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VOCABULARY PART 1. Mr. Crabs is very miserly . I would say money is his one love. Mr. Paulsen had been married for fifty years and always hated going home to see his termagant . Not wanting her to notice his looking at her paper, he saw her answers askance .

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  2. Mr. Crabs is very miserly. I would say money is his one love. • Mr. Paulsen had been married for fifty years and always hated going home to see his termagant. • Not wanting her to notice his looking at her paper, he saw her answers askance. • He hesitated to jump to the next rock because it looked precarious. • Tired and worn out, he fell prostrate on the ground. • The soldiers charged the impregnable wall, unsure they would be able to break it down.

  3. She felt very sad after seeing that very melancholy movie. • Bruce Banner becomes the HULK when he waxes angry. • He surmised that the answer was C because all the other answers were ridiculous. • Mr. Crab’s avarice is very obvious when he is around money. • He tried his best to propitiate his mom, so that she would let him go to the movies. • The very obstinate child refused to get off the floor. • He was a very greedy usurer when it came to lending money to clients.

  4. The sky provided verypropitious conditions for a day of football. • He exacted my phone from me when I refused to put it away. • The elderly lady was a firm censurer when it came to others passing notes during church. • His parmesan was superfluous, because we had already eaten all the pizza. • She was blessed to be part of a wonderful parish, who took care of her and her baby. • She kept her coffer hidden under her bed because it had all of her most expensive jewelry in it.

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