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Silica Exposure and Prevention in the Workplace

Explore the impact of silicosis caused by respirable silica particles, learn about engineering controls, preventive maintenance, housekeeping, PPE, and respiratory protection guidelines in the workplace. Discover how to ensure a safe environment for your employees.

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Silica Exposure and Prevention in the Workplace

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  1. The road is straight. It’s the journey that’s twisted

  2. Southeastern District Team Lexington Sanford Knoxville Franklin Columbia Birmingham Macon Bartow San Juan

  3. Health Issues Southeastern District – MSHA - MNM Spring Thaw Meeting By Dave Rosenau

  4. Headlines:60,000 people die each year from occupational diseases

  5. We’d Like to Know Is your occupational safety and health Program on FULL? OR Is it heading towards empty ?

  6. Why do we sing the same song? Dust and Noise exposures continue to exist…………

  7. Silicosis is… A disabling lung disease that is progressive and Irreversible

  8. Silicosis - What is it ? Medical Definition: A lung disease caused by the inhalation of respirable silica particles. The particles induce an immune response in the human lung causing scar tissue to form within the air exchange sacs of the lung. Pneumoconiosis (dusty lung) pulmonary conditions related to dust inhalation.

  9. Silicosis, chronic or acute? • Most cases are found in older workers and retirees. • Silicosis related deaths have been documented in workers as young as age 30.

  10. Silicosis Exposure to Fine Dust • Respirable dust Particles with a diameter of less than 3-5 microns. • The diameter of human hair has a diameter of 50-80 microns. • How long does this dust stay in the air ?

  11. Silica • Settling Rate for Dust in Still Air Size in Microns Time to Fall 1 ft. 0.25 u 590 minutes 0.50 186 1.0 54 2.0 14.5 5.0 2.5

  12. Impact of Silicosis • Silica particle migration in the lungs • Formation of a silicotic nodule,...the nodule reduces lung elasticity. Normal lung tissue area is reduced. • Reduced ability of the lung to exchange Carbon Dioxide for Oxygen with the blood. • To compensate for low Oxygen/CO2 exchange,....the heart enlarges to pump more blood through the lungs.

  13. Action of Silica on the Lungs There are still many theories on the physical impact of crystalline silica on lung tissue. a) Material hardness b) Sharp edges c) Insolubility d) Electrochemical properties e) *Immunological response (macrophage enzymes and free radicals)

  14. Impact of Silicosis Ultimately,..... a person with chronic silicosis may expire from the cumulative cardiopulmonary effects of silicosis.

  15. Air Testing and PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMIT PEL = 10 mg / m 3 % Quartz + 2

  16. Engineering Controls Let’s assume we’ve discovered several areas of dust over-exposure ....... a. Engineering control options are to be evaluated first. b. Look at isolating the employee from the process if possible. c. Engineering controls can be more cost effective over time.

  17. Engineering Controls 1) Check ventilation system 2) All ductwork solid ? 3) Fan motor performance 4) Fan motor mounts 5) Belts tight 6) Fan blade wear 7) System balanced 8) System changes 9) Capture velocities 10) Duct transport velocity 11) How often is system serviced. What’s the cost vs. payback

  18. Preventive Maintenance • Note the condition of your existing ventilation system. As illustrated, leaks in this flex duct allow room air to reduce transport velocity. • How much dust was in the air, did it settle in the duct ? • So,….is it dust with Silica in it ?

  19. Housekeeping When the dust contains respirable silica: 1) First priorityis to prevent dust release. 2) Educate employees on what equipment to use,... and how to most effectively do the job. (Document training sessions) 3) Consider HEPA vacuum methods 4) Consider wet collection methods where practical.

  20. Personal Protective Equipment Respiratory Protection: • Only permissible if engineering controls are not feasible, (and other special exceptions) • There must be a written respirator program that conforms to 30 CFR 56/57.5005(b) • Employees must be trained in the use, care, and limitations of respirators. • Do we document the educational program ? • Who oversees the program success ?

  21. Respiratory Protection Air Purifying Cartridge-style Respirators Air Purifying Disposable Respirators

  22. What type of respiratory protection do we need ? • For respirable silica NIOSH recommends P100 filters (99.97% effective). • MSHA encourages you: Do not use the thin disposable respirators for respirable silica. These are preferred for nuisance dust and where non-oil aerosols are present. What else…? fit ? • In most mining environments oil aerosols could be present.

  23. ANSI Z88.1969 Respirator Program Required Elements of a Written Respirator Program • Written operating procedures • Medically qualified to wear respirator • Proper selection of respirator based on hazard • Trained in use and application limitations • Fit tested…… and trained in how to fit check • Trained in how to clean and inspect prior to use • Proper storage of any respirator • Surveillance of exposure conditions by supervisor • Regular Program review

  24. Silicosis reporting • NIOSH oversees the “B” reader program for physicians who make the final determinations of silicosis. Refer to the website: www.cdc.gov/niosh/readstat.html • Many cases of silicosis are misdiagnosed because physicians are unaware of their patient’s work history / and or signs of silicosis.

