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Ecosystem. Write On Grade 5. Learner Expectations. Content Standard: 2.0 Interactions Between Living Things and Their Environment. The student will investigate how living things interact with one another and with non-living elements of their environment. Learning Expectations:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ecosystem Write On Grade 5

  2. Learner Expectations • Content Standard: 2.0 Interactions Between Living Things and Their Environment. • The student will investigate how living things interact with one another and with non-living elements of their environment. • Learning Expectations: • 2.1 Investigate the relationships among organisms in a specific ecosystem.

  3. In this activity you will: • Learn how living things interact with one another and with non-living elements of their environment. • Write a paragraph using three facts you learned from this presentation.

  4. What is a Population? • A population is one species living in a specific area. • For example, all foxes living in an area form a population. • Another example, all dandelions growing in an area form another population.

  5. What is a Community? • A community is formed from all living populations found in an area. • All the foxes, dandelions, grasshoppers, snakes, hawks, deer, and skunks living in one area each form their individual populations, but together make up a community.

  6. What is a Ecosystem? • An ecosystem is formed by the interactions between all living and non-living things • How do living and non-living things interact in an environment?

  7. What is Ecology? • Ecology is how living and non-living things affect each other in their environment. • We have already named several living things found in a community. Can you name non-living things in your community?

  8. Non-living parts of your community • Buildings • Roads • Bodies of water • Automobiles • Traffic lights

  9. How non-living and living things affect each other • Building more homes drives many animals out of their natural habitats or communities. • Littering can destroy an animals habitat. • Air pollution from automobiles and factories will affect the quality of life for all living things in a community, including people.

  10. Writing Activity • Write a paragraph about the effects that living and non-living things have on each other. Include three facts from this presentation and one fact that you discovered on your own.

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