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2 nd EU Energy Facility Overview. Guido Glania Secretary General Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) AREA Telephone Conference, 17 December 2009. The Alliance for Rural Electrification.
2nd EU Energy Facility Overview Guido Glania Secretary General Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) AREA Telephone Conference, 17 December 2009
The Alliance for Rural Electrification • ARE is an international business organisation which promotes efficient renewable solutions for rural electrification in developing countries: • The Alliance attracts and unites all relevant private sector actors in order to speak with one voice • The Alliance generates technical and financial solutions for rural electrification • ARE communicates and advocates for rural electrification using RES “THE ALLIANCE FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION PROMOTES AND PROVIDES EFFICIENT RENEWABLE SOLUTIONS FOR RURAL ELECTRIFICATION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES”
RE Industry RETs Governments of Developing Countries The donors and policy trendsetters The donors Other actors NGOs Think Tanks Rural authorities Consumers Media Our ecosystem ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●
Energy Facility: Components Two components: Component 1: Projects to increase access to modern, affordable and sustainable energy services for poor in rural and peri-urban areas with a special focus on decentralised and renewable energy solutions as well as on energy efficiency measures. • Component 2: Actions to improve governance and framework conditions in the energy sector at regional, national and local levels, in particular those aimed at promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency.
2nd Energy Facility: Procedures (1/2) 30 November: First call for proposals launched (100 Mio. Euros) 1 February 2010: Deadline for concept notes Selection June 2010: Deadline for detailed proposal Selection Fall 2010: Contract awards 1 Semester 2011: Beginning of projects
Energy Facility: Procedures (2/2) • 40 Mio. Euro Pooling Mechanism for development banks (can result in soft loans, bankability of threshold projects) • 60 Mio. Call for Proposals in 2011
Some important aspects • Projects can run up to 48 months • Local/national partner necessary • Eligible overheads for project administration up to 7 % • PADOR registration required • List of contracted projects for the 1st energy facility publicly available: • http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/where/acp/regionalcooperation/energy/documents/1ef_cfp_contracted_projects_en.pdf
More information All information in this presentation has been provided to the best of our knowledge. However, we cannot assume any liability for this information. For more information and validation please consult the official website of the European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/where/acp/regional-cooperation/energy/index_en.htm Guido Glania Alliance for Rural Electrification Rue d’Arlon 63-65, 1040 Brussels, Belgium T +32 2 400 10 51 g.glania@ruralelec.org www.ruralelec.org Photo credit: ARE members