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Dairy Dessert Innovation Project: Malasada & Custard Recipes

Preparation of three unique dairy desserts: malassada with fruit filling, guava custard, and Okinawan treat with guava-orange sauce, addressing challenges in nutrition, texture, and flavor. Results from taste testing at Kahala Nui.

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Dairy Dessert Innovation Project: Malasada & Custard Recipes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FOOD DESSERT WITH DAIRY PRODUCTS Mele Kalama-Kingma, S. K. Kim, Kelly Valdez, Anna Rea Laubscher

  2. DAIRY INGREDIENT • Yogurt (Plain): - 6 oz = 240 mg calcium - May be beneficial for cholesterol lowering diet - Live yogurt cultures aid “lactose intolerance” - Boosts the immune system

  3. OUR DAIRY DESSERT • Over the course of 3 weeks we created 3 innovative dairy desserts: • Malassada with Fruit Filling • Guava custard • Okinawan Treat with Guava-Orange Sauce (SERVING TODAY)

  4. MALASADA WITH FRUIT FILLING • Challenges: • Not high enough in calcium • Too high in calories per serving • Not able to inject filling into Malasada

  5. Guava Custard • Challenges: • Right texture? • Curdling • Strong enough guava Flavor

  6. Guava Custard Recipe

  7. NUTRITION FACTS Calories: 220   40% Fiber  20% Calcium

  8. OKINAWAN TREAT WITH GUAVA-ORANGE SAUCE • Why is this innovative? • Whole wheat bread crumbs • Purple appearance • Okinawan sweet potato • Blend of guava and orange juice • Use of xanthan gum as a thickener

  9. OKINAWAN TREAT WITH GUAVA-ORANGE SAUCE • Challenges: • Never worked with Xanthan Gum • Manipulating recipe to meet requirements such as: high Calcium, high Fiber, ~200Kcals


  11. Nutrition Facts Calories: 210   21% Fiber 20% Calcium 


  13. QUESTIONS? Thank you for your time!

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