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Explore the historical concept of the chain of being and four humors in medicine, from God to herbs. Learn about societal hierarchy and medicinal practices of the past.
The Chain of Being The chain of being was said to be what held the world together. It was a type of hierarchy that society had to follow. It was created to avoid controversy in class because everyone had a place on the chain and knew where they stood. They chain ranged from God to the lowest forms of life, including trees worms and rocks. The Gods and angels were considered to be unchanging but ‘human flesh’ can move up an down the chain.
God AngelsKings/QueensArchbishopsDukes/DuchessesBishopsMarquises/MarchionessesEarls/CountessesViscounts/ViscountessesBarons/BaronessesAbbots/DeaconsKnights/Local OfficialsLadies-in-WaitingPriests/MonksSquiresPagesMessengersMerchants/ShopkeepersTradesmenYeomen FarmersSoldiers/Town WatchHousehold ServantsTennant FarmersShephards/HerdersBeggarsActorsThieves/PiratesGypsiesAnimalsBirdsWormsPlantsRocks
Four Humors In ancient and roman times it was believed that the body consisted of four fluids blood, bile, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm. It was thought that when these four humors were in balance, a person was healthy. A surplus or imbalance in one of these fluids would not only affect their physical health, but also their personality and complexion.
Medicines Cures were basically concoctions of several different herbs that were thought to be of medicinal value. These concoctions were usually home remedies or ones prescribed by "old wise women". Those who could afford a doctor's care would fill their prescriptions at an apothecary. Different ingredients and herbs would be used for different parts of the body. For instance, head afflictions were treated with sweet-smelling herbs such as rose, lavender, sage, and bay. Heart problems were remedied by plants such as saffron, basil, and rosemary. Stomach aches and other related sicknesses were treated with wormwood, mint, and balm. Lung afflictions such as pneumonia and bronchitis were treated by liquorice and comfrey, which is still used in bronchitis medicine today.