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Stay up to date with the latest Texas Equity Toolkit and PR1500 program updates. Learn about important dates, submission deadlines, and certification requirements for educators. Ensure compliance with English language proficiency regulations.
Human Resources Advisory CouncilAugust 30, 2018 Facilitated by Melissa Aguero Ramirez HR Administrator Region One ESC
Welcome, Introductions, & Announcements • New • Retirements
Program Updates • Educator Preparation Programs – Dr. Andrea Cruz & Sandy McConaughy
Texas Equity Toolkit & PR1500 • Texas Equity Plans will be from August 31st to November 1st of 2018 • https://texasequitytoolkit.org/ • PR1500 • Snapshot date: 10/2/18 • Deadline: 11/14/18 • Technical assistance: October 31, 2018; workshop #91265
Texas Equity Plan and PR1500 Important Dates Equity Plan August 31, 2018 - Equity Plan Submissions Open November 1, 2018 - Equity Plan Submissions Close November 16, 2018 - ESC Equity Leads follow-up with those districts that are pending EP submissions December 7, 2018 - Team Goal (TEA and ESC Equity Leads) 100% of plans submitted December 10, 2018 to February 1, 2019 – ESC Equity Leads follow-up with districts on next steps (plan status, need for further revisions, etc.) PR1500 September 14, 2018 - PR1500 Submissions Open October 2, 2018 - Data Snapshot Date for PR1500 November 14, 2018 - PR1500 Submission Close November 30, 2018 – ESC Equity Leads follow-up with those districts that are pending PR1500 submissions November 30, 2018 – TEA generates list of pending PR1500s December 14, 2018 - Team Goal (TEA and ESC Equity Leads) 100% of PR1500s submitted
General certification requirements • (b) An applicant for a Texas educator certificate must: • (5) be able to communicate, listen, read, write, and comprehend the English language sufficiently to use it easily and readily in daily communication and teaching. English language proficiency shall be evidenced by one of the following: • (A) completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States; or • (B) verification of minimum scaled scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) of 24 for speaking, 22 for listening, 22 for reading, and 21 for writing; or • (C) if an undergraduate or graduate degree was earned at an institution of higher education in a country outside of the United States listed in the figure provided in this subparagraph.
English Language Proficiency • Effective October 22, 2017, English language proficiency requirements have been amended, including new score requirements for the Test of English as a Foreign Language - Internet Based Test (TOEFLiBT) [TAC §230.11(b)(5)(A-C)]. • Educators who apply for certification after October 22, 2017 are required to demonstrate English language proficiency by fulfilling one of the following requirements: • • Completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States, not including US Territories. • • Completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree earned at an institution of higher education in a country outside of the United States approved by the State for Educator Certification (SBEC). • • Verification of minimum scaled scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT). To have scores submitted directly to TEA use the agency code 8225. • Speaking 24 • Listening 22 • Reading 22 • Writing 21
Countries in which English is the Official Language • satisfy the English language proficiency requirement specified in 19 TAC §230.11(b)(5)(C). • must have earned an undergraduate or graduate degree from an institution of higher education on the SBEC-approved list of countries.
Effective dates of new Probationary/Intern certificates • The date of the certificate will show the effective date (internship begin date) that was entered on the recommendation screen • 19 TAC 230.97(a)(4) covers the district for the entire month the certificate was issued. • If a district needs the effective date to be earlier than the first day of the internship (like the first day of the contract) so that the earlier date shows up on the certificate, the EPP can enter an earlier effective date in the “internship begin date” section of the recommendation screen.
Effective dates of new Probationary/Intern certificates If an EPP does this, it will be very important that the EPP enters the correct date of the first instructional day with students (internship begin date) in the “beginning date of assignment” section on the upload observations screen.
