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WordSkills. Lesson 9. alteration alter ego. alter (other) tion (act of) alter (other) ego (self). 1. alt -- other. anniversary perennial millennium. ann ( ) vers (turn) ary ( related to) per (through) enn ( ) ial (related to) mill (thousand) enn ( ) ium (act, process).
WordSkills Lesson 9
alteration alter ego alter (other) tion (act of) alter (other) ego (self) 1. alt -- other
anniversary perennial millennium ann ( ) vers (turn) ary ( related to) per (through) enn ( ) ial (related to) mill (thousand) enn ( ) ium (act, process) 2. ann (enn) -- year
astral circular bipolar astr ( ) al (pertaining to) circ (circle) ar (pertaining to) bi (two) palis (stake) ar( related to) 3. ar (al) – pertaining to, related to
carnivorous incarnate carnage carn ( ) vor ( ) ous (full of) in (in, into) carn ( ) ate (make, do) carn ( ) age (state, quality) 4. carn – meat, flesh
corpse corporal corpulent corp (body) corp ( ) al (pertaining to) corp ( ) lent (full of) 5. corp -- body
conduct deduce production con ( ) duct (lead) de (down, from) duc ( ) pro (forth, forward) duct ( ) ion (act of) 6. duc (duct) -- lead
manufacture deify beneficent manu (hand) fact ( ) ure (act of) deus (god) fy (make) bene ( ) fic (make, do) ent (full of) 7. fact (fect, fic, fy) – make, do
perfectionist physicist linguist per (thoroughly) fect (make, do) ion (act of) ist ( ) physi (nature) ist ( ) lingu (language) ist ( ) 8. ist – one who
literal illiterate alliteration liter ( ) al (related to) il (not) liter (word, letter) ate (related to) al (very) liter (letter) tion (act of) 9. liter – word, letter
loquacious eloquent circumlocution loqu ( ) cious (having quality of) e (out) loqu ( ) ent (full of ) circum (around) locut ( ) ion (act of) 10. locut (loqu) -- talk
migrate emigrant immigrant migr (move) ate (make) e (out) migr (move) ant (one who) im (in, into) migr (move) ant (one who) 11. migr -- move
amorphous polymorphous morphology a (not, lacking) morph (shape) ous (full of) poly (many) morph (shape) ous (full of) morph (shape) logy (study of) 12. morph -- shape
astronomy economics taxonomy astr (star) nom (law) y (result of) eco (house) nom (law) ics (science of) tax (arrange) nom (principles) y (result of) 13. nom – law, rule, principle
anonymous pseudonym synonym an (without) onym (name) ous (full of) pseudo (false) onym (name) syn (same) onym (name) 14. onym -- name
bellicose morose verbose bell ( ) ose ( ) morosus (peevish) ose ( ) verb ( ) ose ( ) 15. ose – having quality of
hydrophobia claustrophobia monophobia hydro (water) phobia ( ) claudere (to close) phobia ( ) mono (alone, single) phobia ( ) 16. phobia -- fear
complicate pliable reply com (together) plic ( ) ate (make, do) pli ( ) able (capable of) re ( ) ply ( ) 17. pli (plic, ply) -- fold
interrogate prerogative rogation inter (between) rogat ( ) ate ( make, do) pre (before) rogat ( ) ive (that which rogat ( ) tion (act of) [rogation:prayer of supplication] 18. rogat -- ask
sensitive insentient sentimental sens ( ) ive (that which) in (not, no) sent ( ) ent (full of) sent ( ) ment (result, process) al ( ) 19. sens (sent) -- feel
insomnia somniferous somnambulate in ( not) somn ( ) ia (state of) somn ( ) fer ( ) ous (full of) somn ( ) ambl (walk) ate ( ) 20. somn -- sleep
respiration perspire expire re ( ) spir ( ) tion ( act of) per (though) spir ( ) ex (out) spir ( ) 21. spir – to breathe
tactile tangent contingent tact ( ) ile ( capable of) tang ( ) ent (full of ) con ( ) ting ( ) ent ( ) 22. tact (tang, ting) -- touch
solitude multitude gratitude sol (alone, single) tude ( ) multi ( ) tude ( ) grat ( ) tude ( ) 23. tude – state of
visual revise provident vis ( ) al (related to) re ( ) vis ( ) pro (forth, forward) vid ( ) ent ( ) 24. vid (vis) -- see
xylophone xylophagous xylotomy xylo ( ) phon (sound) xylo ( ) phag (eat) ous (full of) xylo ( ) tom (cut) y ( ) 25. xylo -- wood