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Introduction to Endnote

Introduction to Endnote. SEMINAR HYDR - Boud Verbeiren Sources: www.endnote.com & Library TU Delft. Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering. Reference manager software. Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering. OPEN SOURCE. WHY?.

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Introduction to Endnote

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  1. Introduction to Endnote SEMINAR HYDR - Boud Verbeiren Sources: www.endnote.com & Library TU Delft Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering

  2. Reference manager software Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering OPEN SOURCE

  3. WHY? Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering Source: PPT Library TU Delft Seminar HYDR 24 06 2009 | pag. 3

  4. WHY? Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering Automatic! own db Conclusion Using a reference manager makes writing and integrating references faster and easier! Source: PPT Library TU Delft Seminar HYDR 24 06 2009 | pag. 4

  5. WHAT? Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering • EndNote = bibliographic database • EndNote functionality • Store references • Manage references • Share references • Almost eliminate typing references (and errors!) • Easy formatting in MS word documents Seminar HYDR 24 06 2009 | pag. 5

  6. Database outline Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering FIELDS Author Year Title Journal Ref.Type ... RECORDS Seminar HYDR 24 06 2009 | pag. 6

  7. Store references Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering 1. Manually add references 2. Export from database, import into EndNote • Web of Science, Scopus, SciFinder Scholar, PubMed, IEEExplore, ABI-Inform, ScienceDirect, Swetswise, Google Scholar, Scirus, Library catalogue, etc. • Different formats: RIS, text, etc. TAG format Seminar HYDR 24 06 2009 | pag. 7

  8. Store references Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering • Reference type  fields • Linking documents: PDF, figures, etc. Seminar HYDR 24 06 2009 | pag. 8

  9. Manage references Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering • Organizing & Sorting • Retrieving • Editing • Adding and removing fields • Editing fields  personal notes! • Subject listing  Create list of your database references (or subset) Seminar HYDR 24 06 2009 | pag. 9

  10. Sharing references Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering • Easy to share references with colleagues • Complete or subset of your own database (including the papers!) IDEA: Creating a HYDR database? (limitation: all have to use the same software) Seminar HYDR 24 06 2009 | pag. 10

  11. Cite while you write (CWYW) Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering • Finding and inserting into paper while writing • Automated formatting and updating Seminar HYDR 24 06 2009 | pag. 11

  12. Examples Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering 1) Finding paper in online database 2) Create own database 3) Importing reference into EndNote • RIS format (.ris) • Direct export (Web Of Science) 4) Linking PDF 5) Edit reference (notes) 6) Retrieve in own reference database 7) Use in MS Word Document 8) Make subject listing Seminar HYDR 24 06 2009 | pag. 12

  13. Conclusion & Discussion Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering • Conclusion: A reference manager is a indispensable tool for researchers! • Discussion: How to organise your database? • One complete >< diff. Separate • Where to store PDFs? • How too « mark » and retrieve? • Experiences and/or suggestions? • Questions? Seminar HYDR 24 06 2009 | pag. 13

  14. References Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic engineering Good luck! • Website: www.endnote.com  Online tutorials • Presentation Library TU Delft Seminar HYDR 24 06 2009 | pag. 14

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