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TROPICAL FISH MANAGEMENT. FISH EXAMPLES. TOOTHED CARP. livebearers guppies, mollies, platys, swordtails. family: Poeciliidae. Male Guppy. anal fin moved forward - modified into gonopodium. female. male. Poecilia reticulata - many-colored netlike guppy - up to 2 1/2 inches.

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  2. TOOTHED CARP livebearers guppies, mollies, platys, swordtails family: Poeciliidae

  3. Male Guppy anal fin moved forward - modified into gonopodium

  4. female male Poecilia reticulata - many-colored netlike guppy - up to 2 1/2 inches

  5. Guppies (male)

  6. black lyretail (male) black mollie (male) gold mollies Poecilia latipinna & Poecilia sphenops mollies - 4 inches

  7. platy (female) platy (male) sunset platy Xiphophorous maculatus (platy or moonfish) - 2 1/2 inches & Xiphophorous variatus (varigated platy or variatus platy - 3 inches

  8. Xiphophorus helleri velvet swordtail (female) male

  9. LABYRINTH FISH betta, gourami families: Anabantidae, Belontidae, Helostomatidae, Osphronemidae

  10. wild caught male female Betta splendens betta, Siamese fighting fish 3 inches

  11. bettas

  12. red gourami dwarf gourami Colisa lalia (6-8 inches)

  13. Pearl gourami

  14. Blue or three spot gourami Opaline gourami Trichogaster trichopterus


  16. silver angelfish up to 20 inches angelfish - cross of Pterophllum scalare and P. eimekei

  17. black angelfish gold marble angelfish

  18. discus family: Cichlidae species: Symphysodon aequifasciatus & Symphysodon discus soft water, 80-84 º F average lifespan - 10 years average size - up to 12 inches

  19. leopard discus

  20. discus

  21. Jack Dempsey Cichlasoma octofasciatum soft water, 72-77 º F average size - up to 8 inches

  22. CHARACINS tetras, hatchetfish leporinus, silver dollars

  23. black skirt tetras cardinal tetras

  24. marble hatchet Carnigiella strigata, 1 1/2 inches 5.5 - 7.5 pH, 5-18 dH, 72-82 F

  25. CATFISH egg layers

  26. BRONZE CATFISH Corydoras aeneus Up to 2 inches, pH 5.8-7.0, hardness 2-30 dH, temp 72-79

  27. BANDIT CATFISH Corydoras metae Up to 2 inches, pH 6.5-7.0, hardness 4-5 dH, temp 72-79

  28. PLECOSTOMUS CATFISH family: Loricariidae & Callichthyidae armored, mailed, & plated catfish

  29. ROUND GOBY Neogobius melanostomus 4-10 inches; Great Lakes

  30. LOACHES egg layers

  31. CLOWN LOACH Botia macracanthus up to 12 inches Sumatra & Borneo 75-86 F

  32. KILLIFISH toothed carp egg layers Cyprinodontidae

  33. Aphyosemion arnoldi

  34. Aphyosemion australi

  35. Aphyosemion australi

  36. Aphyosemion arnoldi

  37. Aphyosemion bivittatum ekondo

  38. Aphyosemion bivittatum biafra

  39. Aphyosemion cognatum

  40. Aphyosemion liberien

  41. Rivulus amphoreus

  42. Rivulus magdelenae

  43. Rivulus xiphideus

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