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LANGDON WINNER. DO ARTIFACTS HAVE POLITICS?. Oplægget. Gennemgang af tekst Winners pointer ift. digitale medier Winner i konteksten (McLuhan & Williams). Langdon Winner. Professor i Political Science Bor i New York Hovedinteresser: Philosophy of science Popular culture Sustainability.
Oplægget • Gennemgang af tekst • Winners pointer ift. digitale medier • Winner i konteksten (McLuhan & Williams)
Langdon Winner • Professor i Political Science • Bor i New York • Hovedinteresser: • Philosophy of science • Popular culture • Sustainability
Helt overordnet Technical things have political qualities! Machines, structures and systems can be accurately judged not only for their contributions to efficiency and productivity and their positive and negative environmental side effects, but also for the ways in which they can embody specific forms of power and authority.
Lewis Mumford Two technologies have existed side by side: • authoritarian (system-centered, immensely powerful, but inherently unstable) • democratic (man-centered, relatively weak, but resourceful and durable)
To argue that certain technologies in themselves have political properties seems, at first glance, completely mistaken. • På den ene side: ”What matters is not technology itself, but the social or economic system in which it is embedded.” (Social determinisme) • På den anden side: ” Technology develops as the sole result of an internal dynamic and then, unmediated by any other influence, molds society to fit its patterns.” (Teknologideterminisme)
THE THINGS THEMSELVES Technological politics: ”to pay attention to the characteristics of technical objects and the meaning of those characteristics.”
2 måder artefakter kan indeholde politiske egenskaber: • a way of settling an issue in the affairs of a particular community. • ”inherently political technologies” – man-made systems that appear to require or to be strongly compatible with particular kinds of political relationships.
Inherently political technologies • Ships at sea • Nuclear power • A-bomb
OPSAMLING My belief that we ought to attend more closely to technical objects themselves is not to say that we can ignore the contects in which those objects are situated. To understand which technologies and which contexts are important to us, and why, is an enterprise that must involve both: - the study of specific technical systems and their history - a thorough grasp of the concepts and controversies of political theory.
Winner og artefakterne • Wikipedia - politisk artefakt med demokratiske egenskaber????
Er politiske artifakter onde?? • Handikappede og tilgængelighed på internettet
Winner og lap top’en ”The things we call ”technologies” are ways of building the world” Lap top’ens mobilitet gør, at også medarbejderne bliver mobile og konstant ”tilgængelige” Teknologien strukturerer medarbejdernes aktiviteter....
Langdon Winner Marshall McLuhan Raymond Williams Stuart Hall
Artefaktets rolle Winner McLuhan Williams Hall