  25. Act and Communicate to Eliminate Silica Exposures • Considering the consequences of exposure to silica dust,...we must: - Identify respirable silica exposures NOW, - Retrofit with engineering controls, - As a manager… it is your responsibility to adequately safeguard your employees. - The cost to companies has been devastating over the years,...and - The cost to human life ISterminal.

  26. Are you a........ • Supervisor, • Mid-level manager, • * “The Guy” who signs checks ! • Are youan effective communicator ??

  27. Need Some Direction ? Is your compass just a little off ?

  28. Hearing Loss “No one needs to lose his or her hearing in order to earn a living.” 2004 motto by the National Hearing Conservation Association http://www.hearingconservation.org/

  29. Noise induced hearing loss is preventable. • 30 million Americans are estimated to be exposed to noise levels in excess of 85 dBA. • One in every four workers will develop a permanent hearing loss as a result of trying to earn a living.

  30. Consequences of Hearing Impairment There is current research associating hearing loss with an elevated incidence of occupational injuries and fatalities.

  31. Five Elements for an AcceptableHearing Conservation Program System of Monitoring...62.110 Hearing Protectors…......62.160 Audiometric Testing…....62.170 - 62.175 Training (education)…......62.180 Recordkeeping....……..........62.190

  32. What type of hearing protection do we need? • The key is to provide protectors that will fit the miners’ and be comfortable. • If the protection is not worn properly or worn at all the effective noise reduction rating will be low ! • “The best hearing protector is the one that gets worn !”

  33. Hearing Protection Devices 100 % Percent of NRR actually provided at the ear drum • Yellow Polyurethane Plugs • Green Foam Plugs • Poured (Cast) Foam Plugs • Hardhat Muffs • Over-the-Head Muffs 75% Muffs 50% GF PF 30% YP 0 % PLUG TYPE

  34. Ask yourself the following: • Have you conducted monitoring ….. or has a representative of your company been periodically testing for health hazards at your mine ? • 62.110(a) Occupational Noise Exposure or • 56.5002 Exposure Monitoring • Or, do you rely solely on the MSHA inspector to test noise, dust, and other parameters at your mine ?

  35. Questions, continued… Have you developed a policy for the type of personal protective to be used at your mine…..and for special tasks ?

  36. Questions, continued… • Have you developed a respiratory protection program or…………… • A hearing conservation program (HCP) ?

  37. Question of the Day • Part 46 and 48 require training in the health and safety aspects of the job,… • How can serious health issues be taught….. and discussed with employees if the % silica in bulk rock and respirable fraction is NOT KNOWN !! OR • Never having done noise dosimetry ?

  38. No man is an island. • MSHA has a goal of reducing the number of elevated exposures to respirable crystalline silica and noise. We need your help ! So we ALL benefit.

  39. Regulations to Ponder • 56.5001 Air Quality Exposure Limits • 56.5005 Control of Exposure Eng + Resp • 56.15006 PPE for the Hazard • 56.18002 Workplace Exam - Comp. Person • 56.18006 New Employee - Safe Work Practices • 56.20003 Housekeeping

  40. Questions, continued… • What about your supervision? • MSHA has train-the-trainer courses available. • EFS and State Grants are able to assist with management training and education. They’re a phone call away. • Compliance assistance visits are an option for new mines and new processes.

  41. Here’s the Message: 1) Effective safety programs have test data on-hand to communicate. 2) Good occupational health data assists educators. 3) Educators freely share knowledge, Today,..knowledge is the ONLY remaining competitive edge.

  42. Top 10 Items to have on-hand for an Inspection • Mine Legal Identity form..……………....Part 41 • Quarterly Employment form 7000-2….…Part 50 • Bulletin Board ………....Sec 109 of Act, Public Law 91-173 • Electrical Continuity and Resistance……. 56.12028 • Workplace exam…………………………56.18002 • Independent Contractor List……………..Part 45 • Emergency Call List……………………...56.18012 • First Aid Training record.………………..56.18010 • Part 46/48 Training Plan and documents, (46.3, 46.8, 46.11) • Part 47 HazCom program - 5 parts complete • Part 62 Hearing Conservation Program (if applicable)

  43. Thank you for participating! Feel free to contact the Macon Field Office or Birmingham District Office: Office: 205/290-7294

  44. How does this affect my mine? • Almost every mine in the Southeast is a GPRA mine. These include: Crushed Stone, Sandstone, Limestone, Sand & Gravel, Dimensional stone, Dimensional Granite

  45. GPRA mines will be sampled frequently by MSHA. • Jobs believed to be at risk include: • Crushers • Baggers • Cleanup man • Laborers • Drill operators • Stone polishers/cutters

  46. What about the mines covered by the Bartow Field Office?

  47. The Bartow Field Office has 193 surface mines and facilities in Florida.

  48. Bartow Field Office • 193 mines of the 1601 for the Southeastern District

  49. Occupations With Health Citations in Bartow in 2003: • Dust • Bagging • Hearing Conservation • Drillers • Truck drivers • Cleanup personnel • operators

  50. Don’t wait for MSHA to tell you! • Set a goal. • Put your goals in a written plan and tell everyone at the mine. Post a copy. • Set implementation dates. Assign responsible parties. • Meet as often as necessary to assure the plan is working.

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