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Ancient World History Triple Jeopardy!

Ancient World History Triple Jeopardy!. The Parthenon, seen here, is perhaps the most famous example of the architecture of this ancient civilization. Contributions… - 30 Points.

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Ancient World History Triple Jeopardy!

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  1. Ancient World History Triple Jeopardy! Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  2. The Parthenon, seen here, is perhaps the most famous example of the architecture of this ancient civilization. Contributions… - 30 Points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  3. Beautiful, watercolor paintings done on wet plaster called __________ can be found adorning the walls of the palace at Knossos, Crete. Contributions… - 60 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  4. Ptolemy, a Hellenistic scientist, mathematician and astronomer in Alexandria, Egypt, proposed his theory that this was at the center of the universe, an idea that was accepted in the Western world for nearly 1,500 years. Contributions – 90 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  5. This legendary Greek mathematician derived a formula to calculate the relationship between the sides of a right triangle. Contributions… – 120 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  6. This Roman physician applied practical knowledge of medicine to improve public health, as well as collecting medical information in a series of encyclopedias. Contributions… – 150 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  7. What event is portrayed here? I Spy… 30 Points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  8. His conversion to Christianity unified the Franks. I Spy… - 60 Points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  9. I Spy… – 90 Points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  10. I Spy… – 120 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  11. I Spy… – 150 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  12. Caesar may have conquered Gaul, but he, Caesar’s co-consul, made his mark when he rid the Mediterranean of pirates in a mere 3 months! War in the Ancient World – 30 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  13. Thank this man, the “father of history,” for his comprehensive The Persian Wars. Note: Not… War in the Ancient World – 60 Points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  14. It was during this Punic War that the legendary Carthaginian general Hannibal crossed the Alps into Italy with war elephants. War in the Ancient World – 90 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  15. Philip II of Macedonia made his mark by conquering the Greek mainland, but it was his son, Alexander, who would go on to wage a successful military campaign against this formidable opponent to the east. War in the Ancient World – 120 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  16. It was here in 479 B.C.E. that a combined Greek force dealt the final blow to the Persian empire, ending the Persian wars. War in the Ancient World – 150 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  17. Although many sources from antiquity paint this Roman emperor as tyrannical, perhaps even insane, there is little disputing the fierceness of this fifth emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty’s neck beard. Potent Potentates – 30 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  18. He conquered the known world, all by the time he was 30 years old. Still pretty young… Potent Potentates – 60 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  19. This guy was no joke; the Romans called him “The scourge of the Earth.” During the 430s C.E. , there were few people more terrifying to Europeans. Potent Potentates – 90 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  20. In C.E. 122, this “good” emperor took steps to contain the Caledonians, located in present-day northern England/Scotland. Potent Potentates – 120 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  21. She was in control of Egypt prior to Roman intervention. Potent Potentates – 150 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  22. “So there I was, just sitting around the town square, asking people about their beliefs and questioning them in a way that would help them to examine the implications of their own answer. The next thing you know, I’m on trial for corrupting the youth of Athens! P.S. Hemlock has a terrible after taste.” Quotes – 30 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  23. “You guys have to be kidding me! We defeated the Persians, established outposts of Hellenism all across the known world, and now… now you want to quit? I was just getting started” Quotes – 60 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  24. “Disband my army? The nerve of that Pompey. Just because he was once married to my daughter doesn’t mean that he can tell me what to do. Mark Antony, organize the men; tomorrow we march on Rome.” Quotes – 90 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  25. From a letter: “I cannot see as my eyes have been gouged out. I cannot speak as my tongue has been severed. I beg of you, Charles, please help me set this situation with the Roman nobles in order. Without your assistance, I fear that the position of the Church is in great danger!” Quotes – 120 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

  26. “Diary entry: September 4th, 476 C.E.: I fear that I may have underestimated this “Odoacer.” I hoped that I would rule for at least one year, but alas, I fear that my reign may be little more than 10 months.” Quotes – 150 points Ancient World History Jeopardy Rd. 3

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