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TROPICAL FISH MANAGEMENT. FISH EXAMPLES. TOOTHED CARP. livebearers guppies, mollies, platys, swordtails. family: Poeciliidae. Male Guppy. anal fin moved forward - modified into gonopodium. female. male. Poecilia reticulata - many-colored netlike guppy - up to 2 1/2 inches.
TOOTHED CARP livebearers guppies, mollies, platys, swordtails family: Poeciliidae
Male Guppy anal fin moved forward - modified into gonopodium
female male Poecilia reticulata - many-colored netlike guppy - up to 2 1/2 inches
black lyretail (male) black mollie (male) gold mollies Poecilia latipinna & Poecilia sphenops mollies - 4 inches
platy (female) platy (male) sunset platy Xiphophorous maculatus (platy or moonfish) - 2 1/2 inches & Xiphophorous variatus (varigated platy or variatus platy - 3 inches
Xiphophorus helleri velvet swordtail (female) male
LABYRINTH FISH betta, gourami families: Anabantidae, Belontidae, Helostomatidae, Osphronemidae
wild caught male female Betta splendens betta, Siamese fighting fish 3 inches
red gourami dwarf gourami Colisa lalia (6-8 inches)
Blue or three spot gourami Opaline gourami Trichogaster trichopterus
silver angelfish up to 20 inches angelfish - cross of Pterophllum scalare and P. eimekei
black angelfish gold marble angelfish
discus family: Cichlidae species: Symphysodon aequifasciatus & Symphysodon discus soft water, 80-84 º F average lifespan - 10 years average size - up to 12 inches
Jack Dempsey Cichlasoma octofasciatum soft water, 72-77 º F average size - up to 8 inches
CHARACINS tetras, hatchetfish leporinus, silver dollars
black skirt tetras cardinal tetras
marble hatchet Carnigiella strigata, 1 1/2 inches 5.5 - 7.5 pH, 5-18 dH, 72-82 F
CATFISH egg layers
BRONZE CATFISH Corydoras aeneus Up to 2 inches, pH 5.8-7.0, hardness 2-30 dH, temp 72-79
BANDIT CATFISH Corydoras metae Up to 2 inches, pH 6.5-7.0, hardness 4-5 dH, temp 72-79
PLECOSTOMUS CATFISH family: Loricariidae & Callichthyidae armored, mailed, & plated catfish
ROUND GOBY Neogobius melanostomus 4-10 inches; Great Lakes
LOACHES egg layers
CLOWN LOACH Botia macracanthus up to 12 inches Sumatra & Borneo 75-86 F
KILLIFISH toothed carp egg layers Cyprinodontidae