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How to be a teacher librarian

How to be a teacher librarian. Mariann Løkse Subject librarian for art and literature University Library of Tromsø mariann.lokse@ub.uit.no. 7 ways to success. Know your audience Know your technology Be relevant Teach the teachers Use lots of examples Activate the students

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How to be a teacher librarian

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to be a teacher librarian Mariann Løkse Subject librarian for art and literature University Library of Tromsø mariann.lokse@ub.uit.no

  2. 7 ways to success • Know your audience • Know your technology • Be relevant • Teach the teachers • Use lots of examples • Activate the students • Enjoy yourself!

  3. Know your audience • Context is relevant • Age & background matters – sometimes • Find the motivating factors • Optional vs. required course? • Bachelor or master studies? • Are they writing a dissertation/assignment?

  4. Technology • If you don’t master it, don’t use it • Keep updated with new technology • Acquire some of the skills you lack The Next Big Thing

  5. Be relevant • Don’t be overambitious • Tailor-make courses • Be careful with library terminology periodicals boolean operators bar code truncation call number quarto

  6. Teach the teachers • You can’t win them all! • Start with the ones that are open for cooperation • Emphasize your information expertise • Faculty + library = symbiotic relationship

  7. Use lots of examples • Examples are the Frankenstein of your lecture • Use examples that are relevant for the students • Collect good examples

  8. 2.500.000

  9. Activate the students • Use activities that engage the students • A quiz is always popular. Make your own, or ’borrow’ one from someone else! • Challenge the students • Let them find solutions before you present ”the answer” • Get feedback from students

  10. Enjoy yourself! • Enthusiasm is contagious • If you’re bored, your audience will be bored • Let your love for the library shine through • Don’t be afraid to be different

  11. Remember: • ”Our lives are different from anybody else's. That's the exciting thing. Nobody in the universe can do what we're doing!” • (The Doctor, in "Tomb of the Cybermen”) • http://www.njlibraries.org/

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