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Essential Learnings (SA)

Essential Learnings (SA) Overarching Learning Outcomes (WA) New Basics (Qld) Across Curriculum Perspectives (ACT) EsseNTial Learnings generic skills (Vic) Essential Learnings (SA) Broad Learning outcomes (NSW) Essential Learnings (Tas) Essential Learnings (Tas) Thinking Communicating

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Essential Learnings (SA)

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  1. Essential Learnings (SA)

  2. Overarching Learning Outcomes (WA) New Basics (Qld) Across Curriculum Perspectives (ACT) EsseNTial Learnings generic skills (Vic) Essential Learnings (SA) Broad Learning outcomes (NSW) Essential Learnings (Tas)

  3. Essential Learnings (Tas) • Thinking • Communicating • Personal Futures • Social Responsibility • World Futures

  4. EsseNTial Learnings Tools for LifeNT Curriculum Framework Team, March 2001 • Self-directed and reflective thinker • Persistent and resourceful innovator • Effective communicator and group member • Thoughtful producer and contributor

  5. Sample layout NT Curriculum Framework Team, March 2001

  6. Aboriginal education and Torres Strait Islander education Australian education Environment education Gender equity Information access Language for understanding Multicultural education Special needs education Work education Across Curriculum Perspectives (ACT)

  7. “Classroom teachers, teacher librarians and information technology specialists should • create stimulating learning environments using a range of technologies and information sources • develop information technology skills in students through the appropriate use of computer equipment, software and related technologies, including adaptive technology for students with disabilities • develop the necessary skills in students to manipulate and use information through the information literacy process • extend collaborative work practices and cooperative planning and teaching between classroom teachers, teacher librarians and information technology specialists • give advice and direction to progressively increase students’ independent learning • adapt learning and teaching strategies to emerging computer technologies • apply information skills, especially the ability to use information technology, in the effective handling of information across all curriculum areas • continue to develop their own information skills along with changing technology and resources.”

  8. Broad Learning outcomes (NSW) • understand, develop and communicate ideas and information • access, analyse, evaluate and use information from a variety of sources • work collaboratively with others to achieve individual and collective broad learning outcomes • possess the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain a safe and healthy lifestyle • understand and appreciate the physical,biological and technological world and make responsible and informed decisions about it • understand and appreciate diverse social,cultural,linguistic,political, geographical and historical contexts and participate as active and informed citizens • express themselves through creative activity and engage with the artistic,cultural and intellectual work of others • understand and apply a variety of analytical, creative and management techniques to solve problems and to meet needs and opportunities • understand, interpret and apply concepts related to numerical and spatial patterns, structures and relationships • be productive, creative, discriminating and confident in the development and use of a range of technologies,understanding the implications of technology for society and the environment • understand the work environment and have the knowledge,skills and understanding to evaluate potential career options and pathways • develop a system of personal values based on their understanding of moral,ethical and spiritual matters.

  9. Overarching Learning Outcomes (WA) • Students use language to understand, develop and communicate ideas and information and interact with others. • Students select, integrate and apply numerical and spatial concepts and techniques. • Students recognise when and what information is needed, locate and obtain it from a range of sources and evaluate, use and share it with others. • Students select, use and adapt technologies. • Students describe and reason about patterns, structures and relationships in order to understand, interpret, justify and make predictions. • Students visualise consequences, think laterally, recognise opportunity and potential and are prepared to test options. • Students understand and appreciate the physical, biological and technological world and have the knowledge and skills to make decisions in relation to it. • Students understand their cultural, geographic and historical contexts and have the knowledge, skills and values necessary for active participation in life in Australia. • Students interact with people and cultures other than their own and are equipped to contribute to the global community. • Students participate in creative activity of their own and understand and engage with the artistic, cultural and intellectual work of others. • Students value and implement practices that promote personal growth and well-being. • Students are self-motivated and confident in their approach to learning and are able to work individually and collaboratively. • Student recognise that everyone has the right to feel valued and be safe, and, in this regard, understand their rights and obligations and behave responsibly. Links between the Overarching Statement learning outcomes and the learning outcomes in each of the Learning Areas

  10. generic skills (Vic) “Each key learning area embeds the development of generic skills, including the key competencies and enterprise skills” Essential learning is defined as “the knowledge and skills for each key learning area”. Reference to: • ICT • civics and citizenship • environmental education

