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Can You Patent an Idea or Concept

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Can You Patent an Idea or Concept

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Can You Patent an Idea or Concept? Charles Ferguson Presentation

  2. Intro Whenyouhaveanideaand wanttoturnitintoareality, oneofthecommon questionsyoumightaskisif it’spossibletopatentan idea. Theanswerisyes, but thatdoesn’tmeanitcan’tbe abittrickytodoso, especiallyifyou’renot exactlysurehowtheprocess works. Thefirstthingyou needtounderstandisthat havinganideameans nothingifitisn’tputinto action.

  3. How to patent an idea Therearetwowaystopatent anidea: 1) Youcancreatea patentyourselfbyfilinga ProvisionalApplicationfor PatentandthenaNon- ProvisionalApplicationfor Patentafteryou’veconducted asearchandmadesurethere’s nothingelselikeyourideaout there.Thatsortofprocess preventsyoufromhavingto payforapatentattorneyto assistyou. Theapplicationis veryopentointerpretation.

  4. Can you get a patent for a concept? Youcanpatentaproduct, service, orinvention. However, youcannotpatentanidea. Anideais notatangiblenorphysicalitem, andtherefore, isnotpatentable. Inorderforsomethingtobe patentable, itmustbenew, useful, andnon- obvioustoothersinthefield.Evenifyouridea somehowfallsintooneofthesethree categories, youcanstillfightoffinfringement andmakesureitdoesn'tbecomeapractical jokelateron.

  5. Thank You for Reading This PDF For know more visit this website: www.albright-ip.co.uk/patent-idea

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