School District Teaching Permit (for Noncore Academic CTE courses) • Authorized by TEC 21.055 d-1 effective 9/1/15 • Eligible courses – courses NOT eligible to satisfy graduation course credit for math, science, language arts, or social studies • Website for district permits: http://tea.texas.gov/index2.aspx?id=25769812546
School District Teaching Permit (for Noncore Academic CTE courses) • Qualifications – • Bachelors degree is NOT required • professional work experience • formal training and education • relevant industry license, certification, or registration • any combination of work experience, training and education, or industry credential related to the subject matter he or she will be teaching • Superintendent makes determination • Classroom Management training – 20 hours plus any other Board PD requirement • Criminal history • Required notification • Commissioner of education via permit • Parent notification
School District Teaching Permit (for Noncore Academic CTE courses) • Employment contract • Not eligible if he or she: • has or previously had a valid Texas teaching certificate or out-of-state teaching certificate; • has applied for a teaching certificate and the application has been denied; • has or once had a teaching certificate that has been sanctioned or revoked; • has taken but has not passed a Texas teacher certification exam(s); or • has a pending application for a SBEC teaching certificate. • valid • for classroom teaching assignments only • as long as employed by district • Questions: sdtp@tea.texas.gov
Certification by exam for school districts • School districts now have the option to review work experience for certification in: • marketing, • health science, • and trades and industrial education • School districts are not required to offer this service. • http://tea.texas.gov/Texas_Educators/Certification/Career_and_Technical_Education_(CTE)/Certification_by_Examination_through_School_Districts/
Certification by exam for school districts School District Instructions • Email your request to obtain the School District Approval form. You must include the district phone number, certified administrator's TEA ID number and direct district email for confirmation. A teacher may not request the verification form. • Email your questions about specific work experience not found in the Texas Administrative Code (19 TAC §233.14) to the CTE team. • School districts should establish procedures to designate the certified administrator who will review the SOQ. The administrator should also notify the Human Resource Department because the addition of this certification may impact creditable years of service for salary increment purposes (19 TAC §153.1021 [i]).
Certification by exam for school districts Educator Instructions • You must hold a current valid classroom Texas teaching certificate and bachelor's degree to add an area by examination. • Verify your district is offering this service. • Complete a Statement Of Qualifications (SOQ) and submit with any additional documentation required to the designated certified administrator of your employing school district. • An authorized certified school administrator must review and verify your SOQ. • If the experience is approved, the school district will submit verification to the TEA. • TEA will review the verification, and if eligible, approve the appropriate test. • TEA will email the educator and the school district once test approval has been given. • You must verify passing test results in your TEA educator account under View Examinations. • You must call TEA at 512-936-8400, option 2, for application instructions.
New Test Exemptions for Educators Who Hold a Standard Certificate Outside of Texashttps://tea.texas.gov/Texas_Educators/Certification/Out-of-State_Certification/Out-of-State_Test_Exemptions/ • A review of credentials application and $164 fee, and all required documentation as indicated on the application. • Official verification of tests taken for issuance of licensure outside of Texas. This form must be returned directly from the licensing agency and will not be accepted from the educator. • Service record completed by the employing school, verifying required years of experience: • Classroom teachers: 1 academic year of verifiable, wage-earning, full-time experience as a classroom teacher • Administrator and student service certificates: 2 academic years of verifiable, wage-earning, full-time experience in the certificate area. • Verification of accreditation is required if service was earned in a private school or in any school outside of the United States.
Educator Certification Examination Retake Limit Change • limited to a total of 5 attempts to pass a certification examination under Texas Education Code §21.048. • Beginning September 1, 2018, all attempts of the same examination, no matter when they occurred, will count toward the 5-attempt testing limit regardless of when the examination was first attempted. • Candidates, educators, and others who took certification examinations before September 1, 2015 and have not yet passed those examinations will find more information in the candidate guidance document. • Testers impacted by the change must take their examination(s) by August 31, 2018 if the new test attempt counting method will make them ineligible on September 1, 2018. • Candidates who reach the 5-time testing limit must apply for a test-limit waiver to retest.
