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Island of the Blue Dolphins

Island of the Blue Dolphins. Day 1. Background. Compass. Native American. Tides and Beaches. Wave. Survival. Food, fresh air and water, shelter Emotional survival-people to talk to, to care about, and to get help from

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Island of the Blue Dolphins

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Island of the Blue Dolphins Day 1

  2. Background Compass Native American Tides and Beaches Wave

  3. Survival • Food, fresh air and water, shelter • Emotional survival-people to talk to, to care about, and to get help from • Describe times felt alone, such as being lost in the mall or in the woods. • Imagine being lost and alone for years as Karana is in this story. • What would you do to survive so long? • Would it help to have a pet or dog with you?

  4. Vocabulary Canoe: a small long boat that is usually made of wood Survive: to stay alive Rescue: to save someone

  5. Day 1- (322-3) Dolphin, whale, ship, canoe, island, survive,rescue, hope, storm, lonely, Karana • When does Karana hope a ship will come to rescue her? • _____________ during_____________ • (Karana hopes a ship will come during the summer)

  6. Day 1- (322-3) Dolphin, whale, ship, canoe, island, survive,rescue, hope, storm, lonely, Karana • When does Karana see whales in the ocean? • ___________ while ________________. • Karana sees whales while she is looking for ships on the ocean.

  7. Day 1- (322-3) Dolphin, whale, ship, canoe, island, survive,rescue, hope, storm, lonely, Karana • When do the storms come to the island? • __________ come during the winter. • (The storms come during the winter)

  8. Day 2 (324-5)--Decide, wave, direction, strip, travel, canoe, kelp,slide, kneel, paddle, remove • What is the first thing Karana did to get her canoe into the water? • First, ______________. • (First, she removed the large rocks in front of the canoe) • What did she do after that? • Then, _____________ • (Then she laid down strips of kelp in front of the canoe.)

  9. Day 2 (324-5)-- Decide, wave, direction, strip, travel, canoe, kelp,slide, kneel, paddle, remove • What did she do next? • Next,_____________. • (Next, she pushed the canoe onto the strips of kelp). • What is the last thing that happened? • Finally,______________________. • (Finally, the canoe slid into the water.)

  10. Day 3 (326-8)—dawn, dusk, crack, leak, direction • When did Karana notice that she could not see the island anymore? • ________ at __________. • (It was at dusk.)

  11. Day 3 (326-8)—dawn, dusk, crack, leak, direction • When did Karana use the stars to know what direction she was traveling? • __________ at ________ . • (It was at night.) • When did Karana see that her canoe was leaking again and might break? • _______ at __________. • (It was at dawn.)

  12. Day 4 (329-331)—omen, fortune, dangerous, dolphin, crawl, beach • Does Karana decide she has to go back to the island before or after the canoe leaks? • ______ before _______. • ______ after ________. • (Karana decides she has to go back to the island after the canoe leaks._

  13. Day 4 (329-331)—omen, fortune, dangerous, dolphin, crawl, beach • Does Karana feel lonely before or after the dolphins swim beside her boat? • ______________ before __________. • ______________ after ___________. • (Karana feels lonely before the dolphins swim beside her boat.)

  14. Day 4 (329-331)—omen, fortune, dangerous, dolphin, crawl, beach • Do the dolphins leave before or after dusk? • _________ before___________. • _________ after ____________. • (The dolphins leave shortly before dusk.)

  15. Day 5 Quiz • When did Karana hope that a ship would come to rescue her from the island? • What is the first thing Karana did when she decided to leave the island? • When did Karana use the stars to know the direction her canoe was traveling? • Did Karana decide she had to go back to the island before or after the canoe leaked? • When did the dolphins swim beside Karana’s canoe? • What is the last thing Karana does in the story?

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