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ILC Funding in Europe and Asia

Report on current R&D expenditures for Europe and Asia related to ILC. Breakdown of funding sources and projections for future developments.

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ILC Funding in Europe and Asia

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  1. ILC Funding in Europe and Asia Current R&D expenditures for Europe and Asia reported to GDE for current fiscal year (JFY starts 4/1; EUFY starts 3/1). Europe provided M&S and SWF direct funding. Adding indirect and overheads as done in US (average of SLAC and FNAL rates) and associating half the expenditures for the DESY XFEL as synergistic to ILC gives total (US accounting) of $58M. SWF to M&S ratio similar to US. Japan gives only M&S direct (not including funding though industry). Scaling their estimate up by European SWF/M&S ratio, adding indirect and overheads as above, and estimating total expenditures in China, S. Korea, India at $5M gives Asian total (US accounting) of $58M. Future outlook: Proposal to EU Framework 7 program for $100M level facilities. Both India and China indicate substantial increase in ILC funding. Increase detector R&D funding in Japan.

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