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A global picture of quantum de Sitter space. Donald Marolf May 24, 2007. Based on work w/Steve Giddings. Perturbative gravity & dS. Residual gauge symmetry when both. i. spacetime has symmetries and ii. Cauchy surfaces are compact. E.g., de Sitter!.
A global picture of quantum de Sitter space Donald Marolf May 24, 2007 Based on work w/Steve Giddings.
Perturbative gravity & dS Residual gauge symmetry when both i. spacetime has symmetries and ii. Cauchy surfaces are compact. E.g., de Sitter! An opportunity to probe locality in perturbative quantum gravity!! Watch out for i) strong gravity ii) subtle effects on long timescale (e.g., from Hawking radiation) but keep guesses at non-pert physics on back burner.
+ + + + - - - - Framework Matter QFT on dS w/ perturbative gravity Compare with perturbative QED on dS: 0th order: Consider any Fock state 1st order: Gauss Law includes source iEi =r. Q1= Ei dSi = -Q2 Total charge vanishes! Restriction on matter states: Q|ymatter> = 0
Framework Matter QFT on dS w/ perturbative gravity (Moncrief, Fischer, Marsden, …Higuchi, Losic & Unruh) Similar “linearization stability constraints” in perturbative gravity! Expand in powers of lp w/ canoncial normalization of graviton. Matter QFT & free gravitons + grav. interactions Hamiltonian constraints of GR: for any vector field x, 0 = (qdS1/2) {lp-1[(LxqdS)abpab - (LxpdS)abhab] 0 0 = H[x] S + lp0(Tmatter + free gravitons)abnaxb +…} A constraint for KVFs x ! Residual gauge symmetry not broken by background.
g dS g dS Quantum Theory Requires: Qfree[x] |ymatter + free gravitons> = 0 Each |y> is dS-invariant! Solution introduced by Higuchi: Renormalize the inner product! If consistent, resolves Goheer-Kleban-Susskindtension between dS-invariance and finite number of states. Technical Problem: In usual Hilbert space, |y> must be the vacuum! (But familiar issue from quantum cosmology….) (also Landsmann, D.M.) dS-invariant! Consider |Y> = dg U(g) |y> (Not normalizeable, but like <p| ) { Fock state (seed) For such states, define new “group averaged” product: (Naïve norm “divided by VdS” ) < Y1|Y2>phys := dg <y1|U(g) |y2> For compact groups, projects onto trivial rep. seeds Vaccum is special case; norm finte for n > 2 free gravitons in 3+1
Results • dS: A laboratory to study locality (& more?) in pert. grav. • Constraints each state dS invariant • Finite # of pert states for eternal dS (pert. theory valid everywhere)Limit ``energy’’ of seed states to avoid strong gravity. (Any Frame)Compact & finite F finite N. S = ln N ~ (l/lp)(d-2)(d-1)/d < SdS • Simple relational observables (operators): O = A(x)[O,Qx]=0; Finite matrix elements, but (fluctuations)2 ~ VdS. (Boltzmann Brains) • Solution: cut off intermediate states!O = P O P for P a finite-dim projection; e.g. F < F1.Restricts O to region near neck. Heavy observer/observable OK for Dt ~ SdS. • Proto-local physics over volumes ~ exp(SdS) Other global projections assoc. w/ non-repeating events should work too. • Picture looks rather different from “hot box…” Consider F = q Tab nanb neck ~ ~
Finite # of states? (Eternal dS) • L acceleration. • too much r collapse! • As. dS in past and future if small “Energy.” At 0th order in lp, consider F = q Tab nanb neck < SdS S = ln N ~ (l/lp)(d-2)(d-1)/d Safe for F < F0 ~ l d-3/lpd-4 ~ MBH ; Other frames? |y> and U(g) |y> group average to same |Y>; no new physical states! Finite N, dS-invariant Conjecture for non-eternal dS: eSdS states enough for “locally dS” observer.
x dS Observables? Also dS-invariant to preserve Hphys. Finite (H0) matrix elements <y1|O|y2> for appropriate A(x), |yi>. Try O = -g A(x) But fluctuations diverge: <y1|O1O2|y2> ~ VdS (vacuum noise, BBs) Note: <y1|O1O2|y2> = Si <y1|O1|i><i|O2|y2> . Control Intermediate States? O = P O P for P a finite-dim projection; e.g. F < F1. dS UV/IR: Use “Energy” cut-off to control spacetime volume O is insensitive to details of long time dynamics, as desired. Tune F1 to control “noise;” safe for F1 ~ F0. ~ ~ O is proto-local for appropriate A(x).
