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REA 0002

Understand the importance of supporting details in texts, identify major and minor details, practice outlining and mapping, and enhance summarizing skills. Learn to recognize key clues for finding important information.

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REA 0002

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  1. REA 0002 Chapter 3 Supporting Details

  2. Supporting Details • What are they? • The reasons, examples, facts, steps, or other kind of evidence that explain the main idea. • Page 93 – read the paragraph about the penny. • What are the three major details?

  3. Main Idea – But there are now good reasons for our government to phase the penny out of the economy. • Supporting Detail 1: Pennies take up more space than they are worth. • Supporting Detail 2: Pennies are a nuisance to the business community. • Supporting Detail 3: Pennies cost the nation as a whole.

  4. What do supporting details do? • They give specific information that explains more about the main idea. • How does it help you to be able to recognize these supporting details? • Can find the important details in the story.

  5. Major and Minor Details • Major details are ones that explain and develop the main idea. • Minor details are ones that fill out and give more information about the major details. • Page 95 – T V violence again.

  6. Outlining • Outlining is a way to organize your thoughts. • I. Main Idea • Major detail • Minor detail • Minor detail • Major detail • Minor detail • Minor detail • Major detail

  7. Clues to help you find the list of details. • Look for words that tell you a list of details is coming. (We saw these before!) • Page 96 - Just some examples: • Several kinds of four steps a few reasons • Among the results a series of three factors • Several advantages various causes • A number of

  8. Another Clue • Look for words that signal major details. • These are the addition words! • We have seen these before too. Page 97 • Practice 1 - p. 98

  9. The Outline • Main Idea: A few important approaches will prevent illness among the poor. • Major Detail 1: Focus on preventive health services. • Major Detail 2: Offer more extensive prenatal care. • Major Detail 3: Fight social conditions of poverty that breed disease. • B. The crowd…. P 99

  10. Another way to use details • Mapping – visual outlines that show relationships between main ideas and supporting details. • Practice – p 100 – Check Your Understanding

  11. And Yet One More! • Summarizing – Reducing a large amount of information into its most important points. • Could be main idea and supporting details. • Could be just the key terms (when taking notes) often followed by an example. • Practice 4 - p. 106 - A

  12. Chapter Review • Major and minor details provide the added information you need to make sense of a main idea. • List words and addition words can help you to find major and minor supporting details. • Outlining, mapping and summarizing are useful note-taking strategies.

  13. More Review • Outlines show the relationship between the main idea, major details, and minor details of a passage. • Maps are very visual outlines. • Writing a definition and summarizing an example is a good way to take notes on a new term.

  14. Group Practice • Review Test 1 (108-109) • Review Test 2 (109-110) • Home work • Review Test 4

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