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Principals’ Meeting. February 10, 2011. Office of Federal Programs.
Principals’ Meeting February 10, 2011
Office of Federal Programs The Office of Federal Programs seeks to align Federal resources to improve teaching and learning performance outcomes. Specific areas of responsibility include the Elementary and Secondary Education Act/No Child Left Behind (NCLB) reporting and regulatory accountability, Title I services for disadvantaged students, Title IIA initiatives to support Highly Qualified Teachers and Administrators, Title IV Safe and Drug Free Schools, Magnet Schools Assistance Program, Extended Instructional services, night school, summer school programming, and Adult Basic Education Programs. Operating within the framework of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act/No Child Left Behind and the District’s vision, mission and strategic priorities, the focus of the Office of Federal Programs staff is specific and clear: • Deliver educational services that supplement core academic instruction; • Integrate high-impact strategies in schools to serve special needs, targeted student groups and/or core content areas; • Create effective partnerships, internally and externally, to leverage Federal program resources; • Acquire external resources and maintain funding innovation; and • Effectively manage program resources and provide support services to schools It is through these efforts that the Federal Programs office collaborates cross-functionally, with mutual accountability, a shared vision, responsibility and collaboration with all partners: departments, programs, schools, district and community to provide support to improve student achievement and close the achievement gap in a Culture of Educational Excellence.
Spring Amendment • Spring amendment deadline is Wednesday, March 16th • This is the last opportunity to amend your FY11 Title I and Title I ARRA budgets • Level 4 schools can also amend their Bridge Grant during the site visit • FY11 Title I funds expire August 31st, 2011 and Title I ARRA funds expire June 30th, 2011 • Level 4 Bridge funds expire on August 31st, 2011
Site Visits During site visits, the Title I Office will address the individual needs of your school. Various items covered during a visit can include the following: • Provide guidance on the use of Title I, Title I ARRA and Level 4 Bridge Funds(if applicable) • Project personnel/fringe benefit costs for remainder of year • Forecast tutor and workshop payroll costs • Implementation of summer programs • Complete required budget and amendment forms • Address outstanding procurement concerns
Site Visits (cont.) • All sessions will be approximately 45 minutes • Additional dates will be added if necessary • This is the final year for Title I ARRA funds. There will be no carryover or extensions • Amendments will not be processed outside of these dates so please plan accordingly • If you would like to schedule a visit, please contact Ms. Katie Day at ext. 7026 or via email at dayk@sps.springfield.ma.us Please note: The use of Title I funds must be aligned with your Springfield Improvement Framework (SIF) and your School Improvement Plan (SIP).
Available Dates for Site Visits • Monday, February 14th • Wednesday, February 16th • Thursday, February 17th • Friday, February 18th • Monday, February 28th • Wednesday, March 2nd • Thursday, March 3rd • Friday, March 4th • Tuesday March 8th
Open Purchase Order Reports Starting in February, the Title I Office will send out open purchase order reports monthly for Title I (50111), Title I ARRA (TTL11), and Level 4 accounts (LV411). Purpose of reviewing your Open PO Report • If a vendor has finished invoicing and there is an open amount on the purchase order, you are able to liquidate the balance and the funds will be returned to your current year budget • Reviewing the open Purchase Order List each month will also help to determine if an order is missing for your school or if a vendor has not received the order • If purchase orders are left open, they will be closed and you will lose those materials/funds • Federal law states that the district must pay all outstanding debts within 60 days of the close of the grant
FY11 Requisition Deadlines Title I ARRA (TTL11) - 4/15/2011 Title I (50111) - 6/30/2011 Level 4 Bridge (LV411) - 6/30/2011
MUNIS Account codes Regular Title I Fund Code: 2501 Project Code: 50111 Title I ARRA Fund Code: 2506 Project Code: TTL11 Level 4 Bridge Fund Code: 2501 Project Code: LV411 ***Project Codes are case sensitive***
Time & Effort Reporting • In accordance with the Federal Government’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-87, Springfield Public Schools is required to document time and effort spent on Federally-funded activity. Federal regulation states that a district must establish standards for charging fair and appropriate employee compensation to federal grants through Semi-annual and Monthly reporting. This system is an “after-the-fact” process, under which the distribution of salaries is supported by these activity reports. • The Monthly Time and Effort Reporting Form is for employees whose efforts are applied to more than one funding source, at least one of which is Federally-funded. The Semi-annual Time and Effort Reporting Form is for employees whose efforts are applied 100% to a single Federal fund activity.
Time & Effort Reporting (cont.) • For each Federally funded grant, a Time and Effort Reporting Form must be completed and signed by each employee working on the project, regardless of whether the employee is directly funded by the program or provides services as an “in-kind” match, and by the employee’s supervisor. Time and Effort Reporting Forms must be co-signed by a principal or supervisor having firsthand knowledge of the employee’s work related activities. If a form documents a school-based employee’s Time and Effort, it must be co-signed by the school principal. If a form documents a non-school based employee’s Time and Effort, it must be co-signed by the employee’s supervisor. All forms must be signed and submitted to the Business and Financial Services Office or the Office of Federal Programs by the 15th of each month for the previous month’s time.
Quality Control Check for Accuracy The Business Office and Federal Programs Office reviews the monthly and semi-annual forms for accuracy. Time & Effort Form Submitted Supervisor submits approved monthly and semi-annual forms to the Business Office or the Federal Programs Office. Approval of Activity Supervisor (Grant Program Administrator or Principal) of employee verifies information reported; supervisor signs & dates Time & Effort Form Supervisors Notified of Discrepancies Supervisors notified of discrepancies on monthly and semi-annual forms by the Business Office or the Federal Programs Office. Documentation of Compliance Completed monthly and semi-annual forms are maintained by the Business Office or the Federal Programs Office. Discrepancies Corrected & Submitted Employee corrects discrepancy supervisor verifies information and resubmits form to the Business Office or Federal Programs Office. Employees Notified Employees notified of reporting requirements through supervisor or administrator . Employees Identified Report is generated from MUNIS identifying split-funded or single funded employees. Time & Effort Report Employee completes appropriate monthly or semi-annual form; employee signs & dates form. Time & Effort Reporting Flowchart
Title I Office Contact Information • Dr. Denise L. Pagán-Vega – Chief of Federal Programs Phone: (413) 787-6769 Fax: (413) 886-5495 pagan-vegad@sps.springfield.ma.us • Ms. Mindie Richter – Title I Senior Administrator Phone: (413) 750-2733 Fax: (413) 886-5495 richterm@sps.springfield.ma.us • Mr. Adam Tarquini – Title I Manager Phone: (413) 750-2688 Fax: (413) 886-5495 tarquinia@sps.springfield.ma.us • Ms. Katie Day – Title I Administrative Assistant Phone: (413) 750-7026 Fax: (413) 886-5495 dayk@sps.springfield.ma.us