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Company Profile 公司簡介. Aplus Molds & Plastics Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Chen Lueng) was founded in July of 1995, with the collaboration of a team of experienced elite associates.
Company Profile 公司簡介 Aplus Molds & Plastics Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Chen Lueng) was founded in July of 1995, with the collaboration of a team of experienced elite associates. Equipped with professional experiences & knowledge, we devoted ourselves to plastic products and molds production, items include but not limited to auto parts; OA accessories; small appliances and electronic parts. Currently, we focus on both ODM development and OEM production, as well as production of plastic molds and the export of such items. Furthermore, by utilizing our special technology with the characteristics of plastic; we developed and produced the innovative “Road Warning Safety Guardrail” . 『成綸企業股份有限公司』創立於1995年7月初,經集合全體工作夥伴皆是歷經工作磨練之 精英而創立。 本公司以專業的經驗與知識投入塑膠業和模具業服務於市場,生產之產品以汽機車零配件、OA零配件、家電產品及相關電子類產品為主,並以專業技術運用塑膠之特性研發與製作出 「道路安全示警護欄」,目前皆以ODM開發、OEM生產為主,並積極開拓模具製造外銷等業務。
Certificates 專業認證 To achieve the highest quality control standard in our fields, we integrated ISO-9001:2008, ISO/TS-16949:2009, ISO-22000:2005 & HACCP management systems to truly satisfy our promises to our esteemed customers. 為將品質提升到業界最嚴謹的品質管理水準,以ISO-9001:2008、ISO/TS-16949:2009、 ISO-22000:2005暨HACCP之管理系統,以達到真正滿足客戶需求之承諾及保證。 ISO-9001 ISO/TS-16949
Certificates 專業認證 ISO-22000 HACCP
Product Introduction 產品簡介 These PC & PP safety guardrails are our newly developed innovations, and they can be used in roads around the globe. This plastic guardrail is different from the traditional Jersey barrier or steel guardrail with the advantages such as stronger product structure safety; higher malleability; light weight and anticorrosion. 本新產品為自主創新研發以聚碳酸酯與聚丙烯製作之公路護欄,適用於世界各國之道路,此塑化之「道路安全示警護欄」有別於傳統紐澤西護欄與鋼質護欄,其優點在於產品結構 安全性強、延展性高、質輕且耐候(蝕)性佳,並有示警、吸震、緩衝、強韌、美觀與安全,建置與維護成本低廉且安裝(或拆卸)方便等特性。 Furthermore, these products are anti-UV treated which can withstand continuous sun exposure and heat, and the material can be recycled so will not damage the soil or our ecosystem; better suit currently enforced environmental protection idea and economic benefits. 此外,本產品採抗UV耐候8級(汽車最高等級),可防日曬及高溫環境。亦具有材料可回收再利用之特性,不破壞土壤與生態環境,較符合現行之環保理念且具經濟效益。
Product Introduction 產品簡介 With pleasant appearance and vivid color scheme, which can be custom-ordered to better fit local scenery and please the views of the drivers. These safety guardrails are equipped with special reflecting lights (yellow-ongoing, red-reversion), which act as the functions of caution and guiding and increase the road safety. 另在本產品外觀部分,其外表美觀、顏色鮮豔可依整體規劃設計,採用不同色彩(可由使用單位指定)融合該地景觀並增加道路風光,讓駕駛者有示警與提高行車安全。且公路護欄具備特殊反光鈕設計(順向黃光、逆向紅光),對於有道路警示與導引功能,可增加行車安全。
Comparison Chart 特色比較 Based on the characteristics of a few commonly used guardrails, the following is a chart to show the comparisons. 將目前幾種常用道路護欄之特性,依其強度、耐候性、外型、維修費用、視覺誘導等相互比較,可以了解各種護欄所呈現的關係。
Taiwan Automotive Research And Testing Center (ARTC) 財團法人車輛研究測試中心
Test Report檢驗報告 Report number:B101SS0017Test Category:Non-Regulation 報告編號:B101SS0017檢測類別:□法規■非法規 Test Item:Strength Test 檢測項目:靜態擠壓強度測試 【PC Test Report 】PC檢驗報告 Post-test 測試後 YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwg2JH3ypiA
Test Report檢驗報告 【PC Test Report】PC檢測前/中結果 Report number:B101SS0017Test Category:Non-Regulation 報告編號:B101SS0017檢測類別:□法規■非法規 Test Item:Strength Test 檢測項目:靜態擠壓強度測試
