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European Commission DG INFSO ICT for Sustainable Growth Rogelio SEGOVIA rogelio.segovia@ec.europa.eu

European Commission DG INFSO ICT for Sustainable Growth Rogelio SEGOVIA rogelio.segovia@ec.europa.eu. CEER workshop on CEER Advice on the take-off of a demand response electricity market with smart meters. The vision of the Smart Grid. © MeRegio project http://www.e-energy.de/.

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European Commission DG INFSO ICT for Sustainable Growth Rogelio SEGOVIA rogelio.segovia@ec.europa.eu

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  1. European Commission DG INFSOICT for Sustainable GrowthRogelio SEGOVIArogelio.segovia@ec.europa.eu CEER workshop on CEER Advice on the take-off of a demand response electricity market with smart meters

  2. The vision of the Smart Grid ©MeRegio project http://www.e-energy.de/

  3. Demand Response a solution to the problem of matching demand and productionthe utilities point of view ©Mirabel project www.miracle-project.eu

  4. The role of tariff signalsA market tool for demand response ©Mirabel project A smart system to manage DR ©BeyWatch project www.beywatch.eu

  5. But not only a grid problemContribution to the 20-20-20 Source: Building Energy Data Book, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Planning, Budget and Analysis, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Energy savings at buildings is a priority on its own User awareness and participation is the key Electricity consumption in France (source SOeS)

  6. Energy management of a buildingIs not only about energy and pricesPeople are living in it A smart system to manage DR Energy profile ©E3SoHo project www.e3soho.eu Inhabitants needs Weather conditions ©BeAware project www.energyawareness.eu A system empowering the users to take decisions A user friendly support for efficient energy management

  7. BEMS Building Energy Management Systemsthe technologies A smart system to manage DR BEMS include a model of the building, simulation software, optimization algorithms, user interfaces, etc Nevertheless, produced by millions, can be very cheap ©BeyWatchwww.beywatch.eu ©IntUBEwww.intube.eu ©Dehemswww.dehems.eu ©BeAwarewww.energyawareness.eu

  8. BEMSthe networking A smart system to manage DR BEMS Building Energy Management Systems ©TIBUCON tibucon.eu

  9. display Signal processor CPU Memory MDM head end Communication Module Any standard protocols The (smart) meter Power line sensor switch Measurement Time stamp [COSEM] Encryption Meter ID AMI

  10. The meter as seen by DKE

  11. (smart) LEGAL meter It is not just another gadget It is the legal reference for billing It passes conformance tests It is mostly outside the dwelling sealed certified Every new version of non-legally relevant software would need to pass WELMEC7, Extension 7, test on software separation for customer protection reasons. Is it a competitive platform for Home IT services business?

  12. Building Management: separated standardisation of different services with different stakeholders Telephone companies Cable companies Functionalities • Essential functionalities: Directive 2004/22/EC on Measuring Instruments (MID) • Standardization: M441 open architecture for utility meters involving communication protocols enabling interoperability • Minimum additional (regulatory): • 2008 EURELECTRIC’s Position Paper: Building a European Smart Metering Framework suitable for all Retail Electricity Customers • 2009 GEODE (Groupement Européen des entreprises et Organismes de Distribution d’ Energie) • 2009 ERGEG Public Consultation Paper on Draft Guidelines of Good Practice on Regulatory Aspects of Smart Metering for Electricity and Gas • 2009 Mobilising Information and Communication Technologies to facilitate the transition to an energy-efficient, low-carbon economy", European Commission Communication - COM(2009) 111 • "Mobilising Information and Communication Technologies to facilitate the transition to an energy-efficient, low-carbon economy", European Commission Communication - COM(2009) 111 - Brussels, 12.3.2009, and • 2010 Digital Agenda, Action 73: Member States to agree common additional functionalities for smart meters • 2010 FR, SENAT, RAPPORT D´INFORMATION FAIT au nom de la commission de l'économie, du développement durable et de l'aménagement du territoire sur le compteur électrique évolué • 2010 NL, Proposal for Regulation of ………, laying down rules for remote-readable metering devices and fee schedules for electricity and gas (Remote-readable metering devices and fee schedules (Electricity and Gas) Regulation) • 2010 DKOrder on end consumption electricity metering

  13. The role of the meter at the early stages of DR Home Display User takes decisions User takes action Price signals www Reading of consumption meter ©Dehemswww.dehems.eu ©3-E Houses www.3ehouses.eu ©e3Soho www.e3soho.eu ©eSHESHwww.esesh.eu ©SaveEnergywww.ict4saveenergy.eu Appliance meter

  14. DGINFSO pilots Standardize metrics of ee to facilitate legislative measures • Pilots (CIP program) • Social houses (thousands) • Real living conditions (2 years) • Savings metrics and methodology • Bottom up approach (projects) • International metrics standards

  15. Pilots goals Avoid peaks Spread shoulders -15% Consumption +20% Renewable + 15% peak load saving +15% consumer energy saving + 20% reduction of CO2 emissions Real-life testing and validated functional specifications, involving a statistically significant number of users and ethical and privacy safeguards ≈ 20 M€ grants ©SaveEnergy www.ict4saveenergy.eu

  16. Available solutions in the market ©BeyWatch www.beywatch.eu

  17. DGINFSO Research Projects on BEMS AIM: A novel architecture for modelling, virtualising and managing the energy consumption of household appliances www.ict-aim.eu Be Aware: Boosting Energy Awareness www.energyawareness.eu BeyWatch: Building EnergYWATCHerwww.beywatch.eu DEHEMS: Digital Environment Home Energy Management System www.dehems.eu E4U: Electronics Enabling Efficient Energy Usage www.e4efficiency.eu ENERGY WARDEN: Design and real time energy sourcing decisions in buildings www.energywarden.net ENERsip: ENERgy Saving Information Platform for Generation and Consumption Networks www.enersip-project.eu EnPROVE: Energy consumption prediction with building usage measurements for software-based decision support enprove.eu FIEMSER: Friendly Intelligent Energy Management System for Existing Residential Buildings www.fiemser.eu IntUBE: Intelligent Use of Buildings' Energy Information www.intube.eu PEBBLE: Positive-Energy Buildings through better control decisions ………etc http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/sustainable_growth/funding/prj_buidings/index_en.htm ≈ 44 M€ grants on BEMS (+ ≈ 28 M€ grants on smart grid)

  18. Our aims for Building Energy Efficiency A strong, free, market of cheap, intelligent and user friendly BEMS (and BIM) products and services Covering the full lifecycle of buildings, from design, construction, to operation and refurbishing Participation of all stakeholders: building industry, IT industry, device manufacturers, white goods, home appliances, utilities, telcos, metering industries, etc Public Private Partnership "Energy-efficient Buildings" (EeB) initiative for the construction sector (€1 billion for R&D); EuropeanConstructionTechnologyPlatform (ECTP) http://www.ectp.org/ Energy Efficient Buildings Association (E2BA) http://www.e2b-ei.eu/ • The Green Digital Charter(already signed by 25 cities) • Advisory Group on ICT Infrastructure for energy-efficient buildings and neighbourhoods for carbon-neutral cities • Workshop on ‘Smart sustainable cities and regions' 

  19. Two ideas to retain DR is not only about Grid balancing The energy industry cannot solve it alone Thank you for your attention

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