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FULL SERVICE APPLICATION REGISTRATION. It is now an Online Function!. Full Service Application Registration.
Full Service Application Registration Iowa Bankers Mortgage Corporation (IBMC) is pleased to enhance our website in support of our Full Service Program. The website will become a key piece of submitting information to improve the efficiency and communication between IBMC and you, our Bank Partners.
How do you know if you are approved to submit applications for the Full Service Programs? Login to the IBMC website at www.ibmc-iba.com and the page that opens will be the Loan Registration & Maintenance page. If you see the Full Service Registration Menu, you are all set up to submit applications for Full Service. If you do not see this menu item, it means that you are not currently set up to send loans through the IBMC Full Service Program. If you would like to get signed up for Full Service, please contact Pam Kucera at PKucera@iowabankers.com for set up information.
The Full Service Registration Menu should look like this unless your bank also conducts Correspondent Lending with us. Then the page will include information for that type of loan registration too.
Are all applications required to be submitted through the website? Initially, we will allow applications to be sent the way they are currently, but we will set a date in the near future where all applications for Full Service MUST be registered through the website. During this time, please only submit each application in one of the two formats, not both. Full Service applications are not allow to be locked at the time of Registration. The application will be available to be locked after the application has been registered and IBMC issues initial disclosures and a processing checklist has been delivered.
To Register a New Application, Please Follow These Directions. Select New Registration and click on the Continue button.
To ensure accurate compliance, you will be asked a few basic questions about how the application was received. Please select the accurate answers.
What date did you receive the application in your bank? Use the calendar to select the date that you received the application. • Application must be submitted to IBMC within 24 hours of you receiving them at your Bank. If it was not registered within that period, IBMC cannot accept this application. IBMC must disclose loan information to the borrowers. Applications that are older than this make it difficult to meet the compliance requirements.
How was the application taken? • Select from the dropdown menu how it was taken Face to face Received in Mail Telephone Internet
Depending on how the application was taken, the following item may be required. Is the application signed and dated by all borrowers? • If it was a Face to Face application the borrower(s) should have signed it the same date as the lender. • Received in the Mail could potentially have an earlier signature and date than the lender. • Telephone and Internet could potentially not have a signature and date by the borrower.
In all cases, the application should be signed and dated by Loan Officer. The NMLS Number for the Bank and for the Loan Officer must be on the application. When completed, select "Continue" to proceed to Registration
Please complete this section based on information from the application. There are several fields that are required. The website will tell you if you are missing information if you try to continue without it being entered. Accuracy is VERY important in this section!
Additional Comments are REQUIRED. You must enter 25 characters to proceed with the application. Please enter a brief narrative related to the loan application and what you would like to do. More information is always better. This may include any oddities surrounding the borrower or the situation. For example, perhaps the borrower is receiving a significant gift from a parent or is planning on changing jobs during the time of the loan file is in process. After you have successfully entered the required information, select Continue. If required information is missing, the missing information will be shown at the top of the screen.
The Review Registration Screen will show you what you have requested. To edit this, select Edit Loan Information at the bottom of the screen. If the information is correct, proceed to the “Upload Files” section of the this screen
UPLOAD FILES REQUIRED- 1003 Application. The entire 1003 should be complete. Failure to submit a complete application will delay your file registration and ability to lock.
The image of the application (1003) must be uploaded at this time. This application must agree with the information that you have already provided in the Registration Request. • Scan the application to a location on your desktop or file directory. • Click on “Select” and browse to the location of the image of the application and enter. Other items that are helpful with the processing of the application can be uploaded at the same time. These items are not required, but highly recommended. These would include: paystubs, W-2’s, tax returns for self-employed, bank statements, asset statements, etc… After successfully uploading, proceed to “Submit Registration”. Your registration confirmation will appear on this screen in a moment. This can be printed for your records.
Your loan will soon appear in your pipeline as a Float. It may take a little time for it to be registered, approximately 2 hours. Loans will not be available to lock until IBMC has assigned the loan to a Processor and a checklist has been generated. This will happen within 2 days of the application being registered. During this time, IBMC will be creating the early disclosures that are sent to your borrower.
How to Lock your loan that is Floating. From the main menu, select Lock Existing Full Service Float. A drop down menu will appear showing loans that are available to be locked. Select the loan you want to lock and click Continue.
This will take you to the Loan Details screen where your rate can be selected. The information that was used to register the loan will appear. Select the rate you want from the dropdown menu and click on Review Pricing. Comments are required related to the pricing you are selecting.
The actual pricing will appear. You can edit pricing to go back to change the rate you want to actually lock at by clicking on Edit Pricing. If the rate and pricing are what you want, click on Submit Lock.
View Your Pipeline of the Active Applications The pipeline will show all active Full Service and Correspondent applications that have been registered with IBMC. To see your pipeline, select View Pipeline and Continue.
Your bank’s complete pipeline will open up. Full Service applications will have “Full Service” in the Extended Exp. Dt. Column
On the Pipeline list, there are links to key information about your application. Clicking on the loan number (App Num) will open up a screen showing you current information about this specific loan application.
You can do the following in this loan screen: • Email your Processor or Closer- The Processor or Closer name is a link that will open up email to allow you to send an email directly to that person. Just click on the name to send them an email. • Lock the rate on this application • Upload conditions on this application.
After selecting “Upload Documents” a screen will open up that you can upload conditions to IBMC. These must be in PDF or DOC format. To create a PDF, you should scan your package and email it to yourself from a scanner/copier. Save the document to your computer, any directory will work as well as the desktop. It is important to remember where you stored the document.
This page will allow you to browse to where you have stored your loan document. Select the document and upload it to IBMC. You can also add comments related to what you are sending. You can view your upload history.
Some additional functions that you can complete from this loan screen are: • Extend the rate lock on the loan application or change loan details which would apply for a Correspondent loan rather than a Full Service loan. • Cancel the loan application
From the Pipeline list, you can also see what conditions apply to your application. To see what conditions are outstanding on your loan application click on the loan in the Status column of the pipeline list.
Certain statuses are links to your Processing Checklist for Full Service applications. By selecting that status, you can see what conditions are still required for your loan application. This information is “live”, as IBMC updates these conditions internally, you will see them immediately on the website.
This is what the Processing Checklist will look like.
Thank You!! We Appreciate Your Business and Look Forward to Continually Working with You