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A Presentation on ARR & Tariff Proposal of OHPC for FY 2008-09 Analysis/Objections/Suggestions January 31, 2008 By Dr. Shibalal Meher (Consumer Counsel) Nabakrushna Choudhury Centre for Development Studies, Bhubaneswar. Installed Capacity of Power Stations. Design Energy.
APresentation onARR & Tariff Proposal of OHPC for FY 2008-09Analysis/Objections/SuggestionsJanuary 31, 2008ByDr. Shibalal Meher(Consumer Counsel)Nabakrushna Choudhury Centre for Development Studies, Bhubaneswar
Annual Fixed Charges Annual fixed charges comprises of Interest on Loan Depreciation including Advance Against Depreciation (AAD) Return on Equity (ROE) Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Expenses Interest on Working Capital
Annual Fixed Charges (Contd..) A. Interest on Loan (Rs. in Crore)
Annual Fixed Charges (Contd..) B. Depreciation including AAD C. Return on Equity
Annual Fixed Charges (Contd..) D. O&M Expenses (Rs. in Crore)
Annual Fixed Charges (Contd..) E. Interest on Working Capital (Rs. in Crore)
Total Annual Fixed Charges (Rs. in Crore)
Rate of Primary & Secondary Energy As per the CERC Tariff Regulations, rate of Primary Energy for the Hydro Generating Stations shall be equal to average of the lowest variable charges of the Central Sector Thermal Power Generating Stations of the concerned Region for all the months of the previous year. In case, the primary energy charges recoverable by applying the above primary energy rate exceeds the Annual Fixed Charges of a generating station, the primary energy rate for such generating station shall be calculated by the following formula : Primary Energy Rate = Annual Fixed Charges Saleable Primary Energy
Rate of Primary & Secondary Energy • Rate of Primary Energy • Rate of secondary energy is same as rate of primary energy.
Revenue Requirement and Tariff Proposal of OHPC during 2008-09
Comparison of Tariff of Different Power Stations between 2007-08 and 2008-09
Difference in Revenue projected on the basis of diff. Tariffs
Interest on working capital of different Power Stations (Rs in Crore)
Issues emerge from the objections/ suggestions submitted by the Objectors • Review of Design Energy • OHPC have mentioned in their application that 150 MW is added in the 360 MW Balimela Power House. Again they have mentioned that the 150 MW units have not yet been commissioned. That should not be taken into consideration for tariff application. • State had to reach a target of generation from Renewable Energy source for 200MU for 2006-07 and 5% of total generation in 2007-08. OHPC have not spelt out whether these targets are achieved. • Equity Component • Equity as notified by Govt. of Orissa should be adopted. • Electricity Duty • Electricity duty may be considered for payment in accordance with the provisions of PPA.
Issues emerge from the objections (Contd..) • Return on Equity • The proposal of return on equity considering 14% per annum for FY 2008-09 for each power station with an equity base of 25% of the original project cost and additional capital expenditure is erroneous. • The state govt. may accept OHPC not to charge ROE in 2008-09 on the transferred asset cost. • In the absence of the statements on extent of capitalization, proper scrutiny of the capital works in progress and status of CWIP be made before allowing return on equity. • R, M, & U investment • The Chiplima HEP should be made fully operational to justify R&M expenditure. • There is urgent need of renovation of the old plant and equipments of Machkund hydro electricity project. OHPC/state govt. should follow up the A.P. govt. in this regard.
Issues emerge from the objections (Contd..) • Balimela Extension • Both the 7th and 8th unit of Balimela Power House need to be operational early. • O & M Expenses • Proposal for infrastructure and peripheral development, and recovery of arrear electricity charges for RHEP and UKHEP cannot be clubbed as O&M expenses and are primarily capital expenditure in nature with the latter being more revenue related in nature. • Some objectors calculated O&M cost as Rs 132.33 crore instead of Rs 155.43 crore proposed by OHPC. • OHPC being a govt. company, govt. has to earmark the quantum of land, buildings transferred to OHPC. Since the corporation building of the OHPC has not yet been constructed, huge amount of money has been paid by OHPC as rent and that should not be included in the ARR.
Issues emerge from the objections (Contd..) • OHPC have applied for O&M charge amounting Rs 3 crore per month for HPS, but they have not mentioned the present status of Burla Powerhouse and Chiplima Powerhouse under the system. They should complete the same within this financial year by giving an affidavit in this regard. • OERC may consider 4% escalation on O&M expenditure during 2007-08. • Expenditure on SCADA equipment for UKHEP and RHEP should be treated as capital expenditure instead of including the same under O&M. • OHPC may meet expenditure towards infrastructure and peripheral development work from their own fund. • Arrear Electricity charges if any of RHEP and UKHEP should be met from the O&M allowed during respective years.
