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We decided to do 2 different experiments on soil pollution .

We decided to do 2 different experiments on soil pollution. EXPERIMENT 1: We got some soil and put them in 5 different pots and planted green pepper in it. We wanted to see what happened when we water these peppers with different ‘ water ’.

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We decided to do 2 different experiments on soil pollution .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wedecidedto do 2 differentexperiments on soilpollution.

  2. EXPERIMENT 1: Wegotsomesoiland put them in 5 differentpotsandplantedgreenpepper in it.

  3. Wewantedtoseewhathappenedwhenwewaterthesepepperswithdifferent ‘water’.

  4. Olive is one of themainincomesources in Orhangazi. Oliveproducerspourthewater (in whichtheywasholive) intothesoil.Againanothermainindustry is pickle. Therearemanycompaniesproducingpickle in thevillages. Thesecompaniespourtheirwasteintothesoil. Onebigpollution problem is usedoil. Manycitizenspourtheoiljustintothesoil in theirgardenortothetrash bin orjustintothesinkafterusing it.Anotherbig problem is thechemicalsused in agriculture. Most of thesechemicalsareappliedwithwatering.

  5. Wedecidedtowatertheseedswithdifferenttypes of water. Ineachtype of waterwewouldmixolivewater, wasteoil, picklewater, andchemicals. One of themwould be wateredwith tap water. Wecouldmeasureonlytheheight of theplants. Althoughweintendedtohavethesoilandplantexamined in labs, wecouldn’tfindsuch a lab in ourarea.Herearethegrowingresults:

  6. Tap water

  7. Olivewater (thisonediedsoonafterplanting)

  8. Pickle water (this one died after three measurements)

  9. Chemical (this one died after three measurements)

  10. Waste oil

  11. EXPERIMENT 2: Inthisexperimentwecollectedsoilfromdifferentplaces in Orhangazi. Therearemanyfactories in ourtownincludingheavyindustry.

  12. Wetriedtogetsoilfromplacesnearthesefactories.

  13. Wewantedtofindouthowthesefactorieseffectedthesoil.

  14. Wewateredtheplantswithsamewater (tap water)

  15. Of coursewecollectedsoilfrom ‘clean’ places, too. Herearetheresults:

  16. One of the biggest factories in Orhangazi called ‘Asil Çelik’ producing steel

  17. A Factory called ‘Componenta’ producing car parts

  18. A village near Mount Ulu, which is famous for its clean air and green environment. CUMALIKIZIK

  19. A village near Orhangazi; Çakırlı

  20. The school yard

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