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Measuring aid to water supply and sanitation. Valérie GAVEAU (OECD) 5 th World Water Forum Istanbul, March 2009 Session 2.1.5 GF4A and Closing Plenary. Measuring aid to water supply and sanitation Main trends in ODA. DAC > Development Assistance Committee CRS > Creditor Reporting System
Measuring aid to water supply and sanitation Valérie GAVEAU (OECD) 5th World Water Forum Istanbul, March 2009 Session 2.1.5 GF4A and Closing Plenary
Measuring aid to water supply and sanitation Main trends in ODA DAC > Development Assistance Committee CRS > Creditor Reporting System • Source for official statistics on ODA -- standard methodology -- agreed definitions • that can be used to -- analyse trends -- compare the efforts of donors.
Measuring aid to water supply and sanitation Main trends in ODA • How much? Trends in donors’ aid to WSS • For whom? Degree of targeting of countries most in need
Measuring aid to water supply and sanitation How much ? Aid for WSS has risensince 2001. Shares in sectorallocable ODA also rose in recentyears. 5-year averages , constant 2006 prices
Measuring aid to water supply and sanitation How much ? Total aid for WSS rose to USD 6.2 billion in 2006-2007 (8% of total sector allocable aid). Average 2006-2007 commitments, USD million, constant 2006 prices
Measuring aid to water supply and sanitation For whom ? • 23% of aidallocated to the poorest countries (LDCs). • Concessionalloansrepresent a significantshare of aid for WSS (40% for LDCS). Grant and loan commitments to WSS by income groups, 2002-2007 average, USD million, constant 2006 prices
Measuring aid to water supply and sanitation For whom ? • The regionmost in need of improvedaccess to WSS, Sub-SaharanAfrica, received 26% of total aid. • The nextmostneedyregion, South and Central Asia, received 20%. Aid for WSS, distribution by region, average 2002-2007
Measuring aid to water supply and sanitationFor whom ? Numerous countries withhighlevels of needreceivelowaid per capita. Aid for WSS per capita in relation to the degree of accessto sanitation
Measuring aid to water supply and sanitation Contributions of CRS information to the implementation of Accra Agenda for Action and GF4A: • Efforts to improve transparency of aid • Collaboration with GLAAS • Separate data collection on aid to water supply and aid to sanitation
Measuring aid to water supply and sanitation Launch of the OECD/WWC report Friday 20 March,16:30-18:30,WWC pavilion Jon Lane, ExecutiveDirector, WSSCC Bai-Mass Taal, ExecutiveSecretary, AMCOW OusseiniThanou, Water Director, Burkina Faso Alan Nicol, Water FellowResearch, ODI Sanjay Wijesekera, Water Team Leader, DFID Lise Breuil, Water & SanitationTask Team Leader, AFD Statistics on ODA atwww.oecd.org/dac/stats/water