Test Report檢驗報告 Report number:B101SS0017Test Category:Non-Regulation 報告編號:B101SS0017檢測類別:□法規■非法規 Test Item:Impact Test 檢測項目:動態衝擊測試 【PC Test Report 】PC檢驗報告 YouTube:://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VirHqNyFhJw
Material Characteristics 材質特性 【POLYCARBONATE 】聚碳酸酯 • Against UV and for the majority of climate 耐候性佳 • High heat resistance 高耐溫 • High mechanical strength 高機械強度 • High impact strength 高衝擊強度 • Transparent 透明性
Material Characteristics 材質特性 【POLYPROPYLENE 】聚丙烯 • Light weight 質輕 • High temperature resistance 耐高溫 • Chemical resistance 耐化性佳 • Excellent stiffness 鋼性佳 • No stress cracking 無應力龜裂 • High tensile strength 高抗張強度 • Excellent flexural strength 折撓壽命長 • Excellent electrical properties 極佳的電氣性 • Impact resistance 耐衝擊
Products產品圖示 【Road Warning Safety Guardrail-Accessories】 道路安全示警護欄-配件 Guardrail End 護欄末端 Guardrail 護欄本體
Products產品圖示 Reflecting Light 反光鈕 Buffer Clamp 緩衝夾座 Base of Reflecting Light 反光鈕基座
Products產品圖示 Screw 螺絲 Screw Specification 螺絲規格
Products產品圖示 【Assembly Drawing】 組裝完成示意圖 Drive Direction
Products產品圖示 【Explosion Drawing 】分解示意圖 Drive Direction
Products產品圖示 【Install for Guardrail 】護欄組裝示意圖 Side end of the guardrail utilizes unique concave design, it creates a flush appearance and aesthetic feeling when two pieces are overlapped. Drive Direction 3M reflective strips Drive Direction ※Round Steel Pipe are not supplied with the goods 出貨不含圓型鋼管
Guardrail Illustrations使用範例 【1. Regular Roads】範例1:一般道路 Note: Reflective guardrail suits for the majority of climate and full of flexibility, good for highways and regular roads. 說明:道路安全示警護欄具耐候特性且強韌有彈性,適合在高速公路或一般道路中使用。
Guardrail Illustrations使用範例 【2. Cliff or Valley】範例2:峭壁/溪谷 Note: Reflective guardrail can be used along valleys, cliffs, ditches, or rivers. 說明:道路安全示警護欄可使用在溪谷、峭壁、河邊或大排水溝旁。
Guardrail Illustrations使用範例 【3.Guardrail in Curve Road】範例3:地形 Note: With high elongation, it can be easily bended and used for all kinds of roads. 說明:本產品因延展性高,可依地形做彎曲調整。
Guardrail Illustrations使用範例 【4.Dense Fog】範例4:濃霧 Note: While driving in dense fog, it yields considerable safety and guiding capabilities. 說明:在濃霧間行車,其安全性及導引功能亦佳。
Guardrail Illustrations使用範例 【5.Night Version】範例5:夜間 Note: Guardrail combined with the reflecting light and the 3M reflective strips to serve the functions of warning and guiding for driving safety at night. 說明:此護欄表面貼有反光飾條,並以特殊反光鈕設計,具有道路警示及 導引功能,可增加行車之安全性,於夜間行車時效果更佳。
Guardrail Illustrations使用範例 【6.Night Version】範例6:夜間 Note: Guardrail combined with the reflecting light and the 3M reflective strips to serve the functions of warning and guiding for driving safety at night. 說明:此護欄表面貼有反光飾條,並以特殊反光鈕設計,具有道路警示及 導引功能,可增加行車之安全性,於夜間行車時效果更佳。
Guardrail Illustrations 【7.Impact Resistant】範例7:耐衝擊 Note: Resistant against falling rocks, not easy to deform. 抗落石,不易變形
Guardrail Illustrations 【8. Impact Resistant】範例8:耐衝擊 Note: Resistant against falling rocks, not easy to deform. 抗落石,不易變形
Guardrail Illustrations 【9. Impact Resistant】範例9:耐衝擊 Note: The guard rail is resistant to the impact of cars.
Guardrail Illustrations 【10. Impact Resistant】範例10:耐衝擊 Note: Vehicle collision barrier no deformed, only surface scratch. 說明 : 車輛擦撞後護欄無變形,僅有表面擦痕
Guardrail Illustrations 【11. Impact Resistant】範例11:耐衝擊 Note: Vehicle collision barrier no deformed, only surface scratch. 說明 : 車輛擦撞後護欄無變形,僅有表面擦痕
40’Container一般貨櫃 【Packing Details】裝櫃明細
40’Container一般貨櫃 【Loading Detail in Container】貨櫃堆疊示意圖 Buffer Clamp 緩衝夾座 Base of Reflecting Light 反光鈕基座 Guardrail End 護欄末端 Guardrail 護欄本體 Reflecting Light 反光鈕 Screw 螺絲
Thank You 3D動畫YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB7C796904D7670BE&feature=view_all