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Standards-based District Benchmark Assessment System

Success in Both Accountability Systems. Ensure students master and can demonstrate mastery of the California State Blueprint content standardsKnow exactly what students know at their grade levelIdentify students above and below grade level and what their gaps in learning are from previous grade levels; alter/differentiate instruction to meet specific student needMeasure student growth.

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Standards-based District Benchmark Assessment System

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    1. Standards-based District Benchmark Assessment System Doug Wells Lake Elsinore Unified School District Educational Services Division

    2. Success in Both Accountability Systems Ensure students master and can demonstrate mastery of the California State Blueprint content standards Know exactly what students know at their grade level Identify students above and below grade level and what their gaps in learning are from previous grade levels; alter/differentiate instruction to meet specific student need Measure student growth

    3. A fundamental shift to allow standards-based benchmark assessments Shift from textbook-driven instruction to standards-driven instruction The Standards Blueprint is the curriculum The text is a resource to use in teaching the standards Allows standards-based assessments to match instruction Eliminates that is not how our textbook covers the material. The standards schedules are revisited each year to move standards around as needed This was very helpful with the new math textbook adoptions We do not need to revise the pacing guides, based on a text

    5. Communicating the Benchmark Standards Each teacher has the color-coded standards posted in their classroom Each teacher receives a binder with the following: Color-coded Standards Schedule The original Blueprint Standards The most recent CST Released Items for their grade level/content area Each principal, assistant principal, coach, etc receives a binder with the materials for each grade level/subject area at the school

    6. Teachers take it further Teachers provide each student with the standards for the benchmark period As a student masters a standard, they color the sheet with the benchmark period color Teachers, post the standards around the room as the class masters each standard i.e. in pumpkins, Christmas trees, hearts, etc At most sites, the benchmark standards are provided to parents at parent nights, in the school handbook, etc

    7. General Assessment Timeline

    8. Coordination of Assessments

    9. Benchmark Assessment Development Process Once Standards Schedules are developed, we develop draft assessments for each benchmark period using the INSPECT item bank. A team of teachers comes in an reviews the assessments, based on there content, format, standards alignment, rigor and comparison to CST released items Teachers recommend modifications, changes, additions, deletions, etc The teacher teams are very well versed in the standards, released items, etc for each grade level/subject that they review In most cases the recommendations make the assessments more rigorous The recommended changes are sent to Key Data Systems KDS reviews the recommended changes and determines if they are appropriate In most cases, the changes are accepted and added to the item bank Key Data Systems then formats and makes a clean .pdf file of each assessment Assessment materials student assessments, answer sheets, teacher directions (for grades 1 and 2) are then prepared and delivered to the school sites Answer sheets are returned based on the assessment schedule and are scored and reported at the District Teachers, principals, etc can also go into EADMS and look deeper into the data than the provided reports provide

    10. Reports Generated from the Benchmark Assessments

    11. Site Comparison Strand Summary (Principals and District Administrators)

    12. Best Practices Report (Principals and Grade Level/Dept Chairs)

    13. By Standard Reports (Principals and District Administrators District and Site level data All teachers class level data)

    14. Class Strand Summary Report (All teachers)

    15. Student By Standard Report (All Teachers)

    16. Questions? Contact Information: Doug Wells Phone: (951)253-7000 ext. 5206 E-mail: doug.wells@leusd.k12.ca.us

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