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Test your knowledge of the popular novel "Holes" with this interactive pop quiz. Answer questions about the lake, kids at the camp, Stanley's family, and more. See how much you remember from Chapters 1-30!
Pop Quiz Chapter 1-5
POP QUIZ CH 1-5 • What kind of lake is at Camp Green Lake? • What kind of kids go to Camp Green Lake? • Why do things always seem to go wrong for Stanley's family? • Why aren't there any fences at Camp Green Lake? • What are X-Ray, ZigZag, Magnet, and Zero?
Pop Quiz Chapter 1-5 KEY
POP QUIZ KEY CH 1-5 • What kind of lake is at Camp Green Lake? There is no lake. • What kind of kids go to Camp Green Lake? bad boys...criminals • Why do things always seem to go wrong for Stanley's family? A gypsy placed a curse on them because his great-great-grandfather stole a pig. • Why aren't there any fences at Camp Green Lake? because the nearest water is so far away that they don't care if the boys try to escape • What are X-Ray, ZigZag, Magnet, and Zero? Four of the other boys at the Camp.
Pop Quiz Chapter 6-10
POP QUIZ CH 6-10 • Why is Stanley at the Camp? • Why does Madame Zeroni tell Elya to carry the baby pig up the mountain every day? • What dangerous animal is at the Camp? • Who does Stanley write a letter to? • What does Stanley find in his hole and show to Mr. Pendanski?
Pop Quiz Chapter 6-10 KEY
POP QUIZ KEY CH 6-10 • Why is Stanley at the Camp? He was accused of stealing a pair of sneakers from Clyde Livingston. • Why does Madame Zeroni tell Elya to carry the baby pig up the mountain every day? because as the pig grows bigger, Elya will get stronger • What dangerous animal is at the Camp? the yellow-spotted lizard • Who does Stanley write a letter to? his mom • What does Stanley find in his hole and show to Mr. Pendanski? a fish fossil
Pop Quiz Chapter 11-15
POP QUIZ CH 11-15 • What does X-Ray tell Stanley to do next time he finds something in his hole? • When Mr. Pendanski asks Zero what he wants to do with his life, what does Zero say? • What does Stanley find that has the initials KB on it? • What does the Warden tell Mr. Pendanski to do for all the boys? • On the day when the Warden has them digging in pairs, why aren't they finding anything in the holes?
Pop Quiz Chapter 11-15 KEY
POP QUIZ KEY CH 11-15 • What does X-Ray tell Stanley to do next time he finds something in his hole? to give whatever he finds to X-Ray • When Mr. Pendanski asks Zero what he wants to do with his life, what does Zero say? "I like to dig holes." • What does Stanley find that has the initials KB on it? a gold tube as big as his 2nd finger • What does the Warden tell Mr. Pendanski to do for all the boys? to fill up their canteens • On the day when the Warden has them digging in pairs, why aren't they finding anything in the holes? Because the real hole where Stanley found the gold tube is far away
Pop Quiz Chapter 16-20
POP QUIZ CH 16-20 • What does Stanley's parents’ apartment stink like? • What does Zigzag do to Stanley? • What does Zero ask Stanley to teach him? • What does Magnet steal? • What is special about the Warden's fingernail polish?
Pop Quiz Chapter 16-20 KEY
POP QUIZ KEY CH 16-20 • What does Stanley's parents’ apartment stink like? old sneakers • What does Zigzag do to Stanley? Zigzag whacks him in the head with a shovel. • What does Zero ask Stanley to teach him? how to read and write • What does Magnet steal? a bag of sunflower seeds • What is special about the Warden's fingernail polish? It is mixed with rattlesnack venom.
Pop Quiz Chapter 21-25
POP QUIZ CH 21-25 • Where did Stanley’s great-grandfather find refuge for seventeen days? • What does Stanley realize the gold tube actually is? • What does Kate Barlow do to Charles Walker that no one has ever done before? • What does Mr. Sir do when he's supposed to fill up Stanley's canteen? • How does Sam always help Kate?
Pop Quiz Chapter 21-25 KEY
POP QUIZ KEY CH 21-25 • Where did Stanley’s great-grandfather find refuge for seventeen days? on God's thumb • What does Stanley realize the gold tube actually is? a lipstick container • What does Kate Barlow do to Charles Walker that no one has ever done before? She says "No" to him. • What does Mr. Sir do when he's supposed to fill up Stanley's canteen? He lets Stanley's water pour on the ground. • How does Sam always help Kate? He fixes all kinds of stuff for her.
