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R2E Mitigation Project Review of UJ56 relocation options. Main contributions from EN/CV, EN/EL, EN/MEF, GS/ASE, GS/SEM & equipments owners. A. L. Perrot, EN/MEF & R2E Study Group. 5 th November 2010. Mitigation options studied . Option A : full relocation in the by-pass
R2E Mitigation Project Review of UJ56 relocation options Main contributions from EN/CV, EN/EL, EN/MEF, GS/ASE, GS/SEM & equipments owners A. L. Perrot, EN/MEF & R2E Study Group 5th November 2010
Mitigation options studied Option A: full relocation in the by-pass (A. L. Perrot) Option B: partial relocation in the by-pass & the UJ561 (UJ561 being the CMS exit path) (A. L. Perrot) Option C: partial relocation in the by-pass & the UJ561 finding another CMS exit path (M. Gastal)
UJ56 1rst floor Equipment to be moved : power converters + 17 racks Power converters
UJ56 ground floor - ‘safe room’ Equipment to be moved : 5 racks + internal part of SYAFD01 (fire detection) rack EYP01 (anti-panic lightning), EYC01/02/03 (electric network control), EYU01 (AUG)
Option A: full relocation in the by-pass • N.B. request of the equipments owners: 6 racks in the USC55/machine area and 1 rack in the USC55/CMS area • - Technically feasible • Constraints/consequences: • mini safe – room construction in the by-pass (likely) • interference with transport volume: Power Converter calibrations racks • remaining free space along the USC55 wall before the PAD =20m
UJ561 by-pass RTQX2.R5 RQX.R5 RYCA01-02 RYMCB01-05 EYU01 & 02 – EYP01 & 02 EYC01 à 04 (h=1.8m) RYLB01 RYLC01 mini- safe room ERD1/56 DYPG01 & 02 CYCIP01 GYPOS01 à 03 CYNET01 – RYSC01 EOD1/56 – EOD3/56 EBS1/56 – UPS machine QYC01 à 04 (h=2.00m) CYTIM01 – CYFRE01 (h=2.00m) RYSA01 – 02 (h=2.00m) Oct. 2010- Ph. Orlandi, JC Guillaume EN/EL JP Corso, Y. Muttoni, EN/MEF
USC55 machine area TYCFL02 CYCIB01 DYXF01 RYSA01 - 02 YYACS01 6 racks movedfrom UJ56 1rstfloor to USC55 /machine area SYAFD01 eqptmovedfrom UJ56 ‘safe room’ to USC55/ CMS racks room (S2A19)
Option B partial relocation in the by-pass & the UJ561 (UJ561 being the CMS exit path) • N.B. request of the equipments owners: 6 racks in the USC55/machine area and 1 rack in the USC55/CMS area • - Option B1: install 1 raw of racks in the UJ561= technically feasible • => remaining free thickness for the CMS exit path is 1.2 m • - Option B2: install the mini safe-room in the UJ561 = technically feasible • => remaining free thickness for the CMS exit path is 1.1 m thick Safety requirements concerning exit path (CERN/TIS-GS/2002-03) depends on the number of persons to evacuate and the number of exits foreseen => 0.9m thick for less than 100 persons
Option B: partial relocation in the by-pass & the UJ561 CMS exit path CYTIM01 – CYFRE01 RYSA01 – 02 QYC01 à 04 DYPG01 & 02 RQX.R5 RTQX2.R5 RYCA01-02 RYMCB01-05 RYLB01 RYLC01 ERD1/56 CYNET01 – RYSC01 GYPOS01 à 03 CYCIP01 EYU01 & 02 – EYP01 & 02 EYC01 à 04 (h=1.8m) Oct. 2010- Ph. Orlandi, JC Guillaume EN/EL JP Corso, Y. Muttoni, EN/MEF
Option B: partial relocation in the by-pass & the UJ561 CMS exit path Oct. 2010- Ph. Orlandi, JC Guillaume EN/EL JP Corso, Y. Muttoni, EN/MEF
USC55 machine area TYCFL02 CYCIB01 DYXF01 RYSA01 - 02 YYACS01 6 racks movedfrom UJ56 1rstfloor to USC55 /machine area SYAFD01 eqptmovedfrom UJ56 ‘safe room’ to USC55/ CMS racks room (S2A19)
Civil engineering – Ducts to be drilled 5 new ducts Ø mm – length 2m ‘murtympan’ : 5 new ducts Ø 350mm – length 2m
Main work to be performed for both Options A & B • Civil engineering activities: • - drill 4 ducts between UJ56 and by-pass for PC cables, • drill ducts in the wall between by-pass and UJ561 CMS exit path (cables & ventilation) • drill 5 ducts in the wall UJ56- machine • reinforce the by-pass vault structure (under study) • CV activities: UTAs and cooling system installation • EL activities: cables trays displacement/installation, cables installation • Access : sector door to be moved from by-pass to the UL56 (displt of 11 m) • Mini-‘safe room’ construction in the by-pass/UJ561 (under study), • BRAN pipes to be rerouted
Draft time estimate – main activities The work load equivalent for options A/B => identical time estimate • - EL activities: - 15 months (1 shift) • - 11.5 months (2 shifts) • CE activities: • 4 ducts between UJ56/ by-pass - 3 months • 5 between UJ56- machine - 1 month • 4 ducts in the UJ561/by-pass wall: - 3 weeks • CV activities: - 2.5 months (1 shift) • - AFD activities: - 5 weeks (detection interruption 5 days) ( 1 shift) • - Safe room : - 3 weeks ( 1 shift) • Displacement sector door: • GS/ASE: - 2 days • mechanical work :- 1 week negotiation needed with contractor for the options A/B/C compatibility between EL, CE, and CV activities => Planning
