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PRINT AD. Selling Good Character. You are an advertising executive Your advertising firm has been asked to develop a Print Ad to sell a positive character trait You would not want to turn down work, even if you weren’t crazy about the job!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PRINT AD Selling Good Character

  2. You are an advertising executive • Your advertising firm has been asked to develop a Print Ad to sell a positive character trait • You would not want to turn down work, even if you weren’t crazy about the job! • You must write a catchy slogan and create an eye-catching design for the ad Your Role

  3. Your audience—the people you are targeting your Print Ad to—are other middle school students • Make sure your Print Ad is interesting to and suitable for your audience • These Print Ads will hang up in the hallways of YMS Audience

  4. Your Print Ad may only contain up to 8 words! • The character trait you are selling must be prominently displayed (that is one of the 8 words) • Slogans should be short and memorable • Slogans often include literary devices, such as: rhyme rhetorical question alliteration comparison (simile/metaphor) onomatopoeia hyperbole (exaggeration) Slogan

  5. Write the slogan first, then work on the design • Your Print Ad should contain an eye-catching design or illustration • It can have people, or just a design • Think about the use of color in your Print Ad • Use colored pencils or crayons—markers NOT recommended • Do not use printed out pictures Design

  6. Just like an advertising executive, you have a deadline • You will have today, Friday, and Monday in class to work on your Print Ad • It is due when you walk in the door on Tuesday Time Constraints

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