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WELCOME. TO. SLIDE-SHOW ON. Research Methodology. DR ALLAH NAWAZ. Resource Person. Dr Allah Nawaz. Topic. Research Methodology. for Social Scientists. DR ALLAH NAWAZ. SOCIAL RESEARCH. 1. Predefined STEPS 2. Predefined OUTPUTS of Every Step.

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  1. WELCOME TO SLIDE-SHOW ON Research Methodology

  2. DR ALLAH NAWAZ Resource Person Dr Allah Nawaz Topic Research Methodology for Social Scientists

  3. DR ALLAH NAWAZ SOCIAL RESEARCH 1. Predefined STEPS 2. Predefined OUTPUTS of Every Step SOCIAL RESAERCH BECOMES SCIENTIFIC BY BEING CONDUCTED SYSTEMATICALLY is a SYSTEMATIC process of TOPIC-SELECTION & FORMULATION(definition of the topic), DATA-COLLECTION (on a particular topic), its ANALYSIS into INFORMATION and then PRESENTATION (communication) of the Findings for Different Purposes, for example: • Survival & • Development • To Develop • To Improve • To Solve Problems 1. Problem-solving Why Research? 2. Learning 3. Intellectual Growth

  4. DR ALLAH NAWAZ Research Methodology For Example, Whether Research is a TECHNICAL or SOCIAL process. It is a set of: 1. Principles & Theories How to Develop a Research PROJECT? 2. A Framework for Conducting Research How to COLLECT & ANALYSE Data? 3. Guidelines & Methods 4. A Model for Research as a Systematic Process Suggests STEPS and their DELIVERABLES or OUTPUTS

  5. DR ALLAH NAWAZ SOCIAL RESEARCH PROCESS Steps Outputs Activities Problem Statement Topic Selection & Formulation List of Working Concepts Preliminary Literature Survey 1 Theoretical Framework Pilot Study (optional) Hypotheses Research Project Detailed Literature Survey Data Questionnaire Data Collection 2 Scattered Facts and Figures In Cards, Questionnaires & Interview Material. Interview Observation Qualitative Analysis Information Data Analysis 3 Quantitative Analysis Organized Facts & Figures ready for Documentation Descriptive & Inferential Report Drafting 4 Presentation Revising Composing Book Thesis Paper

  6. DR ALLAH NAWAZ SOCIAL RESAERCH PROCESS Problem Statement Topic Selection & Formulation Preliminary Literature Survey List of Working Concepts 1 Theoretical Framework Pilot Study (optional) Hypotheses Research Project Criteria for Topic Selection When Preliminary Literature Survey reveals that Existing Data on the Topic is not Enough to Develop a RESEARCH PROJECT or PROPOSAL then PILOT STUDY is used to Solve the Problem of Lack of Material for the Research Project Development. • Data is Available • Research Technology is Accessible Academic Research Professional Research • Leading Issue • Budgetary Constraints In a Pilot-Study researcher Prepares an Initial Questionnaire with Open-Ended Questions to Collect Data from the Field or Real-World and thereby Fill the Data requirements unfilled by the preliminary literature survey. Formulation means to: Problem Statement 1. Understand the existing research on the topic List of Working Concepts 2. Extract Variables and Attributes of the topic Hypotheses 3. Find the relationships between Variables 4. Convert all this into a Theoretical Model for the Current Research

  7. DR ALLAH NAWAZ SOCIAL RESAERCH PROCESS Problem Statement Topic Selection & Formulation Preliminary Literature Survey List of Working Concepts 1 Theoretical Framework Pilot Study (optional) Hypotheses Research Project Problem-statement should be given in the form of a STATEMENT however, it can be expressed as QUESTION(S) or Mixed, for example, if the topic is “PATIENTS’ SATISFACTION FROM HEALTHCARE SERVICES IN DIK” Patients’ Satisfaction from Healthcare Services is universally determined by the Factors like Doctors, Medicine, Clinic, Fee & Prices etc. and the Demographic Attributes of the Patients however, readings Differ from context to context. The issues of this research are: How far the Patients are Satisfied from the same Factors in DIK and How their Demographics are influencing their attitude? Satisfaction from DOCTOR Satisfaction from MEDICINE Total Satisfaction Satisfaction from n DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES


  9. DR ALLAH NAWAZ DATA & INFORMATION Both Data and Information are Facts & Figures. Data are NOT Organized according to the Requirements of the Users, while Information is! Facts and Figures are Neither Data or Information by themselves! Data Sources The facts & figures that are already available in the form of one or another Document is called Secondary data from secondary sources. For example, data from books, journals, reports etc. Secondary data can both be Qualitative and/or Quantitative. Secondary When facts & figures are collected directly from the respondents through questionnaires, interviews or observation, they are called Primary data from Primary or ‘First-Hand’ sources. Again Primary data can both be Qualitative and/or Quantitative. Primary

  10. DR ALLAH NAWAZ Data Types At the broader level, Data are categorized into Qualitative and Quantitative. However, both are further subdivided into low level categories for the sake of Analysis & Interpretation. Qualitative data can be textual or pictorial while Quantitative data can be recorded at Nominal, Ordinal, Interval or Ratio Levels! When Facts & Figures are available in the form of TEXT, GRAPHS, PICTURES, FIGURES, AUDIO&VIDIO, it is called Qualitative as it is about one or another Quality of Some Phenomenon. Qualitative Quantitative When Data are made available in the form of NUMBERS, they are referred to Quantitative facts & figures. Qualities can be Converted into Numbers for the sake of Analysis and after analysis, they are reduced back into Qualities.

  11. DR ALLAH NAWAZ APPROACHES TO DATA COLLECTION When the POPULATION of interest is Too LARGE to be CONTROLLED and included in the Study, Researchers use SAMPLES, which are REPRESENTATIVE of all the Diversities of the population. SURVEY An EXPERIMENT may include total population or sample. It is used when the “Unit of Analysis” is in Full or Maximum CONTROL of the researcher. EXPERIMENT When researcher focuses on a Particular CASE. A Case can be an individual, group, organization, community as well as an issue, dispute etc. Both survey and experiments can be used in a case study. CASE STUDY When researcher focuses on a Particular CASE. A Case can be an individual, group, organization, community as well as an issue, dispute etc. Both survey and experiments can be used in a case study. OBSERVATION All of these APPROACHES can be used Separately or in the Same Study!

  12. DR ALLAH NAWAZ METHODS Detailed Literature Survey is commenced after topic selection and formulation. Multiple CARDS are prepared from different sources like Books, Research-Papers, Official Reports etc. LITERATURE SURVEY The Variables and Attributes (Extracted from the Literature) are arranged into a Questionnaire. QUESTIONNAIRE The Questions which cannot be included in the Questionnaire are then asked in the interview. INTERVIEW If neither Questionnaire nor interview is working then Observation is applied for data collection. OBSERVATION All of these Methods can be used Separately or in the Same Study!

  13. DR ALLAH NAWAZ SAMPLE QUESTIONNAIRE Satisfaction of Patients from Healthcare Facilities in DIK 1. Age: _________________________ 2. Gender: ______________________ 3. Education:____________________ 4. Income: ______________________ DEMOGRAPHICS RESEARCH QUESTIONS Closed Questions Open Question COMMENTS: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

  14. DR ALLAH NAWAZ Thanks Dr Allah Nawaz Assistant Prof. Dept. of Public Admn, Gomal University, DIK

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