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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Question 1 for $100 What is cytokinesis? 50:50 A. Division of the Cytoplasm B. Division of the Nucleus C. Occurs during Interphase D. Occurs only in Meiosis II Question 2 for $200 Sexual reproduction occurs only in _____? 50:50 A. Animal Cells

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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

  2. Question 1 for $100 What is cytokinesis? 50:50 A. Division of the Cytoplasm B. Division of the Nucleus C. Occurs during Interphase D. Occurs only in Meiosis II

  3. Question 2 for $200 Sexual reproduction occurs only in _____? 50:50 A. Animal Cells B. Prokaryotic cells C. Sperm cells D. Eukaryotic cells

  4. Question 3 for $300 How many chromosome pairs are in a human diploid cell? 50:50 A. 40 B. 23 C. 20 D. 46

  5. Question 4 for $500 What is an allele? 50:50 A. Gene for a trait B. Gamete C. Basic unit of heredity D. Condensed DNA

  6. Question 5 for $1,000 What happens during sexual reproduction? 50:50 A. Two diploid body cells combine to become a haploid cell. B. Two haploid gametes combine to become a diploid cell C. Two haploid cells combine to become a diploid cell. D. Two diploid gametes combine to become a haploid cell.

  7. Question 6 for $2,000 What are the final products of meiosis? 50:50 A. Four haploid cells B. Two diploid cells C. Four diploid cells D. Two haploid cells

  8. Question 7 for $4,000 Which of the following is the correct order for the stages in Meiosis II? 50:50 A. telophase II prophase II, anaphase II, metaphase II B. prophase II, telophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II C. prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II D. anaphase II, telophase II, prophase II, metaphase II

  9. Question 8 for $8,000 How do mitosis and meiosis differ? 50:50 A. DNA is not copied before the second division of meiosis B. Cells produced by meiosis are diploid; those from mitosis are haploid C. Fewer cells are produced during meiosis. D. Only cells produced during meiosis have the same genotype as the parent cells

  10. Question 9 for $16,000 _________________ most closely resembles events of mitosis except that the cells are ___________. 50:50 A. Interphase, diploid B. Meiosis II, haploid C. Meiosis II, diploid D. Interphase, haploid

  11. Question 10 for $32,000 One of the earliest events that distinguishes meiosis occurs in prophase I and involves: 50:50 A. Condensation of chromosomes B. Movement of chromosomes toward the metaphase plate C. Loss of nuclear membrane D. Pairing of homologous chromosomes

  12. Question 11 for $64,000 The stage of meiosis where cells become haploid? 50:50 A. Anaphase II B. Prophase I C. Anaphase I D. Prophase II

  13. Question 12 for $125,000 The process of meiosis produces four cells with nonidentical chromosomes. This diversification occurs during: 50:50 A. Prophase II B. Telephase I C. Prophase I D. Metaphase II

  14. Question 13 for $250,000 Who is the scientist that conducted genetics experiments with peas? 50:50 A. Einstein B. Mendel C. Darwin D. Newton

  15. Question 14 for $500,000 During meiosis II, 50:50 A. Homologous pairs align randomly in the center of the cell B. Sister chromatids separate from one another C. Crossing over occurs between homologous chromosomes D. All of the Above

  16. Question 15 for $1 Million What is the old name for meiosis? 50:50 A. Reduction and Division B. Reproduction and Division C. Meiosis I and II D. Replicate and Divide

  17. Ask the Audience Raise your hand for the letter of your choice when your teacher asks you to.

  18. Congratulations! You have won $100 $100 Would you like to try for $200 ?

  19. Congratulations! You have won $200 $200 Would you like to try for $300 ?

  20. Congratulations! You have won $300 $300 Would you like to try for $500 ?

  21. Congratulations! You have won $500 $500 Would you like to try for $1000 ?

  22. Congratulations! You have won You are guaranteed $1,000! You are guaranteed $1,000! Would you like to try for $2,000 ?

  23. Congratulations! You have won $2,000 $2,000 Would you like to try for $4,000 ?

  24. Congratulations! You have won $4,000 $4,000 Would you like to try for $8,000 ?

  25. Congratulations! You have won $8,000 $8,000 Would you like to try for $16,000 ?

  26. Congratulations! You have won $16,000 $16,000 Would you like to try for $32,000 ?

  27. Congratulations! You have won You are guaranteed $32,000! You are guaranteed $32,000! Would you like to try for $64,000 ?

  28. Congratulations! You have won $64,000 $64,000 Would you like to try for $125,000 ?

  29. Congratulations! You have won $125,000 $125,000 Would you like to try for $250,000 ?

  30. Congratulations! You have won $250,000 $250,000 Would you like to try for $500,000 ?

  31. Congratulations! You have won $500,000 $500,000 Would you like to try for 1 Million ?

  32. Phone a Friend! Which student in class would you like to ask for help.

  33. I’m Sorry! That is not the correct answer!

  34. Congratulations! You have won $1,000,000 $1,000,000

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