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Directed Energy Technologies; Tools to Enable Effects – Based Operations

Directed Energy Technologies; Tools to Enable Effects – Based Operations. Dr. Hank Dubin ISMOR 2005. Context of Effects-Based Operations. Influence people to change their minds Examples: Threaten Scare Bribe Intimidate Encourage - Incapacitate Convince.

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Directed Energy Technologies; Tools to Enable Effects – Based Operations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Directed Energy Technologies;Tools to Enable Effects – Based Operations Dr. Hank Dubin ISMOR 2005

  2. Context of Effects-Based Operations • Influence people to change their minds • Examples: • Threaten • Scare • Bribe • Intimidate • Encourage • - Incapacitate • Convince

  3. The 5 “Ds” • Deny • Disrupt • Degrade • Destroy • Dissuade

  4. Directed Energy as a Tool • High Power Microwave • High Energy Lasers

  5. Directed Energy Technology Mechanisms • Examples: • Waveforms • Power Management • Antenna or Optics Beam Shaping • Ultra-precision Targeting for Lasers • Speed of light • Target Specific Materials or Vulnerable Components • Exploiting Target Orientation

  6. Crowd Control Examples • Non-damaging skin sting • Make things too hot to touch • Set fire to items near by • Injure • - Kill

  7. Infrastructure Examples • Television Antenna Tower Scenario • - Set Fire to Storage Facility (from long stand-off distance)

  8. Unexploded Ordnance Examples • Explode Ordnance • Deflagrate Ordnance • - Clear Mines

  9. Aviation Examples • Craze Canopy • Disable Radar • Degrade Flight Controls • Burn Hole in Fuselage • Burn Through Fuel Tank • - Deny Communications

  10. Avoiding Fratricide • Laser System Issues • Predictive Avoidance - satellites • Places severe constraints on laser operations and testing • Can be expected to become a larger problem as the number of • satellites increases • Spontaneous Avoidance • Complicates the Avoidance problem • May also pose a hazard to friendly air and ground systems • - HPM System Issues • - HPM weapon is less precise than a laser • - Beamwidth • - Sidelobes • - Anomalous Propagation (“ducting”) can result in unintended effects • at long range

  11. Battlefield Considerations • Treaties and Conventions • - No blinding • - No interfering with satellites • - Rules of Engagement • - Generally little collateral damage • - Unintended consequences • - Laser scattering from reflective surfaces • - Flammable materials burn out of control • Ground-based HELs have the potential to eliminate the use of • low-flyingaircraft • - New Combat Developments • - Tactics, Techniques, Procedures • - Training • - Safety

  12. Summary • Directed Energy Systems: • Can Be Very Versatile – Dissuade, Deny, Disrupt, Degrade, Destroy • Provide Leap-ahead Capabilities for Many Missions • Must Operate in Cooperation with Other Systems, e.g. Extant Weapons, • Battle Command, Sensors and C4ISR • Require Testing for Development, Training, Operations and Safety • Can Augment Operational Effects Directed Energy Systems Have Potential to Revolutionizethe Battlefield

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