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Sustainable Transportation Research and Practical Needs for Asian Countries

International Conference on Sustainability Science in Asia (ICSS-Asia). Sustainable Transportation Research and Practical Needs for Asian Countries. Pawinee IAMTRAKUL, Thammasat University. 24 November 2009 Asian Institute of Technology Conference Center Thailand.

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Sustainable Transportation Research and Practical Needs for Asian Countries

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Presentation Transcript

  1. International Conference on Sustainability Science in Asia (ICSS-Asia) Sustainable Transportation Research and Practical Needs for Asian Countries Pawinee IAMTRAKUL, Thammasat University 24 November 2009 Asian Institute of Technology Conference Center Thailand


  3. Global Temperature Projection Source: Preparing for Climate Change, A Guidebook for Local, Regional and State Governments, ICLEI, 2007

  4. Source: Thailand’s Initial National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

  5. Source: Thailand’s Initial National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

  6. Action for Low Carbon Transport

  7. How to Promote Pedestrian City Design?

  8. Which Futures for our Society? Source: Sustainable Transport, A Sourcebook for Policy-makers in Developing Cities, Module 3a, Mass Transit Options (GTZ)

  9. Sustainable Transportation Modes for Low Carbon Society Source: Sustainable Transport, A Sourcebook for Policy-makers in Developing Cities, Module 3a, Mass Transit Options (GTZ)

  10. Identity of Urban Development/ Distinguish Urban Form Effective Energy Consumption Public Transportation Physical Health Promotion Effective of Space Utilization Low Carbon Emission Economic Development Enhancing Public Transportation Usage

  11. Manage parking effectively • Analyze parking supply and demand: • Consider innovative parking management policies • Consider whether to provide parking • Provide bicycle parking facilities • Locate parking to maximize placemaking

  12. Maximize neighborhood and station connectivity • Identify key pedestrian corridors • Create a bicycle network • Consider the design of intermodal facilities

  13. Street for Nonmotorization Improvement

  14. Implement the plan and evaluate its success • Provide for environmental review • Develop an implementation plan and budget • Monitor progress

  15. Make great public spaces • Consider parks and open space: • Involve the community in programming • Provide visual tools • Include public art that adds value • Develop design standards

  16. Thank You !

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