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Verbivar bvba Nevele, Belgium

Verbivar bvba Nevele, Belgium. Kristof and Angelique Verschelde – D obbels (36 and 37) H enri, L ouis and E lise (13, 12 and 10). Verbivar bvba. Development of the farm 1. 1968: Leon and Rosa Verschelde : 35 sows and 25 dairy cows

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Verbivar bvba Nevele, Belgium

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Verbivar bvba Nevele, Belgium

  2. Kristof and AngeliqueVerschelde – Dobbels(36 and 37) Henri, Louis and Elise(13, 12 and 10)

  3. Verbivar bvba Development of the farm 1. 1968: Leon and Rosa Verschelde : 35 sows and 25 dairy cows 2. 1968 – 1995 : expansion till 375 sows, 1960 pigs and 80 dairy cows 3. 1995: Kristof and Angelique : take over the pigbusiness from the parents 4. 2006: Take over the second part of the farm from the parents 5. 2007: Transformation to 700 sows and 3000 fatteners

  4. Implantation of the company Agrarisch gebied ± 450m tot woongebied ± 500 m tot woonuitbreidingsgebied

  5. Different age groups in a 4-week system sows : 5 groups : 140 in farrowing house 140 in mating area 140 in 4 w gestation 140 in 8 w gestation 140 in 12 w gestation piglets : 2 groups : 1750 4 w weaned 1740 8 w weaned fattening pigs: 4 groups : 1700 10-14 w 1700 15-20 w 1700 21-24 w 1700 25-30 w replacement gilts : in the same weaner house, afterwards to a specific rearing house (different from the fattening stable), then after 30 weeks to the gestation room

  6. Work proces in a 4-week system : Day 1 weaning & cleaning doDay 15 Day 2 moving & washing S vrijDay 16 Day 3 stimulating zaDay 17 Day 4 stimulating zoDay 18 Day 5 mating maDay 19 selling fattening pigs Day 6 mating diDay 20 cleaning Day 7 farrowing woe Day 21 Day 8 farrowing doDay 22 moving piglets Day 9 farrowing vrijDay 23 cleaning Day 10zaDay 24 Day 11 start regumate zoDay 25 Day 12 castrating maDay 26 selecting F1- sows Day 13 castrating diDay 27 scanning, moving S Day 14 woeDay 28 piglets to weaner h

  7. 4-week system : • advantages: • fixed operation scheduling • Work efficiency • Only 1 age of piglets in farrowing area • 2 weeks hard-working, 2 weeks easier • disadvantages: • Less opportunities to change planning • weaker position in trading, the places must become free

  8. Closed herd: 700 productive sows : 630 F1 (sows) en 70 YY (grand-parents) F1 * Piétrain : to produce fattening pigs YY * LargeWhite : to produce YY sows, mothers YY * Danish Landtype : to produce F1 sows, grandmothers 40 % substitution per year = producing 280 sows/yr advantages own breeding : - own selection criteria - sanitarily closed

  9. Entrance control and delivery of raw materials

  10. Verbivar bvba : The sows mating area

  11. Verbivar bvba : The sows gestation room

  12. Verbivar bvba : The sows farrowing area

  13. Verbivar bvba : Early weaning area

  14. Verbivar bvba : The weaner house

  15. Verbivar bvba : The fattening

  16. Varbell cvba : Former stables (1500 pl)

  17. Varbell cvba : New fattening stable (1500 pl)

  18. Verbivar bvba : The feeding system

  19. Verbivar bvba : Storage of the liquid raw materials

  20. 60 ha maize for CCM

  21. Verbivar bvba : Airwashing and denitrification

  22. Verbivar bvba • Strong points : • 2-site production • Batch farrowing : 4 weeks system • Liquid feeding • 1 fulltime and 1 parttime employee • 90 ha land (60 ha maize for CCM) • Cooperation with VC-energy

  23. Verbivar bvba : Biological key data : Piglet production Number of live born piglets/sow and litter : 14,67 Number of dead born piglets/sow and litter : 1,6 Number of litters/sow : 2,48 Piglet loss until weaning (%) : 11,1 Number of weaned piglets/sow and year : 32,07

  24. Verbivar bvba : Biological key data : Fattening Feed conversion : 2.28 Daily increases : 810 Feed intake : 1.95 Loss rate % : 2.1 Lean meat % : 61

  25. Verbivar bvba What is important to me, my priority areas in pig production • Animal health • Take care of each stage in the production • 3. Feeding optimalisation • Economical optimalisation • Attention to meat quality and taste • Exchance of experiences with european pig producers

  26. Verbivar bvba • How do I see my future? • Managing an economical farm • To maintain our farm with pleasure • Quality will be more important than quantity • More act together with the client

  27. Verbivar bvba • Challenges: • Making progress in marketing, the whole chain must have equal profit • To control the cost price and keeping the production high • Keeping the positive reputation in our sector • Opportunities • To take all chances to reckon the higher costs into the selling price • More act together with the client to make a better product for a fair price

  28. 2006 : Nomination Pig Award 2007: Agrafiek 2007: Meetjeslander

  29. 2008: Eurotier Pig Farmer

  30. CRISIS, also in agriculture… • Retailers lower the prices to the consumers by paying less on the level of the producer • Higher demands of the consumers and the authorities, despite of the same prices as 30 years ago • Everyone needs everyone, everyone is responsible on all levels • Upscaling, efficiency, good healthcare is important but not enough • Policy makers must realize that impermissible speculations on raw materials lead to, on the one hand the impossibility to conceive a good agricultural policy and, on the other hand, to more hunger. • Guarantee the continuity of the farming sector

  31. We are dreaming of a nice future in the pigbusiness

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