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De Sitter Space and Some Related Matters. Rong-Gen Cai ( 蔡荣根 ) Institute of Theoretical Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences. Contents:. What is de Sitter Space? Why de Sitter Space? C. Some Related Matters (Puzzles). What is de Sitter Space? (W. de Sitter, 1917).
De Sitter Space and Some Related Matters Rong-Gen Cai (蔡荣根) Institute of Theoretical Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences
Contents: • What is de Sitter Space? • Why de Sitter Space? • C. Some Related Matters (Puzzles)
What is de Sitter Space? • (W. de Sitter, 1917) 1) Λ<0 anti-de Sitter 2) Λ=0 Minkowski 3) Λ>0 de Sitter (Willem de Sitter,1872-1934)
Definitions: 1): Conformal Flat
Topology 2): A four dimensional de Sitter space is a hyperboloid embedded in a five dimensional Minkowski space!
The coordinates often used i) The globe coordinates:
ii) The planar coordinates: O-gauge!
The Penrose Diagram of de Sitter Space in the Planar Coordinates
B. Why the de Sitter Space? • Maximally symmetric curved space • 2) Inflation model for the early universe • Inflation Model⊕Dark Matter⊕ Dark Energy • 22% ⊕ 73% • 3) Current accelerated expanding universe
C. Some Related Matters (Puzzles) • The CC problem • ----------the Cosmological Constant problem QFT
(2) What is the statistical degrees of freedom of the de Sitter space? Area of cosmological horizon (G. W. Gibbons and S. Hawking, 1977)
(3) The cosmological constant has any relation to SUSY? In general: Fitting data: why not ? (T. Banks, 2000) is a critical limit of M theory!
(4) The vacuum for QFT in de Sitter Space? αvacuum What is the vacuum in the inflation model? (Bunch-Davies Vacuum, Trans-Planck Physics)
(5) Is there the dS/CFT correspondence? (A. Strominger, 2001) However, hep-th/0202163 by L. Dyson, J. Lindesay & L.Susskind dS complementarity precludes the existence of the appropriate limits. We find that the limits exist only in approximations in which the entropy of the de Sitter Space is infinite. The reason that the correlators exist in quantum field theory in the de Sitter Space background is traced to the fact that horizon entropy is infinite in QFT.
(6) The cosmological constant has any relation to inflation model? (T. Banks and W. Fischler,2003) Cosmological Entropy Bound: (Cai,JCAP 0402(2004)007)
(7) How to define conserved quantities for asymptotically de Sitter space? • AD mass • (L. Abbott and S. Deser, 1982) • Surface counterm method • (V. Balasubramanian et al, 2001) (8) Are there corresponding descriptions for thermodynamics of black hole horizon and cosmological horizon in terms of CFTs?
(9) The de Sitter space can be realized in string theory? (KKLT Model, hep-th/0301240) “de Sitter Vacua in String Theory” (10) Entropy of black hole-de-Sitter spacetime? (This can be derived only for the lukewarm black hole) Cai,Ji and Soh, CQG15,2783 (1998), Cai and Guo, PRD69, 104025 (2004).
D. Defining conserved charges in asymptotically dS spaces As an example, consider an (n+2)-dimensional SdS spacetime Narirai Black Holes
Path integral method to quantum gravity For (asymptotically) dS space:
The action: A finite action could be obtained as: Counterterms
The Brown-York “Tensor”: For a Killing vector, there is a conserved charge!
A Conjecture for Mass Bound in dS Spaces? (V. Balasubramanian et al, 2001) For an asymptotically dS spaqce if its mass is beyond the mass of a pure dS space, there must be a singularity.
Topological dS spaces: (Cai,Myung and Zhang, PRD65, 2002)
E. Thermodynamics of black hole horizon and cosmological horizon in dS space • Black Hole Horizon: r_+ • (2) Cosmological Horizon: r_c
Cardy-Verlinde Formula ------An Entropy Formula for a CFT (J. Cardy, 1986, E. Verlinde, 2000) in (n+1) dimensions (Cai, PRD 63, 2001; Cai, Myung & Ohta, CQG18, 2001, Cai & Zhang, PRD64, 2001)
(1) Cosmological horizon in SdS spacetime: (Cai, PLB525,2002)
(2) Black Hole horizon in SdS spacetime (Cai, NPB628, 2002)
F. Dyanamics of a Brane in SdS Spacetime For a closed FRW universe with a positive CC: If , then (E. Verlinde, 2000)
If , we introduce Then (Cai & Mung, PRD67,2003)
The dynamics of the brane is governed by The equation of motion:
Consider a radial timelike geodesic satisfying then the reduced metric on the brane:
Define Case 1: The Penrose diagram for the SdS spacetime
Holography on the brane: Suppose Then and
On the brane, one has Entropy density Energy density Temperature
In particular, one has It coincides with the Friedmann equation when the brane crosses the black hole horizon!