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Partus Rocket Model. By Johannes Partanen & Jukka Hassinen (author) December 2008. General Model Application of Nonaka’s and Takeuchi’s Knowledge Creation Theory. Network level. Community level. Team level. Dialogue. Individual level. Tacit knowledge. Explicit knowledge.
Partus Rocket Model By Johannes Partanen & Jukka Hassinen (author) December 2008
General Model Application of Nonaka’s and Takeuchi’s Knowledge Creation Theory Network level Community level Team level Dialogue Individual level Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge Learning by Doing
From Dialogue to Action and From Explicit Knowledge to Tacit Knowledge Dialogue Explicit knowledge Tacit knowledge Learning by Doing
Interaction and conversations with others, brainstorming, intensive thinking, self-reflection Window 1 Talking, “throwing ideas”, “talking during breaks”, formal dialogue sessions Window 2 Crystallizing ideas, making lists of main points, finding leverage points Dialogue “Silent knowledge”, intuitive knowledge, practical knowledge, hard-to-describe -knowledge Transferrable knowledge, analysis, plan, list, picture, model, book, knowledge base, manual Explicit knowledge Tacit knowledge Window 4 Testing ideas in practice, using plans to generate action Learning by Doing Window 3 Making specific plans and prototypes, creating theories, finding interesting ideas and theories from books Action, using plans, doing
Pitfalls Caused by Missing Parts of Process • Without dialogue no new ideas are generated. • Without learning by doing ideas are not tested in practice so no new knowledge on their effectiveness can be known. • Without explicit knowledge there is no transfer of knowledge from the individual to the community or team. • Without tacit knowledge there are no capabilities to do anything. • Without outer rings (”levels”) knowledge is out of it’s context and is thus useless.
The Process of Creating Team Entrepreneurs Coach’s side Team entrepreneur’s side Creating value to customer Customer Relationship Process Brand Management Process Process of Offerings Incubation Process of Marketing to Customers Innovation Process Knowledge Process Customer Process Customer Potential Process Preincubation Process of Creating Leading Thoughts Process of Leadership Company’s Learning Process Community’s Learning Process Individual’s Learning Process Coaching Process Finance Process Basic elements
The Process of Individual Learning Intellectual Capital Entrepreneurship Portfolio Dialogue Ideas Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge Essays Learning by Doing
The Process of Learning from Your Community Network Co-creating with customers Training in a knowledge community Dialogue Ideas Birth-giving raport Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge Learning by Doing
The Process of Learning from Your Company Network Culture Life’s arena Dialogue Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge Learning by Doing
The Process of Potential Customers Customer potential Co-creation with customers Benchlearning Dialogue Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge Learning by Doing
The Process of Marketing to Customers Shared Vision Life-long customer relationships Brand Dialogue Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge Learning by Doing
The Process of Customer Relationships Generating customer capital though ecogenesis Life-long customer relationship Trust Dialogue Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge Learning by Doing
The Process of Creating Guiding Thoughts Shared vision Shared mission Shared values Dialogue Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge Learning by Doing
The Process of Leadership Shared vision Learning, living company Personal competency Dialogue Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge Learning by Doing * = Y-model refers to Katzenbach & Smith’s two ways of leading a team.
The Process of Innovation Network Co-creation environment Team Company Dialogue Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge Learning by Doing
The Process of Knowledge Network’s intellectual capital The flow of knowledge Understanding information Dialogue Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge Learning by Doing
The Process of Brand Management Brand envelope Guiding thoughts Brand code Dialogue Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge Learning by Doing
The Process of Offerings Life-long customer relationship Learning relationship Communication Dialogue Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge Learning by Doing
Literature • Cunnigham: The Wisdom of Strategic Learning (learning contract) • Gad: 4-D Branding - Cracking the Corporate Code of the Network Economy (brand envelope) • Katzenbach & Smith: The Discipline of Teams (Y-model) • Nonaka & Takeuchi: The Knowledge Creating Company (knowledge creation theory) • Normann: Normannin liiketoimintateesit (ecogenesis and co-creation) • Senge: Dance of Change (learning processes) • Senge: The Fifth Discipline (background) • Waterman: What America Does Right (Motorola reports)