Issues emerge from the objections (Contd..) • OHPC should come up with R&M proposal of units including expenditure towards runner blade. • Replacement of repaired starter of unit-4 of UKHEP should be covered under R&M scheme instead of including the same in O&M. • The expenditure towards replacement of 2 sets existing analog governor and AVR should be capitalized after deducting the original value of replaced assets. • Depreciation • Proper scrutiny of actual loans received and subsequent capitalization and loan repayment schedule be made as in case of BHEP there is mismatch between the closing balance of net loan in FY 2006-07 and opening balance of net loan in FY 2007-08. • In the absence of loan repayment schedule some objectors propose depreciation of Rs 3.01 crore as against Rs 13.55 crore in case of BHEP.
Issues emerge from the objections (Contd..) • Capital cost • The consumers of Orissa will be put to severe financial disadvantage, if the “provisional” capital cost is allowed for determination of tariff for the FY 2008-09. • Interest on Working Capital • OHPC may not charge interest on working capital to reduce the impact on tariff. • If at all the interest on working capital is charged it should be computed at 11% instead of at 12% proposed by OHPC. • Interest on Loans • The calculations made by OHPC is not in line with the correctives previously suggested by the OERC and accepted by the govt. of Orissa. • The interest on deemed loan should be disallowed.
Issues emerge from the objections (Contd..) • Reservoir level & availability of power • The availability of power from state hydro stations is underestimated. It would be 7285 MU against OHPC proposal of 5884 MU. • Tariff proposal • The increase in the projected tariff for the year 2008-09 over that for past years is unusually high in respect of old power stations, which needs to be examined by the Hon’ble Commission. • Misc. Income • Cash discounts received from PFC on repayment of loans taken from time to time, and interest received on GRIDCO bonds be included in the ARR of OHPC. • Truing Up • There should be parity in truing up treatment. The benefits of high hydro conditions should be passed on to the consumers of Orissa by truing up of the performance of OHPC during the previous years (2003-04 to 2006-07) as it was done during FY 2002-03 to pass through the fixed cost due to low hydro conditions.
Issues emerge from the objections (Contd..) • Primary and Secondary Energy charges • If the secondary energy charges are also made equal to the primary energy charges, the consumers have to bear the cost of high capital investment a second time. • When two additional units are installed in BHEP, there will be a sharp increase in the primary energy charges (as there will be no increase in the design energy). • OHPC does not have to incur any additional expenditure for generation of secondary energy. • The primary energy charge is very high in Orissa compared to other states. OHPC may be given an incentive for Secondary energy generation to motivate him to maintain 100% machine availability during monsoon.
Issues emerge from the objections (Contd..) • Individual station wise PPAs • OHPC may produce the detail records from the date of commissioning regarding how many days the powerhouse was closed due to flood in Hati River as per the direction of the Collector, and how many units were not generated during that period. • Power station wise actual generation from April – October 2007 and reservoir levels on 1.11.2006 and 1.11.2007 may be provided. • OHPC may furnish unit wise generation figures for Hirakud and Chiplima for past five years. • There is need to execute Chiplima B project after constructing second channel and then Hirakud B project be developed. • After finalisation of individual PPAs there is need to separate capacity charges and energy charges.
Issues emerge from the objections (Contd..) • Grant under APDP Scheme • The grant of Rs 19 crore for RM&U of units 3 & 4 of Burla under APDP Scheme should not be treated as equity and no returns be allowed on it. • Utilisation of Secondary Energy Reserve Fund • The earnings from secondary energy sale should be considered as income in the ARR as per Hon’ble Commission’s Tariff order for FY 2007-08. • Functioning of OHPC • OHPC is functioning like a sub-ordinate govt. office of state govt., which is against the Orissa Electricity Reform Act, 1995. OHPC should produce all documents how the govt. is interfering in day-to-day affairs of the company. • OHPC has not filled up skilled workers in powerhouses and due to shortage of manpower the work culture and productivity are reducing day-by-day.
Issues emerge from the objections (Contd..) • OHPC authorities are not giving equal benefit like pension and gratuity to each and every worker in the organization thereby reducing the productivity day-by-day. • OHPC may construct a bridge on the Hati River by which the GRIDCO can meet the expenditure by trading such power within one year. • OHPC has to produce all documents before the Commission along with the status report regarding the signing of MOUs with different companies for Thermal Power Generation. • OHPC has not taken steps to respond early disposal of required papers for early clearance of feasibility reports/detailed project reports for the hydro power stations. • Perspective Plan for Hydro Development • For hydro development, it is suggested to go for Chiplima B project and Hirakud B project, pump storage projects and River link projects.