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TYPE PROJECT Tackling young’s people welfare in Europe

TYPE PROJECT Tackling young’s people welfare in Europe. Main conclusions of the baseline study. Ealing City Council, May 2012. Contents. Background. Statistics. Unemployed People under 30 1.613.500 (30,60% of unemployed people ). Labour Force (LF) 23.103.600. Unemployed

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TYPE PROJECT Tackling young’s people welfare in Europe

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TYPE PROJECTTacklingyoung’s people welfare in Europe Mainconclusions of thebaselinestudy Ealing City Council, May 2012

  2. Contents

  3. Background

  4. Statistics Unemployed Peopleunder 30 1.613.500 (30,60% of unemployedpeople) LabourForce (LF) 23.103.600 Unemployed People5.273.600 (22,83% of LF) LabourForceunder 30 4.604.200 (19,93% of LF) Unemployedpeoplewithterciaryeducationunder 30. 203.500 (3,86% of unemployedpeople) Spain LabourForceWithterciaryeducationunder 30 856.400 (3,71% of LF)

  5. Statistics Unemployed People under 30 380.500 (30,73% of unemployed people) LabourForce (LF). Andalusia. 3.988.000 Unemployed People 1.238.400 (31,05% of LF) LabourForceunder30 872.400 (21,88% of LF) Unemployedpeoplewithterciaryeducationunder30: 40.400 (3,26% of unemployedpeople) Andalucía

  6. Statistics LabourForce (LF). Seville. Unemployed People under 17.846 (22,54% of unemployed people) Unemployed People 79.191 Unemployedpeoplewithterciaryeducationunder 30. 3.186 (4,02% of unemployedpeople) Sevilla

  7. Survey Distributionby sex.

  8. Survey Experimental Sciences 17 Health 27 Humanities 31 TechnicalEducation 49 Social & Law 106 Distributionbyfield of education

  9. Survey 38% 62% Time tofirstoccupationaftergraduation

  10. Survey Kind of workaftercompletion of studies

  11. Survey Relationshipbetweentheuniversitydegrees and employment

  12. Survey 37% 63% Time of contractforthefirstjob

  13. Survey Percentage of employeeswhoworkedwhenstudents

  14. Survey Jobs with / withoutgeographicmobilityto a differentregionor country

  15. Survey Perceptionof theexistence of jobssuitedtotheirinterests and expectations in Seville Perceptionof theexistence of jobssuitedtotheirinterests and expectations in Andalusia Perceptionof theexistence of jobssuitedtotheirinterests and expectations in Spain Job opportunities vs. mobility

  16. Survey Job rejection

  17. Survey Distribution of the use of employmentcounseling

  18. Conclusions Un employment

  19. Conclusions ...

  20. Conclusions

  21. ManyThanks

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