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Korean Large Telescope : The Plan Yong-Ik Byun 邊鎔翊 Yonsei University, Seoul 延世大學校 , 首爾 ( 漢城 ). Recent Effort for Korean Access to Large Telescopes 1996-1998 Plan for 4-meter Korean telescope Failed to get funded (partially due to national
Korean Large Telescope : The Plan Yong-Ik Byun 邊鎔翊 Yonsei University, Seoul 延世大學校, 首爾(漢城)
Recent Effort for Korean Access to • Large Telescopes • 1996-1998 Plan for 4-meter Korean telescope • Failed to get funded (partially due to national • economic crisis in 1997/8) • 2001-2005 Participation to CFHT 3.6-meter • 14 nights/year • 2003.6 Community Forum for 8-meter plans • 2004.1- 2004.12 STRM committee activity • (Strategic Technical Road Map) • 2005.1- present Preparation for Korea-Mexico • joint project
World Telescopes 35 4m class very large tel. Korea Now Korea large Tel 30 25 20 Mirror size (meters) 15 10 5 0 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 Year
WHY DO WE NEED BIG ONE? • to carry out internationally competitive sciences • to support growing astronomy community in Korea • We need more National Facilities and Research Institutes
500 Astronomers in Korea • Universities : 75 professors/postdocs 23 related departments in 19 Universities • KASI : 57 research scientists Korea Astronomy & Space Science institute previously KAO • Others : 7 research scientists • Total # of PhD Astronomers 139 • # of IAU National Members 67
STRM Committee Discussions • (Strategic Technical Road Map) • what size? what kind of telescope? and why? • how to decrease risk factors? • Roadmap for long term development
SWOT Analysis(Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) Rapid growth of Korean astronomy Abundant telescope operation experience CFHT participation and lessons learnt R&D experience on (small) missions Strength Shortage of R&D manpower Lack of management experience for large project Weakness National emphasis on large basic sciences Large Infra-facilities available in Sci/Tech Technology transfer not very difficult Opportunity
STRM committee : PLAN A • construction of KST, a copy of LSST 8.4m • rationale • TOP wide field telescope venturing into new science • KST can be built with full cooperation of LSST, at smaller cost • placed in different hemisphere, its contribution will be only second to LSST itself • will open up opportunities in survey astronomy mainly, but still covers a variety of subjects from solar system to cosmology • will be an excellent prelude to participation into 25/30-meter giants
2012 KST 2012 21C Leading Facilities for Astronomy JWST ALMA 2012 2010 2015 2011 GSMT LSST
Primary 8.4m Secondary 3.4m Tertiary 5.2m USD150M LSST 협력체 : NOAO, AURA, UofA, UofW etc ~100 과학기술자
Photometry 24 mag / 10 sec FOV 7 sq.degree No AO requirement, but requires quantum leap in Electronic & IT Technology. This is GOOD ! Detector dimension : 2.3G pixels readout < 2 seconds data production > 20TB/day Supermassive Storage industrial Realtime analysis challenges
STRM committee : PLAN A • construction of KST, a copy of LSST 8.4m • rationale • BEST wide field telescope venturing into new science • KST can be built with full cooperation of LSST, at smaller cost • placed in different hemisphere, its contribution will be only second to LSST itself • will open up opportunities in survey astronomy mainly, but still covers a variety of subjects from solar system to cosmology • will be an excellent prelude to participation into 25/30-meter giants
/ KST benefits - extremely competitive in ELT era - especially for variability sciences - also for deep wide field mapping of universe DM & DE issues
Plan A failed to obtain community agreement ! • community reaction • understands the importance of specialized telescope to maximize Korean contribution to world astronomy • also understands survey science can be important for most areas of astronomy beyond 2010 • HOWEVER, larger fraction favored multi-purpose general telescope over a special facility (LST project cost also increases to USD250M, a copy over 150M) • STRM committee then prepared PLAN B • sought possible partnerships for 8-meter class telescope • identifies Mexico dual 6.5 meter telescopes plan • draft plan prepared for joint construction details
2005. 1 Official Korea-Mexico Joint Plan submitted to Korean Government DUAL 6.5-meter Telescopes WFT NFT Wide-Field and A0 Magellan-like Telescopes
PLAN B • Total Cost : USD 160M, Korea to cover 80M with 50% share • Major Partners (tentative) and roles • - Korea : KASI + Universities + Companies • telescope construction, some instrumentation • - Mexico : UNAM + INAOE • site preparation/infrastructure, some optics • - USA : U.Arizona + Magellan Consortium • telescope design & technology, optics • - UK : Durham U. • spectrograph IFU construction
