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Explore various electrical circuit analysis questions and assignments covering topics such as power, current, voltage, and equivalent circuits. Work independently and utilize resources to solve the tasks.
EE211 Quizzes Fall 2000 Instructor: Dr. K.D. Donohue
Quiz 1 Find the power absorbed or supplied by each network element in the circuit below. + 4 V - 1 Ix + 16 V _ 4Ix 3 A
Io 3 mA 15k -1 mA 10k Quiz 2 Find the current Io in the circuit below.
Quiz 3 Given IL = 4 mA, find VS in the circuit below: 8k IL = 4 mA 2k VS 12k 4k
2A 4 6 Io 2 6 9V Quiz 4 A) (2 points) Find Vo by nodal analysis. B) (2 points) Find Io by loop analysis. + Vo -
Quiz 5 Use Thevénin’s theorem to find I0 in the Circuit below: Io 6 9 V 2 12V 3
Quiz 6 The voltage across a 10 F capacitor is given by: a) Find an expression for the current in the capacitor (3 points) b) Find an expression for the energy stored in the capacitor. (1 point)
100 50 50 1.5k + Vo - Ix 20 5Ix 4Vx 12V 40 10 Quiz 7 (Take Home) This is due Tuesday October 10, 2000 at the beginning of the class period. Students must work independently on this assignment, NO COLLABORATION. Any detected cheating will result in an E for the course for all involved parties. You are free to use any books, notes, or computer programs to solve this. If you get a result from a computer or calculator program (i.e. to solve a system of equations), indicate the program used to obtain the result. Otherwise all work done to obtain the result should be clearly shown. A. Derive a set of equations that describe a complete set of node voltages or loop currents in the circuit below (2 points). B. Use the set of equations to find Vo (0.5 points). C. Simulate the circuit in SPICE and determine Vo (submit printout of SPICE schematic with meter reading) (1.5 points). + Vx -
Quiz 8 Determine equation for vo(t) for t > 0, when subjected to input pulse shown in figure. vs(t) 3k 8k + vo(t) - vs(t) 6k .05mF
Quiz 9 Find the equation for i(t), for t > 0 t = 0 i(t) t = 0 F 2 H 2 A 10
Quiz 10 (Take Home) This is due Tuesday October 31, 2000 at the beginning of the class period. Students must work independently on this assignment, NO COLLABORATION. Any detected cheating will result in an E for the course for all involved parties. You are free to use any books, notes, or computer programs to solve this. If you get a result from a computer or calculator program (i.e. to solve a system of equations), indicate the program used to obtain the result. Otherwise all work done to obtain the result should be clearly shown. (a) Use SPICE to plot vc(t) for t > 0. The time axis should be long enough to show voltage has reached an effective steady-state. (3 points) (b) Find complete solution for vc(t) for t > 0 analytically. (1 point) 500 1k + vc(t) _ 5[u(t)-u(t-1)] V 0.01mF 0.2H
Quiz11 Find the steady-state expression for io(t) in the circuit below, if is(t) = 10cos(100t) A io 20 0.5 mF 0.4 H is
Quiz 12 Find the phasor quantity for the circuit below.
Norton Equivalent Circuit Quiz 13 Find the Norton equivalent circuit ( and ) in terms of phasors and impedances wrt terminals A and B (note: the load has already been removed).
20 k 0.1 F 5 k + vo(t) - 0.1 F 5 k 5 k Quiz 14 Take Home This is due Tuesday Dec. 5, 2000 at the beginning of the class period. Students must work independently on this assignment, NO COLLABORATION. Any detected cheating will result in an E for the course for all involved parties. Hand in a hard copy of the circuit and tables from SPICE that clearly show the requested results (can print directly from SPICE or paste into another program and print). Email the SPICE circuit file used in the simulation to donohue@engr.uky.edu before 12/5/00 at 2pm. If you used a software package other than B2 SPICE, please indicate that in your email. Also make sure your name is somewhere on the email. Use SPICE to find the phasors for the steady-state response of vo(t), when fo = 1, 10, 100, 225, and 1000 Hz. The magnitudes should be linear (i.e not in dB) and phase should be in degrees.