Pop Quiz Chapter 26-30
POP QUIZ CH 26-30 • What is the sheriff getting Kate in trouble for? • What one word does Zero write over and over on his paper? • After running for 20 years, where does Kate go? • During the lightning storm, what does Stanley see far in the distance? • When Zero says he's not digging any more holes, what does he do with his shovel?
Pop Quiz Chapter 26-30 KEY
POP QUIZ KEY CH 26-30 • What is the sheriff getting Kate in trouble for? for kissing Sam • What one word does Zero write over and over on his paper? Zero (his name) • After running for 20 years, where does Kate go? She goes back to Green Lake. • During the lightning storm, what does Stanley see far in the distance? The Thumb of God • When Zero says he's not digging any more holes, what does he do with his shovel? He smashes it across Mr. Pendanski's face.
Pop Quiz Chapter 31-35
POP QUIZ CH 31-35 • How does the Warden try to hide Zero's disappearance? • What does Stanley steal so he can go try to find Zero? • What does Stanley find that makes him think he might be on the right trail to find Zero? • What is the large object Stanley sees out on the lake? • What has Zero been eating?
Pop Quiz Chapter 31-35 KEY
POP QUIZ KEY CH 31-35 • How does the Warden try to hide Zero's disappearance? He orders all of Zero's records destroyed. • What does Stanley steal so he can go try to find Zero? the water truck • What does Stanley find that makes him think he might be on the right trail to find Zero? a sunflower seed bag with one seed in it • What is the large object Stanley sees out on the lake? a boat named Mary Lou • What has Zero been eating? sploosh (a.k.a. jars of sweet liquid, like peaches)
Pop Quiz Chapter 36-40
POP QUIZ CH 36-40 • Where do Stanley and Zero start walking toward? • What do the weeds and bugs mean? • What "hot fudge sundae" does Stanley give to Zero? • What big secret does Zero confess to Stanley? • What saves Becca's life?
Pop Quiz Chapter 36-40 KEY
POP QUIZ KEY CH 36-40 • Where do Stanley and Zero start walking toward? God's Thumb • What do the weeds and bugs mean? They're getting close to water. • What "hot fudge sundae" does Stanley give to Zero? an onion • What big secret does Zero confess to Stanley? Zero confesses that he stole Clyde Livingston's shoes. • What saves Becca's life? Sam's onions
Pop Quiz Chapter 41-45
POP QUIZ CH 41-45 • How did Zero get arrested? • What is Stanley's one crazy idea? • Zero and Stanley play a little game of toughness...what are they competing over? • Who shows up just when they finish their plan? • When the flashlights shine on them, why do Stanley and Zero “sit as still as statues”?
Pop Quiz Chapter 41-45 KEY
POP QUIZ KEY CH 41-45 • How did Zero get arrested? stealing a new pair of sneakers from a shoe store • What is Stanley's one crazy idea? to go dig one more hole and try to find Kate Barlow's treasure • Zero and Stanley play a little game of toughness...what are they competing over? Each of them doesn't want to be the first to have to drink water. • Who shows up just when they finish their plan? The Warden arrives. • When the flashlights shine on them, why do Stanley and Zero “sit as still as statues”? Yellow-spotted lizards are crawling all over them.
Pop Quiz Chapter 46-50
POP QUIZ CH 46-50 • As the lizards crawl all over Stanley and Zero, what are the Warden and Mr. Pendanski trying to figure out? • What is written on the suitcase? • What does Stanley's lawyer forbid him to do? • What is the name of Stanley‘s dad's foot odor product? • What was in the suitcase that was more valuable than the jewels?
Pop Quiz Chapter 46-50 KEY
POP QUIZ KEY CH 46-50 • As the lizards crawl all over Stanley and Zero, what are the Warden and Mr. Pendanski trying to figure out? They are figuring out their story of how the boys died. • What is written on the suitcase? the name Stanley Yelnats • What does Stanley's lawyer forbid him to do? open the suitcase • What is the name of Stanley‘s dad's foot odor product? Sploosh • What was in the suitcase that was more valuable than the jewels? a stack of paperwork (stock certificates, deeds of trust, promissory notes)