Example: Schwarzschild dS Schwarzschild dS has two black holes/stars/particles. Q[x] = M – M = 0 x Solution must be `balanced’! No “one dS Black Hole” vacuum solution.
II. Why a new picture?The static Hamiltonian is unphysical. Q[x] = (qdS1/2) (Tmatter + free gravitons)abnaxb S = HsR - HsL But Q[x] |y> = 0 S |y> = dE f(E) |EL=E>|ER=E> Static Region Perfect correlations… rR = TrLr is diagonal in ER. HsR generates trivial time evolution: [ HsR, rR ] = 0 A “boost” sym of dS
II. Why a new picture?The static Hamiltonian is unphysical. Eigenstates of HsR also unphysical |ER= 0> ~ |0>Rindler UV divergent: no role in low energy effective theory S Static Region HsR generates trivial time evolution: [ HsR, rR ] = 0 A “boost” sym of dS
x dS Observables? Also dS-invariant to preserve Hphys. Finite (H0) matrix elements <y1|O|y2> for appropriate A(x), |yi>. Try O = -g A(x) Proto-local for appropriate A(x) Free fields: Expand in modes. Each mode falls off like e-(d-1)t/2l. Each mode gives finite integral for A ~ f3, f4, etc. For |yi> of finite F, finite # of terms contribute. Conformal case: maps to finite Dt in ESU F maps to energy Large conformal weight & finite F finite integrals!
But fluctuations diverge! Recall: |0> is an attractor…. <y1|O1O2|y2> = dx1 dx2 <y1|A1(x1)A2(x1)|y2> ~ dx1 dx2 <0|A1(x1)A2(x1)|0> ~ const(VdS) Note: <y1|O1O2|y2> = Si <y1|O1|i><i|O2|y2> . Control Intermediate States? O = P O P for P a finite-dim projection; e.g. F < F1. dS UV/IR: Use “Energy” cut-off to control spacetime volume O is insensitive to details of long time dynamics, as desired. Tune F1 to control “noise;” safe for F1 ~ F0. ~
Boltzmann Brains? (Albrecht, Page, etc.) What do typical observers in dS see? I am a brain! dS thermal, vacuum quantum. In large volume, even rare fluctuations occur…. Detectors or observers (or their brains)arise as vacuum/thermal fluctuations. Note: Infinity of ``Boltzmann Brains’’ outnumber `normal’ observers!!! V Our story: • Subtract to control matrix elements <O> • Still dominate fluctuations <OO>for local questions integrated over all dS. • Ask different questions (non-local, finite V): O = P O P Fits with Hartle & Srednicki ~
Poincare Recurrences, t ~ eSdS? (L. Dyson, Lindesay, Kleban, Susskind) • Finite N, Hs: Hot Static Box • Global dynamics of scale factor • Unique neck defines zero of time, never returns. States relax to vacuum; Relational Dynamics neck E = 0 “time-dependent background.” No recurrences relative to neck. Local relational recurrences? No issue: local observers destroyed or decay after t ~ eSdS
Summary • dS symmetries are gauge constraints! • Hs, No “Hot Static Box” picture. • Future and Past As. dS Finite N (F < F0), each |y> dS-invariant • Relational dynamics • “neck” gives useful t=0states relax to vacuum, no recurrences. • O samples finite region R (relational, e.g., set by F1). • For moderate R, Boltzmann brains give small noise term.Recover approx. local physics in R. ~ Vol(R) < l(d-1) exp(SdS), details to come!!
What limits locality in dS? Need “reference marker” to select event. Possible limits from • Vacuum noise (Boltzmann Brains) V ~ exp(SdS) • Quantum Diffusion t ~ [l SdS]1/2 • Marker Decay/Destruction t ~ exp(SdS) • Regulate & avoid eternal inflation, or Short Time Nonlocality t ~ l SdS (Arkani-Hamed) • Grav. Back-reaction t ~ l SdS (Giddings) • l ln l ? Confusion: Durability: Other: