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Ch. 4 Plate Tectonics

Mr. Murray’s Clicker Review. Ch. 4 Plate Tectonics. OLD OCEANIC CRUST IS . . . . WARMER, MORE DENSE COOLER, MORE DENSE WARMER, LESS DENSE COOLER, LESS DENSE. Wegener believed all the landmasses formed one supercontinent called. Panthalassa Laurasia Gondwanaland Pangaea.

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Ch. 4 Plate Tectonics

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  1. Mr. Murray’s Clicker Review Ch. 4 Plate Tectonics


  3. Wegener believed all the landmasses formed one supercontinent called • Panthalassa • Laurasia • Gondwanaland • Pangaea

  4. These can be body parts, traces of where an organism lives or the actual organism trapped in ice, tar or amber • Fossils • Landmasses • Climate evidence • Mesosauris

  5. Alfred Wegener had lots of evidence for his theory of _____________ • Sea floor spreading • Plate Tectonics • Subduction at deep ocean trenches • Continental drift

  6. Why was wegener’s theory not accepted? • He didn’t have enough evidence • He didn’t know about the lithosphere and asthenosphere • Gravity had not been discovered yet. • No one knew about convection currents in the mantle

  7. Which was not part of wegener’s evidence? • Continents fit together like jigsaw puzzles. • Mid ocean ridges and magnetic stripes • Fossils of plants and reptiles on several continents • Land features such as coal mines, glaciers and mountains

  8. How was the mid ocean ridge mapped? • Radar • Submarines • Sonar • Deep sea diving

  9. In _______________ molten material rises from the __________ and erupts along __________________ • Subduction, lithosphere, deep ocean trenches • Subduction, mid ocean ridge, deep ocean trenches • Sea floor spreading, inner core, divergent boundaries • Sea floor spreading, mantle, mid ocean ridges

  10. Convection currents in the mantle cause all of the following except. . . • Magnetic reversals • Plate movement • Pillow lava formed at mid ocean ridges • Volcanoes formed at deep ocean trenches

  11. A collision of two continental plates causes • Subduction of the denser plate • Sea floor spreading • Mountain ranges to form • Volcanoes to form

  12. Collision of 2 oceanic plates cause • Subduction of the denser plate • Sea floor spreading • Mountain ranges to form • Subduction of the less dense plate

  13. Where 2 plates meet is called a . . . • Fault • Border • Boundary • Tectonic collision

  14. Where 2 plates are pushed together there is a . . . • A divergent boundary • A rift valley • A transform boundary • A convergent boundary

  15. Where 2 plates are being pushed apart, there is a • Convergent boundary • Divergent boundary • Mountain formed • Transform boundary

  16. Where 2 plates slip past each other there is • A rift valley • A mountain formed • A volcano formed • An earthquake

  17. Rift valleys occur • At a divergent boundary between continental and oceanic crust • At a convergent boundary of continental and continental crust • At a transform boundary of continental and continental crust • At a divergent boundary of continental and continental crust

  18. The minor plate between africa and eurasia is the _________ plate • Cocos • Phillipine • Arabian • Nazca

  19. The minor plate that part of california and washington are on is the . . . • North American plate • Juan de Fuca plate • Pacific plate • Eurasian plate

  20. The minor plate that is between south america and antarctica is the _____ plate • Scotia • Phillipines • Carribean • Riviera

  21. The ring of fire is an area where there is a lot of plate boundaries that cause earthquakes and volcanoes. This ring surrounds the ___________ plate • Antarctic • Eurasia • Pacific • Indo-australian

  22. When ____________ happens in a area at a faster rate than ____________, the plate _____________ • Sea floor spreading, subduction, shrinks • Subduction, sea floor spreading, expands • Sea floor spreading, subduction, expands • Subduction, sea floor spreading, moves

  23. Which of these plates does not meet at the mid-atlantic ridge? • Indo-australian • South American • African • Eurasian

  24. A continental plate collides with an oceanic plate at a ___________ boundary • Convergent • Divergent • Transform • Fault

  25. When __________ collided with ________ the __________ mountains were formed • China, Eurasia, Indonesian • Eurasia, North America, Appalachian • Australia, Antarctica, Ganges • India, Eurasia, Himalayan

  26. Earth’s tectonic plates are part of the _________ and float on top of the _________ • Lithosphere, Asthenosphere • Mantle, Crust • Asthenosphere, Mantle • Crust, Outer Core

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