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Recovery after Gynecomastia Treatment

Gynecomastia treatment involves liposuction to remove swollen breast tissue and provide a flatter, firmer and more masculine contour to the chest. For more details, please visit: https://www.parkavenuesmartlipo.com/gynecomastia-treatment.html

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Recovery after Gynecomastia Treatment

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  1. Recovery after Gynecomastia Treatment Gynecomastia treatment involves liposuction to remove swollen breast tissue and provide a flatter, firmer and more masculine contour to the chest. Gynecomastia or severe breast enlargement in men is a common concern that can affect a man’s confidence and self-esteem. The condition can affect adolescent boys, teens, and adult men of any age. Several factors such as hormonal imbalances, genetics, and obesity contribute to this condition. Gynecomastia treatment in Manhattan, NYC is an ideal option to address the condition. Also known as male breast reduction, the procedure involves liposuction to remove swollen breast tissue and provide a flatter, firmer and more masculine contour to the chest. Performed using the minimally-invasive FDA-approved Smartlipo Triplex workstation, the procedure utilizes laser energy to remove the excess breast fat and tissue, and tighten the skin. The Smartlipo workstation features a small cannula with three powerful lasers. Laser energy is delivered to target the fat cells and melt the stubborn excess fat, which allows it to be easily removed. Other benefits of hi def liposuction in NYC - •Effective fat removal •Fast recovery •Gentle on surrounding tissues •Minimal bleeding, bruising, and swelling •Minimally invasive procedure •Uses local anesthesia Post – Gynecomastia – Recovery Tips Recovery time for the procedure would vary from patient to patient depending on individual considerations. So, it is important to follow the plastic surgeon’s instructions correctly for smooth recovery and optimal outcomes. Discussed below are some post-operative care tips for gynecomastia recovery – •Wear the recommended compression garment for 24 hours, for the first weeks after the surgery. This will help reduce swelling and bruising. •Avoid strenuous activities like aerobics, running and swimming for the time advised. •Take the prescribed pain medications. Do not use medications that contain aspirin for at least one week. •Light walking from the second day after the surgery is recommended to minimize swelling •Sleeping on the stomach must be avoided for at least three weeks. The surgical incisions should not be subjected to excessive force, swelling or motion during the healing period. •Avoid driving for the first 24 hours after the procedure.

  2. •Avoid exposing the scars to sun for at least 12 months. •Smoking and alcohol should be avoided for a few weeks post-op as they may prolong healing time and increase risk of complications. •Keep the incisions clean and inspect daily for signs of infection. If any abnormal signs are noticed, inform your plastic surgeon immediately. If you are considering gynecomastia treatment in Manhattan, choose an AAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility that can provide services of an expert Manhattan liposuction surgeon who is skilled in performing the procedure. An expert will evaluate your concerns and provide customized treatment to help you achieve a flatter, firmer chest.

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