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GREEK MYTHOLOGY. The World of Greek Mythology: The Beginning. At first there was nothing…. Chaos… Darkness… Blackness…. From nothing came Erebus (where death dwells) and Night. Then, out of the rank depths of darkness, Love was born. From Love came Day and Light.
At first there was nothing…. Chaos… Darkness… Blackness…
Gaea, otherwise known as Mother Earth, had children with the heavens, Uranus. Their children were the monsters and Titans of Greek mythology (like the Cyclops) and Ouranos hated his children. • Gaea, with her Titan son, Cronus, turn on Ouranos.
Cronus became the new leader after dethroning his father, Ouranos. He was a terrible leader and an even worse father. • Cronus and his wife-sister, Rhea, have many children, all of which Cronus eats!
Rhea dresses up a rock instead of her baby, and Cronus swallows it without knowing the difference. Yum! • Guess who the lucky kid is who survives?
Zeus frees his swallowed brothers and sisters (many of the other major Greek gods) and they wage war against their father and the race of Titans.
Prometheus helps fight the other titans. • The gods win the war and Zeus takes his throne as the King of the Gods. • He punishes surviving Titans, including Atlas, who has to hold up the world as his punishment.
The Giants rebel, though, and the gods need some help fighting them, as well. In comes Hercules…
The plight of Prometheus • Prometheus, Greek for “forethought,” and his brother, Epimetheus (meaning afterthought) go on all kinds of adventures together.
Prometheus steals fire from the gods and gives it to man, sealing his fate as an eternity of punishment. His liver is eaten daily by a vulture/eagle.
The five ages of man… • Golden Race • Much like the story of Adam and Eve, the Golden age humans lived as one with the gods, but they faded away.
Silver Age • The Silver Age • These humans were stupid and violent towards one another.
Brass Age • The Bronze/Brass Era men were rash, and ultra passionate about war and love. That passion quickly led to their demise.
The Age of Mythic Heroes • The men of the Age of Heroes passed into the realm of legend and myth. Many of the heroes we are going to study stem from this epoch.
The Age of Iron • The Iron Age consists of men with evil nature who never rest and suffer constant turmoil. This is our era of man.