TIMELINE : 7 YEAR • Phase 1 (2006-2008) • - Telescope 1&2 design • - Optics and Construction for #1 • - Optics for #2 • Phase 2 (2009-2012) • - Installation of #1 by 2009Q4 • - Construction and Installation of #2 by 2010Q4 • - Instruments construction and installation • #1 by 2010Q4, #2 by 2011Q4 • - commissioning runs through 2012
America del Norte de noche MKO SPM LMT
NIGHT SKY IN THE DESERT Lick Lowell LBT Palomar Kitt Peak MMT SPM San Pedro Martir: Sky brightness > 21.6 mag/sq sec
Sierra de San Pedro Mártir, Baja California México 2890 m above sea level, Lat: 31° 02’ 39 N Long: 115° 27’ 49 W
Wide Field Optimized for integral-field (3D) spectroscopy Field of view: > 1.5° in diameter visible to NIR 1st - Generation Instrumentation: 3D-spectroscopy set: WFC, ADC, IFU, spectrographs (0.33-1.8µm) Wide-field tunable imager (narrow band) SPM Telescope Facility Proposal (basics, tentative) Telescope complementary pair Narrow Field • Optimized for image quality & Adaptive Optics • Fields: ~15’ and ~1’ (MCAO) • Visible to thermal IR • 1st - Generation Instrumentation: • High-resolution/precision spectrograph (~1 m/s) • AO Imager-Spectro-Coronograph (NIR) • IR General purpose imager-spectrometer (1.2-22microns) • Guest & replicated instruments
Wide-field Integral-field spectroscopy: Definitively a most interesting and powerful unfulfilled niche in modern observational astronomy But … Is it possible and affordable? Yes! actually just optimizing a present-day proven telescope concept like the Magellan 6.5 m telescopes
KAOS Concept (Modified Gemini / Subaru) KAOS Purple Book, 2002 1.5 degree field of view Modifying an existing general-purpose facility can be very expensive, conflicts with other operations and is not necessarily the most efficient route
Wide Field Sampling & Integration: compromising solutions 1.5° Field of View (5400”) 1.77 square degrees Lots of sampling elements: 2.4x107 squared arcsecs => • Full wavelength coverage with a sparse spatial coverage (integral field spectroscopy system) • Full spatial coverage with a sparse wavelength coverage (tunable imager)
Fix and movable IFUs (add-ons) • Wide-Integrated-Spectroscopic SPM Telescope • (4000-8000 fibers) • Fixed high spatial resolution IFU: 0.25” sampling of a few arc-secs • Fixed medium-resolution IFU: 0.5”-1.0” sampling of a few arc-min • Extra or a few movable medium-resolution IFUs • ~2” – Fiber sea sampling rest of field (as in KAOS) • Vis & NIR “arms” • Target and Survey Observations: • Not incompatible • Observing operation maximized by a specialized program/team to exploit every pointing • Wide-Integral-Field Spectroscopy (basic set of observing modes): • Optimal (~full) spatial and spectral coverage & resolution • Excellent data for an extremely wide range of astronomical projects (point and extended objects) • Coordination of both telescopes KAOS Sampling (~ 4800 fibers)
Maps of a) the stellar surface brightness, b) the mean streaming velocity, c) the velocity dispersion, d) the Mgb line-strength, and e) the Hbeta line-strength of NGC 4365. The maps are based on two partially overlapping SAURON pointings.
SAURON maps of NGC 7742, based on 1 pointing, exposed for 3x1800 + 1x900 s. The field-of-view is 33"x41" and the spatial sampling is 0"8x0.8". The top panels show the emission-line intensity distributions of O[III] and Hbeta, followed by a colour-coded reconstructed image composed of [OIII] (blue), blue continuum (green), red continuum (red) derived from the SAURON data, and a similar colour-coded image composed of HST/WFPC2 exposures with the F336W (blue), F555W (green) and F814 (red) filters. The bottom row shows (from left to right) the derived gas velocity and velocity dispersion fields, and the stellar velocity and velocity dispersion fields.
dR dm dl --- = --- = --- R m l Tunable imaging: full field of view coverageover finite wavelength intervals m = 2 l cos R = m N 1.5 - 15 m 4 - 40 100 - 1000
NGC 7130: TF (H, [NII], [SII], [SIII]) Can now observe arbitrary lines at an arbitrary redshift... Luminous IR NGC 7130 H, [NII]6583, [SII]6717, [SII]6717
TF charge shuffle imaging Ratio maps are possible in non-photometric conditions...
Finesse: OSIRIS: TF Resolving Power
Narrow field telescope:Observational niches • Adaptive Optics • Increases resolution (~diffraction limit) • Increases sensitivity for faint sources • Adaptive Optics performance far better in good-seeing sites • Wide science: provides ultra-high resolution imaging, coronography, high resolution spectroscopy, … • Near-IR and mid-IR imager/spectrograph • High resolution/stability spectrometer
Summary • Korean Community now aims for 6.5-meter dual telescopes at SPM with Mexico • Fund raising effort is on-going (USD5M for 2006) • Biggest concern is whether KLT would give us what we want, ie. Competitive scientific edge in the error of much bigger telescopes • Efforts are being made to identify scientific agenda which need to be reflected into telescope/instrument design