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What is the Easter Season About?

What is the Easter Season About?. 2009 Western Easter Calendar. Feb. 24 Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras). Feb. 25 Ash Wednesday. Feb. 25-Apr. 11 Lent. Apr. 5-11 Holy Week. Apr. 5 Palm Sunday. Apr. 8 Holy Wednesday. Apr. 9 Maundy Thursday. Apr. 10 Good Friday. Apr. 12 Easter.

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What is the Easter Season About?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is the Easter Season About?

  2. 2009 Western Easter Calendar Feb. 24 Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras) Feb. 25 Ash Wednesday Feb. 25-Apr. 11 Lent Apr. 5-11 Holy Week Apr. 5Palm Sunday Apr. 8 Holy Wednesday Apr. 9Maundy Thursday Apr. 10Good Friday Apr. 12 Easter

  3. Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras) Fat Tuesday: • French, Mardi Gras • Tuesday before lent • Festival for days before fat Tuesday, carousing, lasciviousness King of the Niece Carnival in 2007.

  4. Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday • named for practice of putting ashes on foreheads as sign of repentance Ashes on worshiper’s forehead, shape of a cross.

  5. Lent Lent • Ash Wednesday till Easter • Fasting, prayer, alms giving, penance, self- denial • representative of the days Jesus spent in the wilderness before beginning His public ministry Roman Catholic Pope, Lent, 2006.

  6. Palm Sunday Palm Sunday • one week before Easter • services include processions (parades), and palm branches • commemorates Jesus’ Triumphant Entry Oriental Orthodox congregation in India, outside its church with palm fronds on Palm Sunday .

  7. Holy Week Sunday Palm Sunday Wednesday Holy Wednesday Thursday Maundy Thursday Friday Good Friday

  8. Holy Wednesday Holy Wednesday • observes 1st day Judas conspired to betray Christ • church services, local traditions Judas (right) dropping the 30 pieces of silver priests gave him to betray Jesus.

  9. Holy Thursday Holy Thursday • observes 1st day Judas conspired to betray Christ • church services, local traditions Catholic priest washing feet, Holy Thursday.

  10. Good Friday Good Friday • Friday before Easter • commemorates Jesus’ crucifixion • fasting, church services, street processions, special prayers, nailing to crosses Good Friday procession in Bombay, Indian Roman Catholics, depicting theWay of the Cross.

  11. Easter Easter • commemorates resurrection of Christ • 1st century Christians did not observe • church services, baptisms, holy water, sunrise services, communion • Easter Baskets, Easter Eggs, Easter Bunny Russian Orthodox priest blessing Easter baskets.

  12. Observance as a Church of Christ Paul warned. . . . Gal. 4:9-11not observe pagan religion Col. 2:16-19 not holding fast to head Eph. 5:23-24church subject to Christ Has no value against flesh Col. 2:20-23 Churches observing man-made decrees 2 Jn. 1:9not have God Mk. 7:6-9 vain worship Rev. 22:18-19lost in sin

  13. Observance as a Christian Paul kept secular customs 1 Cor. 9:20-21Jew, Gentile, Law of Christ Rom. 14: instructions. . . . vs. 5 personal observance of days vs. 5 fully convinced – faith (vs. 23) vs. 6-8 done for the Lord vs. 19-22 not stumbling block

  14. What is the Easter Season About?

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