  11. New Basics (Qld) Multiliteracies and communications media How do I make sense of, and communicate with, the world? Life Pathways and social futures- Who am I and where am I going? NEW BASICS Active citizenship What are my rights and responsibilities in communities, cultures and economies? Environments and technologies How do I describe, analyse and shape the world around me? PRODUCTIVE PEDAGOGIES RICH TASKS http://education.qld.gov.au/corporate/newbasics

  12. Examples of Rich TasksYears 7-9 #1 - Science and Ethics ConferenceStudents will identify, explore and make judgments on a biotechnological process to which there are ethical dimensions. They will identify scientific techniques used, along with significant recent contributions to the field. They will also research frameworks of ethical principles for coming to terms with an identified ethical issue or question. Using this information, they will prepare pre-conference materials for an international conference that will feature selected speakers who are leading lights in their respective fields. #5 - Personal Career Development PlanStudents will undertake a career planning process. They will describe features of a range of work options and their associated expectations; assess their own existing strengths, interests, achievements and areas to be developed; identify potential careers; and produce an individual career development plan, including an up-to-date résumé. #6 - Opinion-making OracyStudents will make forceful speeches on an issue of international or national significance to three unlike audiences in different forums. #7 - Pi in the SkyStudents will demonstrate an understanding of different mathematical approaches used to frame and answer questions about astronomy asked by cultures from three different historical ages. For each culture, they will immerse themselves in one such question as well as the ways in which the culture used or developed mathematics to frame and answer the question. They will then present one of three lessons, chosen at random, to communicate the essential ideas and techniques of the mathematics of the situation.

  13. Why are all these core skills, KCs and elearnings so important??

  14. How do we do all this?! learner-centred processes: • negotiating their learning and assessment activities  • posing, exploring and answering questions  • actively engaging in the examination of issues and discovery learning  • analysing and challenging issues through dynamic debate  • working on individualised education programs and goals  • collaborating with learners and educators  • demonstrating initiative, curiosity, creativity  • experimenting with ideas and possibilities  • using a wide range of processes to gather and present new information.

  15. How do we do all this?! provide authentic contexts • in community and field experiences • interacting respectfully with various cultures and views  • in virtual learning experiences  • forging local and international learning partnerships  • taking positive local and global social and civic action  • working with community groups to solve problems and devise solutions • using community and global resources  • devising solutions to local and global issues  • demonstrating enterprising attributes.

  16. TLs are on the leading edge: • We have cross-curricular knowledge • We are experienced collaborators • We are aware of teacher needs & departmental requirements • Frontline experience with technology: from SAERIS to SCISweb; from overdues to LIMs • Frontline awareness of how ICT is changing how children learn (often before it changes how teachersteach!)

  17. Implications for TLs: Work with classroom teachers to design and teach assignments that– • encourage student initiative and problem-solving • require analysis, synthesis & evaluation of information • create new understandings/knowledge products • begin with and value what students already know • facilitate collaborative learning • develop their questioning skills • make explicit to students how they are learning • challenge students to unlearn ideas in order to form new understandings Provide time and support structures for all this to happen!

  18. How it can be done • Redesigning assignments • Providing the scaffolds • Staff PD

  19. This page was created by Sue Cartwright © 1999

  20. Ideas for Practice

  21. Insites Select a Learning Area

  22. How do you support teachers to explicitly teach and assess IL skills? • Isearch log • assessment rubrics • vary end-product: unpolished; partial process; back-to-front approach • you teach alongside, not always in library • provide ‘just-in-time’ aid (research templates)

  23. Assessment rubrics & other useful links • http://coe.ilstu.edu/jabraun/braun/professional/rubrics/whinrub.html • http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/assess.html • http://www.hthdeneps.sa.edu.au/workshop/

  24. How do you provide scaffolds for teaching and learning? • -making resources accessible (e.g. Amlib, selection, publicity re:resources & services) • -print or online templates, guides e.g. welcome packs; research templates, brochures, pathfinders[go to WA site] • -intranet [go to ahs site]

  25. Staff PD • -rblonline • -QTP-ICT (Inspiration templates) Don’t think you have to create fresh materials to do this – use what is already available e.g. welcome to use my stuff on rblonline website!

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