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“Real ID, Real Debate”

“Real ID, Real Debate”. Article Analysis:. Alice Lipowicz May 25, 2007 Colin Griffin. Summary. 2005 Real ID Act Requires collection and electronic storage of personal information Recommended by 9/11 Commission Debate over feasibility, advantages vs. disadvantages

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“Real ID, Real Debate”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Real ID, Real Debate” Article Analysis: Alice Lipowicz May 25, 2007 Colin Griffin

  2. Summary • 2005 Real ID Act • Requires collection and electronic storage of personal information • Recommended by 9/11 Commission • Debate over feasibility, advantages vs. disadvantages • Security questions like the debate of electronic voting machines

  3. Ethical Decision-Making Process • 1) Ethical Issues: Security, Misuse, Cost • 2)Interested Parties/Outcomes: • The people: A secure and easy to use ID • The Government: Electronic records system. Difficult to forge. National ID system • 3) 3 possible solutions • A) Keep current ID system (do nothing) • B) Go fully digital • C) Interlink current state systems and add digital ID feature

  4. Ethical Decision-Making Process • 4) Permission and means • A) I would permit everyone to use the compromise solution • B) Treats people as an ends. Results in little change in current policy • 5) Natural/Balanced • A) In accordance with what is natural • B) Balanced approach • 6) Majority Agreement / Greatest Good • A) Majority but not complete agreement • B) Most good for greatest number of people

  5. Ethical Decision-Making Process • 7) Conscience, Autonomous • A) No personal loss or gain • B) Mostly autonomous. Does not effect me exclusively • 8) Most Influential Philosophy • Pragmatism – Most good for most people

  6. Joint Code of Ethics • I have a question in the email about this • Code Effected: • Public • Product • Judgement • Management • Self

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