Principal Certification Redesign • All candidates will need to pass the new TExES Principal (268) and complete the Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) to obtain a standard principal certification starting on 9/1/2019. • Candidates who pass the TExES Principal (268) assessment by 8/31/2019 will be exempt from the PASL and will receive their standard certification with a passing score on the TExES Principal (268) test if they complete all other certification requirements (e.g., course work, practicum) by 8/31/2019 and apply and are recommended for certification by 10/30/2019.
Principal Certification Redesign • The TExES Principal (268) test will be offered for free to eligible candidates during the initial testing windows in December 2018 through January 2019. Eligible candidates include only those candidates who have never attempted the TExES Principal (068) test. Scores for the initial testing period will be reported in late June or early July 2019. • The PASL will become available to candidates in fall of 2019. • Given the timing of the changes above, it is recommended that all principal candidates entering programs on 1/1/2018 or later begin preparation for the TExES Principal (268) and PASL assessments. • The TExES Principal (068) test will be available to first-time test takers through 12/31/2018 and for re-testers through 8/31/2019
Bilingual/ESL updates Presented by Karina E. Chapa, M.Ed. Language Proficiency, Biliteracy and Cultural Diversity Director Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Office Region One Education Service Center
TTESS/TPESS / AEL updates Presented by Sandra McConaughy, Director Center for Leadership Excellence Region One ESC
PEIMS Update Presented by Diana E. Perez Specialist – PEIMS/Data Analytics Please see separate PDF powerpoint handout
2018-19 Teacher Shortage Areas/Loan Forgiveness Programs • Bilingual/English as a Second Language – Elementary and Secondary Levels • Special Education – Elementary and Secondary Levels • Career and Technical Education – Secondary Levels (including Technology Applications and Computer Science) • Mathematics – Secondary Levels For more information: Email teacherloanforgiveness@tea.texas.gov or visit http://tea.texas.gov/Texas_Educators/Educator_Initiatives_and_Performance/Student_Loan_Forgiveness_for_Teachers/
Class Size Exception • Submit a request for any classrooms in kindergarten - fourth grade that exceed the 22 students class size limit (Texas Education Code §25.112). • Board of trustees must approve this request within 30 days after the class size was exceeded. • Class size limits do not apply to physical education classes or fine arts classes • Expires at the end of the school year if granted • Class size limitations generally apply throughout the school year, with the exceptions noted below: • Any twelve-week period selected by the district with a significant percentage of migratory children (25.112(1)), or • The last twelve weeks of any school year for all other districts • Considerations: unanticipated enrollment growth, lack of facilities, lack of teachers, or financial hardships. http://tea.texas.gov/Texas_Schools/Waivers/State_Waivers/Maximum_Class_Size_Exceptions/
Notifying Parents of an Exception • An LEA granted a class size exception shall provide written notice of the exception to the parent (or person standing in parental relation to) of each student affected by the exception. The notice must be in bold or underlined print and must: • specify the particular class for which a class size exception was granted, • state the number of students in the class for which the exception was granted, and • be delivered through regular mail or other means of communication from the campus or district, such as information sent home with students. • The notice described above must be provided no later than the 31st day after the first day of the school year, or the date the exception is granted, if the exception is granted after the beginning of the school year. The district must maintain documentation of the notices provided to parents, subject to a request for review by the TEA (TEC §25.113). • A school district that repeatedly fails to comply with class size requirements may be subject to actions under TEC §39.102, Interventions and Sanctions for Districts (TEC §25.112(f)).
Annual Notification of Non-Discrimination in CTE • prior to the beginning of each school year, every district providing CTE programs must advise students, parents, employees, and the general public that all career and technical education opportunities will be offered without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. • Local newspapers, websites, or other media that reach the general public may be utilized to disseminate the required notification. Information regarding this requirement can be found in Section IV - O of the Guidelines under Public Notification. • English and Spanish version of a sample public notification form • Questions? contact Gordon Franzen by phone at (512) 463-5226 or by e-mail at gordon.franzen@tea.texas.gov