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NYS Test 2010 (ELA)

NYS Test 2010 (ELA) . Changes & Updates. NYS Test 2010 (ELA). April 26-27 (3,5) April 26-28 (4,6)  May 13th Scoring 40/45 minutes Day 1, 50 minutes Day 2 (listening passage), 60 minutes Day 3. Scores on ARIS by end of June (?). Standards 1, 2, 3 (Changes).

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NYS Test 2010 (ELA)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NYS Test 2010 (ELA) Changes & Updates

  2. NYS Test 2010 (ELA) • April 26-27 (3,5) April 26-28 (4,6)  May 13th Scoring • 40/45 minutes Day 1, 50 minutes Day 2 (listening passage), 60 minutes Day 3. • Scores on ARIS by end of June (?)

  3. Standards 1, 2, 3 (Changes) • Based on standards 1,2, 3 (information, literary response, critical analysis). (Grades 3,5) • CHANGE for grades 4,6: Day 1 based on all 3 standards as stated above……Day 2 based on standard 2……Day 3 based on standard 3.

  4. More Changes & Rumors • LONGER PASSAGES throughout (2 pages grade 3 and 4…..2-3 pages for grades 5 and 6). • Focus on folktales, not fables. • RUMOR: text that doesn’t seem like the genre it is in.

  5. Listening (Day 2) • LISTENING: Articles, biographies/autobiographies, essays, poetry (grades 4-6). Short stories, folktales, poetry, possible realistic/historical fiction (?).

  6. Scoring Changes (Scaled Scores) • 650 3rd Grade = “3” • 670 4th & 5th Grade = “3” • 690 6th Grade = “3” • End of year scores will be harder to achieve vs. January test date (holding students to a higher standard).

  7. Sources of Data • NY Start – Detailed information: look at which students scored certain scale scores. (Students who fall in the “Within” and “Below” Standards Performance Target Range is not safe with the new scaled scores). • ARIS – basic information: look at ELLs and IEPs • TCRWP Assessment Pro: Reading Level vs. State Test report. • Scantron Performance (note weak skills and target instruction) • In-class assessment (notebooks/post-its)

  8. Essay Writing: Grades 4 & 6 – Day 3 • Simple thesis followed by examples (good, acceptable). • 2-Part Thesis (more sophisticated). For example: “I used to think…now I think…” or “In the beginning of the story the character…by the end of the story the character…”. • Write with voice. • Key phrases: “I realized that…” “I noticed that…” – forces details to support thesis statement. • Think about leads for essays with a tie-in to thesis statements. • Note grammar and spelling with an emphasis on interpretation (grades 4-6) and vocabulary.

  9. Focus on Poetry • Poetry (6-7 questions). Note TC Levels K and up. • Infuse poetry into instruction when possible. • What is the poem mostly about? (more about what they just say – something important to the human condition). • Metaphoric understanding (whole text)….(text vs. sub text…plot/words vs. meaning/lessons/message/theme) • Figurative Language (part of the text) and Poetic Devices: comparisons to images, symbols, alliteration, onomatopoeia, angled storytelling, alliteration. • Note author’s point of view/perspective. • Note mood/tone. • Use poetry as examples in writing lessons to teach aspects of writing. • TIP: (1)Finish a book – write a poem………(2)use poems in character, setting lessons, etc. *2 birds/1 stone.

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