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REA 0002

REA 0002 . Vocabulary Chapters 9 and 10. bolster. You can bolster your grade by doing some extra credit. To support To hold up Strengthen or reinforce Support with a rigid object. depreciate. The value of your car will depreciate the moment you drive it off the lot.

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REA 0002

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Presentation Transcript

  1. REA 0002 Vocabulary Chapters 9 and 10

  2. bolster • You can bolster your grade by doing some extra credit. • To support • To hold up • Strengthen or reinforce • Support with a rigid object

  3. depreciate • The value of your car will depreciate the moment you drive it off the lot. • To become less valuable • To fall or decrease in value or price • To lower the value of

  4. indiscriminate • I made too many indiscriminate choices when I went shopping last week. • Not selective • Not chosen carefully • Not based on careful selection

  5. inquisitive • Inquisitive students do much better than those who are less curious. • Questioning • Curious • Eager to learn

  6. nebulous • The student gave me a nebulous reason about his absence. • Indefinite • Vague • unclear

  7. relegate • When you had family dinners, did your parents relegate the younger children to eat in the kitchen. • To send • To assign to a less important or less satisfying position, place or condition

  8. replete • The Thanksgiving table was replete with all my favorite foods. • Filled • Plentifully supplied • Well filled

  9. sedentary • My job is very sedentary. I do not get much exercise. • Involving much sitting • Marked by much sitting • Requiring or taking little exercise

  10. tenet • One tenet of the Christian religion is to do unto others as you want them to do to you. • A principle • A belief or principle held to be true by an individual or group

  11. terse • This is an example of a terse sentence. • Short • Brief and clear • Effectively concise

  12. autonomy • We all want autonomy. But we cannot always do just what we want. • Freedom from control • Independence • Self-government

  13. bureaucratic • MCC is an example of a bureaucratic system. • Over-regulated • Insisting on strict rules and routine often to the point of hindering effectiveness

  14. mandate • George W. Bush felt he had a mandate from the people when he won the election. • An authorization • A group’s expressed wishes • Clear Signal to act • Voter’s wish

  15. ostracize • We did not want to ostracize John from the class. But, his behavior required it. • To reject • To expel or exclude from a group

  16. raucous • The class became raucous when the teacher announced the surprise test. • Disorderly • Noisy and disorderly • boisterous

  17. recourse • I had no recourse but to sue him for my injuries. • A way to get help • A source of help, security or strength • Something to turn to

  18. reiterate • Let me reiterate. The test will be on Friday. • To repeat • To state again or repeatedly

  19. tantamount • Buying coffee at Starbucks is tantamount to robbery. • Just like • Equal in effect or value • The same as

  20. tenacious • The hero had a tenacious grasp on the side of the mountain. • grasping strongly • Holding firm • Persistent • stubborn

  21. utopia • It might be nice to live in utopia. • A paradise • An ideal or perfect place or state • A place achieving social or political perfection

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