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CAMP KAITAWA. By Angus WiIson.

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  1. CAMP KAITAWA By Angus WiIson

  2. Beep Beep Beep! Angus wake up, school. Brush your teeth have your breakfast then we will go to school. 1hour later...Bye Mum, I will miss you. I was so excited I was going on Camp. I was so HAPPY with the week ahead. We would go on big hikes, go through dark caves and see beautiful views! I can’t wait until we begin our journey.

  3. Day one Once we got our bags packed in our dorm room we all went in the dining room because Mrs Baudinet took us on a tour of Camp Kaitawa, but the only problem was that it was pouring down with rain. Mrs Baudinet showed us this old power station it was really cool. We did a big loop walk which took half an hour. But Mrs Baudinet took us up a huge long walk it was up the pipe line it took for EVER! But once we got to the top Mrs Baudinet showed us another walk, but luckily we couldn’t do it. When we got back to camp we had some dinner it was spaghetti bolognaise. It was beautiful. For dessert we had fruit salad and vanilla ice cream. It was good. Once we had our dinner we had the best part of my day, BED!

  4. Day Two The next morning we had an awesome walk which was FIVE HOURS! I was so excited about the day ahead. On the walk our first stop was at the big Rata Tree . It was humungous it was 800 – 1000 years old. It was huge. The walk we did was my favourite walk so far. Once we got back to Camp we got this Challenge were we had to make a prayer about Camp. Our one was really good I think it was one of the top ones. Then we all had to go in our dorms and play games until dinner. I played snap with Louis. He was hard. He bet me in some games. Later on we had our dinner we had sausages. Hash browns and salad, it was okay. After tea it was really cool because we got to watch a movie, it was Ice Age dawn of the dinosaurs. It was really funny. My favourite character was Buck. I went to bed half way through the movie because I got a bit tired.

  5. Day three When we woke up in the morning we had a two walks to do. One was a Caving one and one was to a small lake were we would have lunch. The first walk was the to small lake. On the way to the lake there was this really small cemetery for three really special people called Michael Noonan and a child who was 9 months old that died and their was a guy who died at the age of 57. The lake was really cool. There was dragonflies hovering over the water. After the lake we went to the Onepoto caves. It was awesome because I had a head light to see in the dark. There was this really cool cave which we had to go up. It was dark and it was on a big slope. It was my best cave. Then when we got back at the camp we all finally had SHOWERS. But the bad part was that we had only 1and a half minutes because there wasn’t much hot water. I was naughty and accidently left the shower on. After that we did a quiz. We got into our groups. Some parts were really hard and some were not so hard. Our group came second, we did good. We got a fredo frog at the end, but the winning group got 2 which was unfair but who cares. After that we went to bed.

  6. Day Four When we woke up in the morning we had a cool day ahead of us. We were going to do walks, cook offs, and lots more. I was really exited. What we did first is we got changed, got our day packs ready and then we had our breakfast. Our walk we were going on was called Waikareiti. It didn’t take too long but it was really cool because on the way there were lots of waterfalls which we stopped to look at. At the end of the walk we went on this huge trailer for lunch which was used to carry luggage. When we got back to camp we had to play games in our dorms. I played with Riley and played this cool game of his. After that we did a cool obstacle course it was really good. Our group did awesome. Once we got back to camp we did our cook off. Our group had the best idea to make we made Burritos. They were so good I had two. After that we had a talent concert. In our group we did a story about a mouse at camp and we had to catch it. It was funny. Our one was so good we won it! We were very happy. After that we were very tired we had to go to bed.

  7. Final Day When we woke up we had to pack our bags because today our journey had stopped. I was very happy about camp. I had an awesome time. I liked trying something different for a change. I would love to do it again. I would like to thank the parents who helped us. They were awesome!

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