Draft cost estimate – main activities • - EL activities: opt A: 2.405 MCHF /opt B: 2.355 MCHF (1 shift) • opt A: 2.555 MCHF /opt B: 2.502 MCHF (2 shifts: 10% manpower) • CE activities: • 4 ducts between UJ56/ by-pass: 200 KCHF • 5 between UJ56- machine: 25 KCHF • 4 ducts in the UJ561/by-pass wall: 40 KCHF • CV activities: opt. A: 420 KCHF/ opt. B: 445 KCHF (1 shift) • - AFD activities: 96 KCHF (1 shift) • - Safe room : 57 KCHF • Displacement sector door: • GS/ASE: 30 KCHF • mechanical work : t.b. estimated for the options A/B/C EL 1 shift: opt. A: 3.233 MCHF / opt. B: 3.2 MCHF EL 2 shifts: opt. A: 3.383 MCHF / opt. B: 3.355 MCHF Provisional budget~ 3.4 MCHF
Open issues To be done after the decision on the baseline for the mitigation option • integration study (details) • precise schedule (co-activities) and impact on other LHC activities • negotiate the 2 shifts scenario with EL contractor • final budget
Time to get ready for installation once baseline mitigation is chosen • Integration studies:- 1 month (completion and compatibility CV/EL/LHC drawings, documentation preparation, approval loop) • - Planning : - 1 month (sequence, co-activities) • - EL activities: - DC/CTR: 1 year (Market Survey for special cables?, supply) • - power distrib. : 8 months (study, supply) • CE activities: - 3 months (offers, contractor, work set-up) • CV activities: - 6 months (Market Survey for special UTAs?, supply) • - AFD activities: - 3 months (supply, work set-up) 1 year and 1 month process Installation in Jan. 2012decision on the baseline end of Nov. 2011
Summary Option A: full relocation in the by-pass = technically feasible Option B: partial relocation in the by-pass & the UJ561 (UJ561 being the CMS exit path) = technically feasible (CMS exit path 1.2m-1.1 m thick) It looks reasonable to assume that the work could not be performed in less than 15 months for a budget of about 3.4 MCHF Decision on the mitigation option is needed this month to be ready in January 2012.
Many thanks to all the involved teams for their work during this last month Especially to GS/SEM: John Osborne and Antoine Kosmicki EN/EL: Jean-Claude Guillaume, Philippe Orlandi , Nuno dos Santos EN/CV: Piero Valente EN/MEF-INT: Yvon Muttoni, Jean Pierre Corso
PCs PC calibration racks Interferences with loading volume: PC: 52 mm PC calibration racks: 338mm UTA: 40 mm
Interferences with loading volume : UTA: 40 mm On UJ561 wall side: dedicated racks with height of 1.8 m in the safe room and 2m elsewhere to stay below the cable trays of ‘forward detectors’(2.4m high). Safe room 1rst door at 21 mm from loading volume -> ok
Safe room: 9 fire resisting doors (l. 1 m, h. 2.1 m) Structure in ‘siporex’ 15 cm thick (external dims. L. 16m, h. 2.4 m, d. 0.85 m)
Safety requirement for evacuation exit path (documentation) - 79th SAFETY CO-ORDINATION MEETING FOR LHC EXPERIMENTS (19/10/2001) https://edms.cern.ch/document/327707/1 - Note by TIS/GS in October 2001 concerning the minimum requirements in terms of access / evacuation of an experimental area
Source: 79th safety coordination meeting for LHC experiments (19/10/2001)
Source: 79th safety coordination meeting for LHC experiments (19/10/2001)
Source: 79th safety coordination meeting for LHC experiments (19/10/2001)
Source: 79th safety coordination meeting for LHC experiments (19/10/2001)
Source: 79th safety coordination meeting for LHC experiments (19/10/2001)
Cost /schedule estimate - breakdown • Safe room (options A & B): • devis Ingo: 9 fire resisting doors (material + manpower)= 36 KCHF / max 9 days • external contractor: the full safe room (structure + doors) • - material: 27 KCHF • - manpower: 30 KCHF • - schedule: 2-3 weeks • - delay for material delivery: 10 weeks • Civil engineering (options A & B) • Drilling 4 ducts between UJ56 and by-pass (diam. 350mm, l. 16.7m): ??? • drilling apertures in the UJ561/by-pass wall (3 apertures h25cm, t. 60 cm or 1 aperture h.75cm, t. 60 cm): 30 KCHF /1-2 weeks • EL activities: • Control and DC cables: 1.5 MCHF (option A); 1.45 MCHF (option B); shift work +10% • Puissance: 1.2 MCHF (options A & B), shift work +10% • Total: 2.7 MCHF (option A); 2.65 MCHF (option B) ; shift work +10% • Planning (see table): one shift: 17.5 months / 2 shifts: 12 months • CV activities • Budget (material + manpower)= 380-420 KCHF • planning (see table): cooling: demi water: 3 weeks -3 persons/1 shift; iced water: idem • ventil: 3 weeks -3 persons/1 shift; elec: 3 weeks -3 persons/1 shift • control: 1 week- 2 persons/1 shift
EN/EL planning tentative 9th October 2010 J. –C. Guillaume Given for the 1 shift option: total= 15 months Gain 2 months vs previous version (activities in the safe room in // control cable inst. In UL55 compatibility between CE, CV and EL activities ?=> planning