareunclearand a theorysaysthatthisunclearnessmakesthefacebeautiful. Becauselines of thefaceareunclear, peoplefilltheselines in theirmindsandthisfilling is different in eachpersonbecauseeachpersonfillsthegaps as in themostbeautifulwayforthem. Everyone has a differenttaste of beautyso, forexampledesign of a car can be beautifulforsomeone, but forothersit’sugly. So I usedthiseffect in mydesigntomake a car whichwould be likedbyeveryone.
The 3 linesrule • One of the golden rules of car design is the 3 linesrule. Itsaysthatcarsmusthave 3 mainlines, andmorelinesmakesthe car uglier. As an irrationalbehaviour of ourminds, wedon’tliketothinkharder on something not importantandwedon’t. Ifthe car has a verycomplexdesignlikehavingmoremainlinesthan 3, wethinkmoreandtoprevent it, wedon’tmentiontheunimportantmainline. Alsothismakes us thinkmoreand as wedon’tlikethinkingmore, wedon’tlikethedesign. • Althoughmy car has 4 mainlines, thisextramainline is not useles. I designedNero in a waythatwecan’tgetawaywithoutmentioningtheextramainline. Also I hadn’t put anydecorationtomakethedesignmoresimple, andneutralizethebadeffect of theextramainline.
Car desingstyles • Therearemainly 3 styles of car design: - StraitLines: Design has straight, sharplinesandedges. - Muscle Car Style: Design includebigmuscles. - EuropeanFluent Style: Design has fluentlines, mostlywithouthavingsharpedgesand not havingbigmuscles. • I designedNero as a car which has naturallinesbecausepeoplelikenaturalthingsmorethansharpandstraightlinedthings. I wantedtomake a designwhichwill be likedbypeoplewholikesthemuscle car styleandbypeoplewholiketheEuropeanfluentstylealso.
Design philosophy of nero • Nero has oneextra mailine tousetheMonna Lisa effect. Mainline A is mostlystraightlineandmainline B is a muscularline. As humanbeings, wewillconsider a mainlinemoreandlessmentiontheothermainlineless. A personwholikesAmericantypemusclecarswillgivemoreimportancetomainline B andimagineNero as a muscle car. Or an anotherpersonwholikesEuropeanstylelessmuscularandfluentdesignswillgivemoreimportancetomainline A andimagineNero an an Europeanstyle car, as he orshelikes.