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Adopted Service Programs

Adopted Service Programs. of Lions Clubs International. There are seven categories of Lions programs. Community Services Diabetes Awareness Environmental Services Hearing and Speech Action and Work with the Deaf International Relations Lions Opportunities for Youth

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Adopted Service Programs

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  1. Adopted Service Programs of Lions Clubs International

  2. There are seven categories of Lions programs • Community Services • Diabetes Awareness • Environmental Services • Hearing and Speech Action and Work with the Deaf • International Relations • Lions Opportunities for Youth • Sight Conservation and Work with the Blind

  3. Lions Adopted Service Programs fulfill the following criteria: • Exemplify the “We Serve” motto; are relevant to Lions clubs internationally • Meet an important community or humanitarian need • Achieve measurable outcomes which benefit service recipients • Provide “hands-on” involvement by Lions • Include leadership roles for Lions • Promote public awareness of Lions service • Are sustainable.

  4. Initiate other service projects, too • Your club can implement any service project that fulfills a local need. • However, Lions Clubs International provides information and organizational support only for Adopted Service Programs.

  5. Before developing a project, your club should: • Define your objectives. • Create measurable goals. • Use local media to explain to the community the positive outcomes of your project.

  6. Resources for Lions clubs • The Lions online publication, Adopted Service Programs of Lions Clubs International (IAD-223) • The Lions Web site www.lionsclubs.org • THE LION Magazine • Lions chairpersons • International headquarters

  7. Community Services • Building Homes for Persons who are Blind or Disabled with Habitat for Humanity • Lions Cultural and Community Activities Program

  8. Diabetes Awareness • Community Education • Diabetes Screenings • Lions Eye Health Program (LEHP) • Recreational Camps for Persons who have Diabetes

  9. Environmental Services • Recycling • Anti-pollution efforts • Tree plantings

  10. Hearing and Speech Action and Work with the Deaf • Communication Aids/ Assistive Devices • Hearing Aid Recycling Program (HARP) • Hearing Ear Dogs • Hearing Screenings • Recreational Camps for Persons who are Deaf or Hearing Impaired • Support Services for Persons who are Deaf or Hearing Impaired

  11. International Relations • International Club Twinning • International Relations Month • Lions Day with the United Nations (UN) • Lions Interclub Assistance • Stamp Collection and Exchange • World Peace Day

  12. Leo Club Program Lions International Peace Poster Contest Lions International Youth Camp Program Lions International Youth Exchange Program Lions Partnerships for Children and Adolescents Lions-Quest Lions Young Ambassadors of the 21st Century Award Lions Young Leaders in Service Award Lions Youth Outreach Lions Opportunities for Youth

  13. Assistive Devices Education for Persons who are Blind Eyeglass Recycling Helen Keller Day LCIF’s Children’s Eye Photo Screening Program Lions Eye Banks Low Vision Projects Recreational Camps for Persons who are Blind or Visually impaired SightFirst Special Olympics Lions Clubs International Opening Eyes Program Support Services for Persons who are Blind or Visually Impaired Vision Screenings White Cane Day World Sight Day Sight Conservation and Work with the Blind

  14. For more information • Lions Clubs International International Activities and Program Planning Division executiveservices@lionsclubs.org 630-571-5466 extension 287.

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